Mathematical Algorithms | Divisibility and Large Numbers

Last Updated : 26 Sep, 2023

Recent Articles on Divisibility !
Recent Articles on Large Numbers !

  1. Check if a large number is divisible by 3 or not
  2. Number of digits to be removed to make a number divisible by 3
  3. Find whether a given integer is a power of 3 or not
  4. Check if a large number is divisible by 4 or not
  5. Count rotations divisible by 4
  6. Number of substrings divisible by 4 in a string of integers
  7. Check if a large number is divisible by 6 or not
  8. Prove that atleast one of three consecutive even numbers is divisible by 6
  9. Sum of all numbers divisible by 6 in a given range
  10. Number of substrings divisible by 6 in a string of integers
  11. Print digit’s position to be removed to make a number divisible by 6
  12. Check divisibility by 7
  13. To check whether a large number is divisible by 7
  14. Remainder with 7 for large numbers
  15. Count rotations divisible by 8
  16. Given a large number, check if a subsequence of digits is divisible by 8
  17. Check if a large number is divisible by 9 or not
  18. Decimal representation of given binary string is divisible by 10 or not
  19. Check if a large number is divisible by 11 or not
  20. Program to find remainder when large number is divided by 11
  21. Divisibility by 12 for a large number
  22. Check if a large number is divisible by 13 or not
  23. Check if a large number is divisibility by 15
  24. Check if a large number is divisible by 20
  25. Number is divisible by 29 or not
  26. Check if a larger number divisible by 36
  27. Divisible by 37 for large numbers
  28. To check divisibility of any large number by 999
  29. Sub-string Divisibility by 3 Queries
  30. Sub-string Divisibility by 11 Queries
  31. Queries for counts of multiples in an array
  32. Check if a number is multiple of 5 without using / and % operators
  33. Smallest number divisible by first n numbers
  34. Divide a big number into two parts that differ by k
  35. Sum of n digit numbers divisible by a given number
  36. Count n digit numbers divisible by given number
  37. Find set of m-elements with difference of any two elements is divisible by k
  38. Largest number by which given 3 numbers should be divided such that they leaves same remainder
  39. Difference of two large numbers
  40. Sum of two large numbers
  41. Find Last Digit Of a^b for Large Numbers
  42. Divide large number represented as string
  43. Multiply Large Numbers represented as Strings
  44. Writing power function for large numbers
  45. Recursive sum of digit in n^x, where n and x are very large
  46. Check whether given floating point number is even or odd
  47. Smallest n digit number divisible by given three numbers
  48. Largest number that divides x and is co-prime with y
  49. Program to compute division upto n decimal places
  50. Find element in array that divides all array elements
  51. Program for quotient and remainder of big number
  52. Given a HUGE number check if it’s a power of two
  53. Print k numbers where all pairs are divisible by m
  54. 9’s complement of a decimal number
  55. Divide number into two parts divisible by given numbers
  56. Smallest K digit number divisible by X
  57. Largest K digit number divisible by X
  58. Rearrangement of a number which is also divisible by it
  59. Find the number closest to n and divisible by m
  60. Divisibility by 3 where each digit is the sum of all prefix digits modulo 10
  61. Count the numbers divisible by ‘M’ in a given range
  62. Number of Groups of Sizes Two Or Three Divisible By 3
  63. Find if a number is divisible by every number in a list
  64. Count of m digit integers that are divisible by an integer n
  65. Biggest number by arranging numbers in certain order
  66. Large Fibonacci Numbers in Java
  67. Nth Square free number
  68. Refactorable number
  69. Find the largest multiple of 3 from array of digits | Set 2 (In O(n) time and O(1) space)
  70. Partition a number into two divisble parts
  71. Count natural numbers whose factorials are divisible by x but not y
  72. Compute (a*b)%c such that (a%c) * (b%c) can be beyond range

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