Mathematical Algorithms | Prime Factorization and Divisors

Last Updated : 26 Sep, 2023


Mathematically, divisor is defined as a number that divides another number completely or with a remainder. 

For example: Consider 6 / 3. Here 3 divides 6 completely. Also, consider 8 /3. Here 3 does not divide 8 completely. But in both cases, 3 is the divisor.

Prime Factorization:

Prime factorization is a very common topic of mathematics and is frequently used in several algorithms to solve problems. Prime factorization of a number is the process of finding which prime numbers multiply together to form the original number.

Mathematically, any number N can be expressed as:

N = p1e1 * p2e2 * p3e3 * . . . where p1, p2, p3 are prime numbers and e1, e2, e3 are the exponents of the prime numbers.

Finding these primes for any number N is called prime factorization.

Some practice problems on Prime Factorization and Divisors:

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