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Given a string S and an integer K, the task is to find the number of substrings which consists of at least K pairwise distinct… Read More
Microsoft IDC came to our campus for hiring summer intern in area of software development. My experience was really awesome as I had given my… Read More
ROUND 1 It was on the HackerEarth, it consist of 3 coding question of medium level. 28 students got selected after this round ROUND 2… Read More
JavaScript is a programming language used for web development, while jQuery is a library written in JavaScript, simplifying tasks like DOM manipulation, event handling, and… Read More
Sometimes the data entered into a text field needs to be in the right format and must be of a particular type in order to… Read More
Both align-content and align-items function on the cross-axis.Cross-axis in flexbox is dependent on the flex-direction and runs perpendicular to the main-axis, if flex-direction is either… Read More
Let us see how to highlight specific columns of a Pandas DataFrame. We can do this using the apply() function of the Styler class. Styler.apply() … Read More
Python, Given a dictionary, perform sort, basis on keys or values. [ applicable Python >=3.6v ]. Input : test_dict = {“Gfg” : 5, “is” :… Read More
Data Visualization is an extremely important part of Data Analysis. After all, there is no better way to understand the hidden patterns and layers in… Read More
assertNotEqual() in Python is a unittest library function that is used in unit testing to check the inequality of two values. This function will take… Read More
Prerequisites: DFS, Trees, DSUGiven a tree with of N nodes from value 1 to N and E edges and array arr[] which denotes number associated… Read More
Given a 2D grid arr[][] with different characters, the task is to detect whether it contains a cycle or not. A sequence of characters or… Read More
Given an array arr[] of N integers, the task is to find if the array can be divided into 2 sub-array such that the first… Read More
Given an integer N, the task is to find the total count of N-Digit numbers such that the Bitwise XOR of the digits of the… Read More
Decision function is a method present in classifier{ SVC, Logistic Regression } class of sklearn machine learning framework. This method basically returns a Numpy array,… Read More
Our task is to print the element which occurs 3 consecutive times in a Python list. Example : Input : [4, 5, 5, 5, 3, 8]… Read More
What is H – index ? ‘H’ stands for Hirsch index as it was proposed by the J.E. Hirsch in 2005. The h-index is defined… Read More
GPM (“General Purpose Mouse”) software provides support for mouse devices in Linux virtual consoles. This package provides a daemon that captures mouse events when the… Read More
Given an integer N, the task is to find the total count of N digit numbers such that no two consecutive digits are equal. Examples:… Read More
Given an integer N, the task is to find the minimum number of bits required to be flipped to convert the binary representation of N… Read More