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Prerequisites: Python GUI – tkinter, Read csv using pandas CSV file is a Comma Separated Value file that uses a comma to separate values. It… Read More
Taylor Series is the series which is used to find the value of a function. It is the series of polynomials or any function and… Read More
Given an array arr[] where every element occurs K times except one element which occurs only once, the task is to find that unique element.Examples: … Read More
Given a 2D grid arr[][] of ‘W’ and ‘L’ where ‘W’ denotes water and ‘L’ denotes land, the task is to find the minimum number… Read More
Given a rooted tree with N nodes, the task is to find the Lowest Common Ancestor for a given set of nodes V of that… Read More
Before going to the code it is requested to work on a Jupyter notebook or ipython notebook. If not installed on your machine you can… Read More
Given a circular array arr of N integers, the task is to minimize the maximum absolute difference of adjacent elements of the array without any… Read More
Introduction : Often, there is a need to initiate an Android app with an already existing database. This is called prepopulating a database. In this… Read More
Given a string S consisting of alphabets [‘A’ – ‘Z’], the task is to find the minimum number of operations required to make frequency of… Read More
Given a matrix of size N consisting of 0‘s and 1‘s, the task is to find the minimum time required to fill the entire matrix… Read More
Mealy machine is a finite-state machine, its current state and the current inputs determines the output of this machine.  There is no final state in… Read More
Given a string S, an integer K and set of characters Q[], the task is to find the longest substring in string S which contains… Read More
Both Socket and Port are the terms used in Transport Layer. A port is a logical construct assigned to network processes so that they can… Read More
R-matrix is a two-dimensional arrangement of data in rows and columns. In a matrix, rows are the ones that run horizontally and columns are the… Read More
Given a string S, the task is to find out the minimum no of adjacent swaps required to make string s palindrome. If it is… Read More
Given two integers, N and M, denoting dimensions of a chessboard. The task is to count ways to place a black and a white knight… Read More
Many people messaged me how you achieved 4 stars in only 3 contests in a month interval.That sounds amazing! But the reality is I am… Read More
Given an array arr[] of size N, the task is to find the count of all arithmetic sequences in the array.  Examples:  Input: arr =… Read More
In statistics, skewness and kurtosis are the measures that tell about the shape of the data distribution, or simply, both are numerical methods to analyze… Read More