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Introduction to Link-Cut Tree

Last Updated : 31 Jan, 2024
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Link Cut Trees (LCT) is a data structure that allows for efficient dynamic maintenance of trees. It is a type of self-adjusting data structure that allows for efficient manipulation of trees, such as link and cut operations, find-root, and access.

  • The implementation of an LCT typically consists of a set of nodes, each representing a tree or a subtree, and a set of pointers linking the nodes together. 
  • Each node contains two pointers, one pointing to its parent and one pointing to its child, and a value associated with the node.

The basic operations that can be performed on an LCT include:

1. Link(u, v): This operation creates a new edge between two nodes u and v, making u the parent of v.


void link(int u, int v)
    s[u].ch[1] = v;
    s[v].fa = u;


public void link(int u, int v) {
    s[u].ch[1] = v;
    s[v].fa = u;


def link(u, v):
        s[u].ch[1] = v
        s[v].fa = u


class Node {
    public int Key;
    public int[] ch = new int[2];
    public int fa;
    public Node(int key)
        Key = key;
        ch[0] = ch[1] = -1; // Assuming -1 represents a
                            // null/empty child
        fa = -1;
class Program {
    static Node[] s; // Assuming s is an array of nodes
    static void MakeRoot(int u)
        // Implementation of the make_root function
        // (You may need to implement it based on your
        // requirements) This function usually involves tree
        // rotations.
    static void Link(int u, int v)
        s[u].ch[1] = v;
        s[v].fa = u;
    static void Main()
        // Example usage
        int n = 10; // Assuming the number of nodes is 10
        s = new Node[n];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            s[i] = new Node(i);
        // Link nodes 1 and 2
        Link(1, 2);
        // Link nodes 3 and 4
        Link(3, 4);
        // ... Continue linking nodes as needed


function link(u, v) {
    s[u].ch[1] = v;
    s[v].fa = u;

2. Cut(u, v): This operation removes the edge between two nodes u and v, disconnecting v from its parent u.


void cut(int u, int v) {
    s[v].fa = s[u].ch[1] = 0;


public void cut(int u, int v) {
    s[v].fa = s[u].ch[1] = 0;


def cut(u, v):
        s[v].fa = s[u].ch[1] = 0


class Node
    public int Value;
    public Node[] Children = new Node[2];
    public Node Parent;
    public Node(int value)
        Value = value;
class LinkCutTree
    // Access, MakeRoot, Splay, Reverse, Push, and Rotate methods are assumed to be defined as needed
    // Cut operation
    static void Cut(Node u, Node v)
        v.Parent = u.Children[1] = null;


function cut(u, v) {
    s[v].fa = s[u].ch[1] = 0;

3. Find-root(u): This operation finds the root of the tree that contains the node u.


int find_root(int u) {
    while (s[u].ch[0]) {
        u = s[u].ch[0];
    return u;


public int findRoot(int u) {
    while (s[u].ch[0] != 0) {
        u = s[u].ch[0];
    return u;


def find_root(u):
        while (s[u].ch[0]):
            u = s[u].ch[0]
        return u


class SplayNode
    public int[] ch = new int[2];
    // Other members of the SplayNode struct/class, if any
class SplayTree
    private SplayNode[] s;  // Assuming you have a SplayNode array
    // Access function
    private void Access(int u)
        // Implementation of the Access function
    // Splay function
    private void Splay(int u)
        // Implementation of the Splay function
    // Pushdown function
    private void Pushdown(int u)
        // Implementation of the Pushdown function
    // Find root function
    public int FindRoot(int u)
        while (s[u].ch[0] != 0)
            u = s[u].ch[0];
        return u;
class MainClass
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Assuming you have an instance of SplayTree
        SplayTree splayTree = new SplayTree();
        // Example usage
        int root = splayTree.FindRoot(1);
        // Perform other operations as needed


function find_root(u) {
    while (s[u].ch[0]) {
        u = s[u].ch[0];
    return u;

3. Access(u): This operation returns the value associated with the node u, and also updates all the necessary tree information.


void access(int u) {
    int v = 0;
    while (u) {
        s[u].ch[1] = v;
        v = u;
        u = s[u].fa;


public void access(int u) {
    int v = 0;
    while (u != 0) {
        s[u].ch[1] = v;
        v = u;
        u = s[u].fa;


def access(u):
        v = 0
        while (u):
            s[u].ch[1] = v
            v = u
            u = s[u].fa


void Access(int u)
    int v = 0;
    while (u != 0)
        s[u].ch[1] = v;
        v = u;
        u = s[u].fa;


function access(u) {
  let v = 0;
  while (u !== null) {
    s[u].ch[1] = v;
    v = u;
    u = s[u].fa;

Characteristics of Link-Cut Trees:

  • LCTs are useful in many algorithms such as dynamic connectivity, lowest common ancestor, and dynamic trees.
  • The above is just a brief implementation of LCT with examples, But LCT is a bit more complex than that, it’s recommended to use a library or a pre-built class for LCT.
  • In Python, there are several libraries available for implementing Link Cut Trees, such as the “lct” library and the “linkcuttree” library.
  • The “lct” library is a small and simple library that provides basic LCT functionality, such as link, cut, find-root, and access operations.

Here’s an example of how to use the “lct” library to implement a LCT:


#include <vector>
struct Node {
  int fa, ch[2];
class LinkCutTree {
  LinkCutTree(int n) : s(n + 1) {}
  void link(int u, int v) {
    s[u].ch[1] = v;
    s[v].fa = u;
  void cut(int u, int v) {
    s[v].fa = s[u].ch[1] = 0;
  int find_root(int u) {
    while (s[u].ch[0]) {
      u = s[u].ch[0];
    return u;
  void access(int u) {
    int v = 0;
    while (u) {
      s[u].ch[1] = v;
      v = u;
      u = s[u].fa;
  void make_root(int u) { /* ... */ }
  void splay(int u) { /* ... */ }
  void pushdown(int u) { /* ... */ }
  std::vector<Node> s;
int main() {
  int n;
  LinkCutTree lct(n);
  int u, v;, v);
  lct.cut(u, v);
  int root = lct.find_root(u);
  // The value associated with node u is not stored in the LCT data structure,
  // so you need to implement a separate mapping from nodes to values.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
class Node {
  int fa;
  int[] ch = new int[2];
class LinkCutTree {
  private List<Node> s;
  public LinkCutTree(int n) {
    s = new ArrayList<>(n + 1);
    for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
      s.add(new Node());
  public void link(int u, int v) {
    s.get(u).ch[1] = v;
    s.get(v).fa = u;
  public void cut(int u, int v) {
    s.get(v).fa = s.get(u).ch[1] = 0;
  public int findRoot(int u) {
    while (s.get(u).ch[0] != 0) {
      u = s.get(u).ch[0];
    return u;
  public void access(int u) {
    int v = 0;
    while (u != 0) {
      s.get(u).ch[1] = v;
      v = u;
      u = s.get(u).fa;
  private void makeRoot(int u) { /* ... */ }
  private void splay(int u) { /* ... */ }
  private void pushdown(int u) { /* ... */ }
public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int n = 10;
    LinkCutTree lct = new LinkCutTree(n);
    int u = 1;
    int v = 2;, v);
    lct.cut(u, v);
    int root = lct.findRoot(u);
    // The value associated with node u is not stored in the LCT data structure,
    // so you need to implement a separate mapping from nodes to values.
// This code is contributed by Tapesh(tapeshdua420)


from lct import LinkCutTree
# Initialize a new LCT with n nodes
lct = LinkCutTree(n)
# Link node u and node v, v)
# Cut the edge between node u and node v
lct.cut(u, v)
# Find the root of the tree that contains node u
root = lct.find_root(u)
# Access the value associated with node u
value = lct.access(u)


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Node {
    public int fa;
    public int[] ch = new int[2];
class LinkCutTree {
    private List<Node> s;
    public LinkCutTree(int n) {
        s = new List<Node>(n + 1);
        for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
            s.Add(new Node());
    public void link(int u, int v) {
        s[u].ch[1] = v;
        s[v].fa = u;
    public void cut(int u, int v) {
        s[v].fa = s[u].ch[1] = 0;
    public int findRoot(int u) {
        while (s[u].ch[0] != 0) {
            u = s[u].ch[0];
        return u;
    public void access(int u) {
        int v = 0;
        while (u != 0) {
            s[u].ch[1] = v;
            v = u;
            u = s[u].fa;
    private void makeRoot(int u) { /* ... */ }
    private void splay(int u) { /* ... */ }
    private void pushdown(int u) { /* ... */ }
public class GFG {
    public static void Main(string[] args) {
        int n = 10;
        LinkCutTree lct = new LinkCutTree(n);
        int u = 1;
        int v = 2;, v);
        lct.cut(u, v);
        int root = lct.findRoot(u);
        // The value associated with node u is not stored in the LCT data structure,
        // so you need to implement a separate mapping from nodes to values.
// This code is contributed by Tapesh(tapeshdua420)


// Initialize a new LCT with n nodes
let lct = new LinkCutTree(n);
// Link node u and node v, v);
// Cut the edge between node u and node v
lct.cut(u, v);
// Find the root of the tree that contains node u
let root = lct.find_root(u);
// Access the value associated with node u
let value = lct.access(u);

Another library “linkcut tree” is a more advanced library that provides additional functionality such as subtree size and path sum.


#include <vector>
struct Node {
  int fa, ch[2];
  int subtree_size;
  int path_sum;
class LinkCutTree {
  LinkCutTree(int n) : s(n + 1) {}
  void link(int u, int v) {
    s[u].ch[1] = v;
    s[v].fa = u;
  void cut(int u, int v) {
    s[v].fa = s[u].ch[1] = 0;
  int find_root(int u) {
    while (s[u].ch[0]) {
      u = s[u].ch[0];
    return u;
  void access(int u) {
    int v = 0;
    while (u) {
      s[u].ch[1] = v;
      v = u;
      u = s[u].fa;
  int subtree_size(int u) { return s[u].subtree_size; }
  int path_sum(int u) { return s[u].path_sum; }
  void make_root(int u) { /* ... */ }
  void splay(int u) { /* ... */ }
  void pushdown(int u) { /* ... */ }
  std::vector<Node> s;
int main() {
  int n;
  LinkCutTree lct(n);
  int u, v;, v);
  lct.cut(u, v);
  int root = lct.find_root(u);
  int value = lct.access(u);
  int subtree_size = lct.subtree_size(u);
  int path_sum = lct.path_sum(u);


// Importing the vector library for the implementation of the Link Cut Tree
import java.util.*;
// Definition of the Node structure
class Node {
    int fa, ch[];
    int subtree_size;
    int path_sum;
    // Constructor for the Node class
    Node() {
        ch = new int[2];
        ch[0] = ch[1] = 0;
        subtree_size = path_sum = 0;
// Definition of the Link Cut Tree class
class LinkCutTree {
    private Vector<Node> s; // Vector to store the tree nodes
    // Constructor for the Link Cut Tree class
    LinkCutTree(int n) {
        s = new Vector<Node>(n + 1);
        for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
            s.add(new Node());
    // Method to link two nodes in the tree
    void link(int u, int v) {
        s.get(u).ch[1] = v;
        s.get(v).fa = u;
    // Method to cut a link between two nodes in the tree
    void cut(int u, int v) {
        s.get(v).fa = s.get(u).ch[1] = 0;
    // Method to find the root of a node
    int find_root(int u) {
        while (s.get(u).ch[0] != 0) {
            u = s.get(u).ch[0];
        return u;
    // Method to access a node in the tree
    int access(int u) {
        int v = 0;
        while (u != 0) {
            s.get(u).ch[1] = v;
            v = u;
            u = s.get(u).fa;
        return v;
    // Method to get the size of the subtree rooted at a node
    int subtree_size(int u) { return s.get(u).subtree_size; }
    // Method to get the sum of the path from the root to a node
    int path_sum(int u) { return s.get(u).path_sum; }
    // Private methods for the implementation of the Link Cut Tree
    private void make_root(int u) { /* ... */ }
    private void splay(int u) { /* ... */ }
    private void pushdown(int u) { /* ... */ }
// Main method to test the implementation of the Link Cut Tree
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int n = 10;
        LinkCutTree lct = new LinkCutTree(n);
        int u = 1, v = 2;, v);
        lct.cut(u, v);
        int root = lct.find_root(u);
        int value = lct.access(u);
        int subtree_size = lct.subtree_size(u);
        int path_sum = lct.path_sum(u);


from linkcuttree import LinkCutTree
# Initialize a new LCT with n nodes
lct = LinkCutTree(n)
# Link node u and node v, v)
# Cut the edge between node u and node v
lct.cut(u, v)
# Find the root of the tree that contains node u
root = lct.find_root(u)
# Access the value associated with node u
value = lct.access(u)
# Get the subtree size of node u
subtree_size = lct.subtree_size(u)
# Get the path sum from root to node u
path_sum = lct.path_sum(u)


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public struct Node
    public int fa;
    public int[] ch;
    public int subtree_size;
    public int path_sum;
public class LinkCutTree
    private Node[] s;
    public LinkCutTree(int n)
        s = new Node[n + 1];
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            s[i] = new Node { fa = 0, ch = new int[2], subtree_size = 0, path_sum = 0 };
    public void Link(int u, int v)
        s[u].ch[1] = v;
        s[v].fa = u;
    public void Cut(int u, int v)
        s[v].fa = s[u].ch[1] = 0;
    public int FindRoot(int u)
        while (s[u].ch[0] != 0)
            u = s[u].ch[0];
        return u;
    public int SubtreeSize(int u)
        return s[u].subtree_size;
    public int PathSum(int u)
        return s[u].path_sum;
    private void MakeRoot(int u)
        /* Implement this function as needed */
    private void Access(int u)
        int v = 0;
        while (u != 0)
            s[u].ch[1] = v;
            v = u;
            u = s[u].fa;
    private void Splay(int u)
        /* Implement this function as needed */
    private void Pushdown(int u)
        /* Implement this function as needed */
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        int n = 10; // Replace with the desired value of 'n'
        LinkCutTree lct = new LinkCutTree(n);
        int u, v;
        lct.Link(u, v);
        lct.Cut(u, v);
        int root = lct.FindRoot(u);
        int subtreeSize = lct.SubtreeSize(u);
        int pathSum = lct.PathSum(u);


// Definition of the Node structure
class Node {
    constructor() {
        this.fa = 0; = [0, 0];
        this.subtree_size = 0;
        this.path_sum = 0;
// Definition of the Link Cut Tree class
class LinkCutTree {
    constructor(n) {
        this.s = new Array(n + 1).fill(null).map(() => new Node());
    // Method to link two nodes in the tree
    link(u, v) {
        this.s[u].ch[1] = v;
        this.s[v].fa = u;
    // Method to cut a link between two nodes in the tree
    cut(u, v) {
        this.s[v].fa = this.s[u].ch[1] = 0;
    // Method to find the root of a node
    findRoot(u) {
        while (this.s[u].ch[0] !== 0) {
            u = this.s[u].ch[0];
        return u;
    // Method to access a node in the tree
    access(u) {
        let v = 0;
        while (u !== 0) {
            this.s[u].ch[1] = v;
            v = u;
            u = this.s[u].fa;
        return v;
    // Method to get the size of the subtree rooted at a node
    subtreeSize(u) {
        return this.s[u].subtree_size;
    // Method to get the sum of the path from the root to a node
    pathSum(u) {
        return this.s[u].path_sum;
    // Private methods for the implementation of the Link Cut Tree
    makeRoot(u) { /* ... */ }
    splay(u) { /* ... */ }
    pushdown(u) { /* ... */ }
// Main method to test the implementation of the Link Cut Tree
function main() {
    const n = 10;
    const lct = new LinkCutTree(n);
    const u = 1, v = 2;, v);
    lct.cut(u, v);
    const root = lct.findRoot(u);
    const value = lct.access(u);
    const subtreeSize = lct.subtreeSize(u);
    const pathSum = lct.pathSum(u);
// Run the main function

It’s worth noting that LCT is a complex data structure and it’s recommended to use a library or pre-built class to avoid errors and bugs, these libraries are available with clear documentation and examples.


Link Cut Trees is a powerful data structure that allows for the efficient manipulation of trees. It is based on a set of nodes and pointers linking them together. It supports basic operations like link, cut, find-root, and access, but it’s a bit more complex than that, and a library or a pre-built class is recommended to use.

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