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Flexible is a built-in widget in flutter which controls how a child of base flex widgets that are Row, Column, and Flex will fill the… Read More
Pre-requisite: Docker  Docker Networking allows you to create a Network of Docker Containers managed by a master node called the manager. Containers inside the Docker… Read More
The distance formula is one of the important concepts in coordinate geometry which is used widely. By using the distance formula we can find the… Read More
Given three positive integers L, R, and K, the task is to find the count of numbers in the range [L, R] having K consecutive… Read More
Given an array arr[] consisting of N positive integers, and an integer K, the task is to find the maximum possible even sum of any… Read More
Hamming code is an error-correcting code used for detecting and correcting errors in data transmission. It adds redundant bits to the data being transmitted which… Read More
Given an array arr[] consisting of N integers, the task is to check if all subarrays of the array have at least one unique element… Read More
Given an array arr[] consisting of N integers from the range [1, N]( repetition allowed ), the task is to find the minimum common element… Read More
Given two arrays A[] and B[] consisting of M and N integers respectively, and an integer C, the task is to find the minimum cost… Read More
Given string str of length N and an array arr[] of integers, for array element arr[i](1-based indexing), reverse the substring in indices [arr[i], N –… Read More
Given an array arr[] consisting of N positive integers, the task is to maximize the sum of the array element such that the first element… Read More
Given an array arr[] consisting of a permutation of first N natural numbers, the task is to find a triplet (i, j, k) from the… Read More
Given an array arr[] of length N and a positive integer M, the task is to find the Bitwise XOR of all the array elements… Read More
Given an array arr[] of size N, the task is to count the number of subarrays from the given array, such that each distinct element… Read More
Given two integers N and K, the task is to count the number of permutations of the first N natural numbers having exactly K inversions.… Read More
Given two integers K, X, and an array arr[] consisting of N distinct elements, the task is to find X elements closest to the Kth… Read More
Many a time, for real-world projects, emotion recognition is often just the start of the project. That time writing a whole code on that will… Read More
I was able to solve 3 out of 6 questions in TCS Codevita 2020 within 3 hours, So My rank was under 250. I received… Read More
Google’s Business Internship is open to students from all academic disciplines. Many intern roles within this program don’t require technical skills and could include working… Read More