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Maximize product of digit sum of consecutive pairs in a subsequence of length K

Given an array of integers arr[], the task is to maximize the product of the digit sum of every consecutive pair in a subsequence of length K.
Note: K is always even because pairs will be formed at an even length.


Input: arr[] = {2, 100, 99, 3, 16}, K = 4 
Output: 128 
The optimal subsequence of length 4 is [2, 100, 99, 16] 
The sum of digits = 2, 2, 18 and 7 respectively. 
So the product of digit sums in pairs = 2 * 1 + 18 * 7 = 2 + 126 = 128, which is the maximum.

Input: arr[] = {10, 5, 9, 101, 24, 2, 20, 14}, K = 6 
Output: 69 
The optimal subsequence of length 6 = [10, 5, 9, 24, 2, 14] 
The sum of digits = 1, 5, 9, 6, 2 and 5 respectively. 
So the product of digit sums in pairs = 1 * 5 + 9 * 6 + 2 * 5 = 5 + 54 + 10 = 69, which is the maximum. 

Approach: The idea is to use Dynamic Programming. As we need to find pairs in the array by including or excluding some of the elements from the array to form a subsequence. So let DP[i][j][k] be our dp array which stores the maximum product of the sum of digits of the elements up to index i having length j and, last element K.


Below is the implementation of the above approach:  

// C++ implementation to find the
// maximum product of the digit
// sum of the consecutive pairs of
// the subsequence of the length K
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int MAX = 100;
int dp[1000][MAX][MAX];
// Function to find the product
// of two numbers digit sum
// in the pair
int productDigitSum(int x, int y)
    int sumx = 0;
    // Loop to find the digits of
    // the number
    while (x) {
        sumx += (x % 10);
        x /= 10;
    int sumy = 0;
    // Loop to find the digits
    // of other number
    while (y) {
        sumy += (y % 10);
        y /= 10;
    return (sumx * sumy);
// Function to find the subsequence
// of the length K
int solve(int arr[], int i, int len,
          int prev, int n, int k)
    // Base Case
    if (len == k)
        return 0;
    // Condition when we didn't reach
    // the length K, but ran out of
    // elements of the array
    if (i == n)
        return INT_MIN;
    // Condition if already calculated
    if (dp[i][len][prev])
        return dp[i][len][prev];
    int inc = 0, exc = 0;
    // If length upto this point is odd
    if (len & 1) {
        // If length is odd, it means we need
        // second element of this current pair,
        // calculate the product of digit sum of
        // current and previous element and recur
        // by moving towards next index
        inc = productDigitSum(arr[prev],
              + solve(arr, i + 1,
                      len + 1, 0, n, k);
    // If length upto this point is even
    else {
        inc = solve(arr, i + 1, len + 1, i, n, k);
    // Exclude this current element
    // and recur for next elements.
    exc = solve(arr, i + 1, len, prev, n, k);
    // return by memoizing it, by selecting
    // the maximum among two choices.
    return dp[i][len][prev] = max(inc, exc);
// Driver Code
int main()
    int arr[] = { 10, 5, 9, 101, 24, 2, 20, 14 };
    int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    int k = 6;
    cout << solve(arr, 0, 0, 0, n, k);

// Java implementation to find the
// maximum product of the digit
// sum of the consecutive pairs of
// the subsequence of the length K
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
static int MAX = 100;
static int dp[][][] = new int[1000][MAX][MAX];
// Function to find the product
// of two numbers digit sum
// in the pair
static int productDigitSum(int x, int y)
    int sumx = 0;
    // Loop to find the digits
    // of the number
    while (x > 0)
        sumx += (x % 10);
        x /= 10;
    int sumy = 0;
    // Loop to find the digits
    // of other number
    while (y > 0)
        sumy += (y % 10);
        y /= 10;
    return (sumx * sumy);
// Function to find the subsequence
// of the length K
static int solve(int arr[], int i, int len,
                  int prev, int n, int k)
    // Base Case
    if (len == k)
        return 0;
    // Condition when we didn't reach
    // the length K, but ran out of
    // elements of the array
    if (i == n)
        return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    // Condition if already calculated
    if (dp[i][len][prev] != 0)
        return dp[i][len][prev];
    int inc = 0, exc = 0;
    // If length upto this point is odd
    if ((len & 1) != 0)
        // If length is odd, it means we need
        // second element of this current pair,
        // calculate the product of digit sum of
        // current and previous element and recur
        // by moving towards next index
        inc = (productDigitSum(arr[prev], arr[i]) +
               solve(arr, i + 1, len + 1, 0, n, k));
    // If length upto this point is even
        inc = solve(arr, i + 1, len + 1, i, n, k);
    // Exclude this current element
    // and recur for next elements.
    exc = solve(arr, i + 1, len, prev, n, k);
    // Return by memoizing it, by selecting
    // the maximum among two choices.
    return dp[i][len][prev] = Math.max(inc, exc);
// Driver Code
public static void main(String []args)
    int arr[] = { 10, 5, 9, 101, 24, 2, 20, 14 };
    int n = arr.length;
    int k = 6;
    System.out.print(solve(arr, 0, 0, 0, n, k));
// This code is contributed by chitranayal

# Python3 implementation to find the
# maximum product of the digit
# sum of the consecutive pairs of
# the subsequence of the length K
import sys
MAX = 100
dp = []
for i in range(1000):
    temp1 = []
    for j in range(MAX):
        temp2 = []
        for k in range(MAX):
# Function to find the product
# of two numbers digit sum
# in the pair
def productDigitSum(x, y):
    sumx = 0
    # Loop to find the digits of
    # the number
    while x:
        sumx += x % 10
        x = x // 10
    sumy = 0
    # Loop to find the digits
    # of other number
    while y:
        sumy += y % 10
        y = y // 10
    return sumx * sumy
# Function to find the subsequence
# of the length K
def solve(arr, i, len, prev, n, k):
    # Base case
    if len == k:
        return 0
    # Condition when we didn't reach
    # the length K, but ran out of
    # elements of the array
    if i == n:
        return -sys.maxsize - 1
    # Condition if already calculated
    if dp[i][len][prev]:
        return dp[i][len][prev]
    # If length upto this point is odd
    if len & 1:
        # If length is odd, it means we need
        # second element of this current pair,
        # calculate the product of digit sum of
        # current and previous element and recur
        # by moving towards next index
        inc = (productDigitSum(arr[prev], arr[i]) +
               solve(arr, i + 1, len + 1, i, n, k))
        # If length upto this point is even
        inc = solve(arr, i + 1, len + 1, i, n, k)
    # Exclude this current element
    # and recur for next elements.
    exc = solve(arr, i + 1, len, prev, n, k)
    # Return by memoizing it, by selecting
    # the maximum among two choices.
    dp[i][len][prev] = max(inc, exc)
    return dp[i][len][prev]
# Driver code
arr = [ 10, 5, 9, 101, 24, 2, 20, 14 ]
n = len(arr)
k = 6
print(solve(arr, 0, 0, 0, n, k))
# This code is contributed by Shivam Singh

// C# implementation to find the
// maximum product of the digit
// sum of the consecutive pairs of
// the subsequence of the length K
using System;
class GFG{
static int MAX = 100;
static int [, ,]dp = new int[1000, MAX, MAX];
// Function to find the product
// of two numbers digit sum
// in the pair
static int productDigitSum(int x, int y)
    int sumx = 0;
    // Loop to find the digits
    // of the number
    while (x > 0)
        sumx += (x % 10);
        x /= 10;
    int sumy = 0;
    // Loop to find the digits
    // of other number
    while (y > 0)
        sumy += (y % 10);
        y /= 10;
    return (sumx * sumy);
// Function to find the subsequence
// of the length K
static int solve(int []arr, int i, int len,
                 int prev, int n, int k)
    // Base Case
    if (len == k)
        return 0;
    // Condition when we didn't reach
    // the length K, but ran out of
    // elements of the array
    if (i == n)
        return Int32.MinValue;
    // Condition if already calculated
    if (dp[i, len, prev] != 0)
        return dp[i, len, prev];
    int inc = 0, exc = 0;
    // If length upto this point is odd
    if ((len & 1) != 0)
        // If length is odd, it means we need
        // second element of this current pair,
        // calculate the product of digit sum of
        // current and previous element and recur
        // by moving towards next index
        inc = (productDigitSum(arr[prev], arr[i]) +
               solve(arr, i + 1, len + 1, 0, n, k));
    // If length upto this point is even
        inc = solve(arr, i + 1, len + 1, i, n, k);
    // Exclude this current element
    // and recur for next elements.
    exc = solve(arr, i + 1, len, prev, n, k);
    // Return by memoizing it, by selecting
    // the maximum among two choices.
    return dp[i, len, prev] = Math.Max(inc, exc);
// Driver Code
public static void Main()
    int []arr = { 10, 5, 9, 101, 24, 2, 20, 14 };
    int n = arr.Length;
    int k = 6;
    Console.Write(solve(arr, 0, 0, 0, n, k));
// This code is contributed by Nidhi_biet

// Javascript implementation to find the
// maximum product of the digit
// sum of the consecutive pairs of
// the subsequence of the length K
const MAX = 100;
let dp = []
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
    let temp1 = [];
    for (let j = 0; j < MAX; j++) {
        let temp2 = [];
        for (let k = 0; k < MAX; k++) {
// Function to find the product
// of two numbers digit sum
// in the pair
function productDigitSum(x, y) {
    let sumx = 0;
    // Loop to find the digits of
    // the number
    while (x) {
        sumx += (x % 10);
        x = Math.floor(x / 10);
    let sumy = 0;
    // Loop to find the digits
    // of other number
    while (y) {
        sumy += (y % 10);
        y = Math.floor(y / 10);
    return (sumx * sumy);
// Function to find the subsequence
// of the length K
function solve(arr, i, len, prev, n, k) {
    // Base Case
    if (len == k)
        return 0;
    // Condition when we didn't reach
    // the length K, but ran out of
    // elements of the array
    if (i == n)
        return Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
    // Condition if already calculated
    if (dp[i][len][prev])
        return dp[i][len][prev];
    let inc = 0, exc = 0;
    // If length upto this point is odd
    if (len & 1) {
        // If length is odd, it means we need
        // second element of this current pair,
        // calculate the product of digit sum of
        // current and previous element and recur
        // by moving towards next index
        inc = productDigitSum(arr[prev],
            + solve(arr, i + 1,
                len + 1, 0, n, k);
    // If length upto this point is even
    else {
        inc = solve(arr, i + 1, len + 1, i, n, k);
    // Exclude this current element
    // and recur for next elements.
    exc = solve(arr, i + 1, len, prev, n, k);
    // return by memoizing it, by selecting
    // the maximum among two choices.
    return dp[i][len][prev] = Math.max(inc, exc);
// Driver Code
let arr = [10, 5, 9, 101, 24, 2, 20, 14];
let n = arr.length;
let k = 6;
document.write(solve(arr, 0, 0, 0, n, k));
// This code is contributed by _saurabh_jaiswal




Time Complexity: O(n*k)

Auxiliary Space: O(MAX2

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