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Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a computational model based on the biological neural networks of animal brains. ANN is modeled with three types of layers:… Read More
Logarithm and Power are two very important mathematical functions that help in the calculation of data that is growing exponentially with time. First is the… Read More
Given the length L and breadth B of two identical rectangles, the task is to find the minimum area of a square in which the… Read More
Given three integers a, b and c. You need to select one integer from the range [a, b] and one integer from the range [b,… Read More
1. ALTER Command: ALTER SQL command is a DDL (Data Definition Language) statement. ALTER is used to update the structure of the table in the… Read More
XML which stands for Extensible Markup Language is made up of markup tags, wherein each tag illustrates the information carried by the particular attribute in… Read More
Given a numeric string N and an integer K, the task is to split digits of N into subparts such that the number of segments… Read More
Given an array arr[] containing N elements, the task is to count the number of sub-arrays whose XOR of all the elements is equal to… Read More
Given a numeric string str, the task is to find the smallest integer that can be formed by swapping adjacent digits of distinct parity. Examples:… Read More
Given a polynomial string str, the task is to integrate the given string and print the string after integrating it. Note: The input format is… Read More
Given a very large number N, the task is to find the factorial of the number using Log. Factorial of a non-negative integer is the… Read More
Standard output stream(cout): cout is the instance of the ostream class. cout is used to produce output on the standard output device which is usually… Read More
NULL Pointer: The integer constant zero(0) has different meanings depending upon it’s used. In all cases, it is an integer constant with the value 0,… Read More
Prerequisites: MVC Design Pattern, Spring MVC with JSP ViewSpring MVC framework enables separation of modules namely Model, View and Controller and seamlessly handles the application… Read More
Would not it be cool, if you would be greeted by your favorite movie quotes? Let us see how to make this happen. Before moving… Read More
Introduction – 8051 is one of the first and most popular microcontrollers also known as MCS-51. Intel introduced it in the year 1981. Initially, it… Read More
Exporting Data from the R Programming Language is done on a prompt/terminal which is not stored anywhere. But in the software industry, most of the… Read More
Round 1: Round 1 for “Micro Focus” on-campus placement process was Online Aptitude Test. The Aptitude Test was conducted on HackerEarth platform. There were 50… Read More
Before starting with the concept, let’s go through the terminology in detail. The word parsing means to divide something into its components and then describe… Read More
The task is to create an HTML form dynamically with the help of JavaScript. There are two approaches that are discussed below.Approach 1: Use document.createElement()… Read More