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Implement reverse AnimatedVectorDrawables using MorphView in Android

Last Updated : 14 Dec, 2021
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MorphView is a convenience library for reverse AnimatedVectorDrawables. AnimatedVectorDrawables class was introduced in API 21 and is used to animate Vector Drawables beautifully and easily. Following are some of the things that can perform with AnimatedVectorDrawable:

  • Rotate, Scale, Translate VectorDrawables
  • Animate the VectorDrawable such as fill color etc.
  • Draw paths and do Path Morphing



  • Step 1: Add the support library in build.gradle file and add dependency in the dependencies section.

    implementation ''      


  • Step 2: Now create avd_fav.xml file in drawable folder and add the following code. Add this into the avdFirst of MorphView in activity_main.xml file. This will act as the primary image of View. Download the vector file from this Link.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <animated-vector xmlns:android=""
        <aapt:attr name="android:drawable">
                <!-- The width of the canvas 
                     the drawing is on. -->    
                <!-- The height of the canvas
                     the drawing is on. -->    
                <group android:name="group">
                        <!-- The specification of the 
                             operations that define the path. -->
                        android:pathData="M2.01 21L23 12 2.01
                                3 2 10l15 2-15 2z"
                        <!-- color of send drawable -->
        <target android:name="path">
            <aapt:attr name="android:animation">
                        <!-- Amount of time (in milliseconds) 
                             to display this frame. -->
                        <!-- Value the animation starts from. -->
                        android:valueFrom="M 3.5 1.5 C 4.5 3.833 5.5
                               6.167 6.5 8.5 C 7.03 9.736 7.559 10.972
                               8.089 12.207 L 9.5 15.5 L 12.5 22.5 L
                               15.397 15.74 C 15.931 14.494 16.466
                               13.247 17 12 C 17.502 10.83 18.003 9.659
                               18.505 8.489 C 19.503 6.159 20.502 3.83
                               21.5 1.5 C 19.167 1.5 16.833 1.5 14.5 1.5
                               C 13.833 6.5 13.167 11.5 12.5 16.5 C
                               11.833 11.5 11.167 6.5 10.5 1.5 C 8.167
                               1.5 5.833 1.5 3.5 1.5 C 3.5 1.5 3.5
                               1.5 3.5 1.5"
                        <!-- Value the animation animates to. -->
                        android:valueTo="M 2 8.5 C 2 11.131 3.647 13.423
                                6.385 16.147 C 7.581 17.338 8.984
                                18.61 10.55 20.03 L 12 21.35 L 12
                                21.35 L 13.45 20.04 C 15.129 18.514
                                16.622 17.159 17.872 15.893 C 20.455
                                13.277 22 11.048 22 8.5 C 22 5.42 19.58
                                3 16.5 3 C 15.63 3 14.777 3.203 14.006
                                3.565 C 13.235 3.928 12.545 4.45 12
                                5.09 C 11.584 4.601 11.083 4.181
                                10.525 3.848 C 9.624 3.309 8.575
                                3 7.5 3 C 4.42 3 2 5.42 2 8.5"
                        android:valueType="pathType" />
                        <!-- Sets the acceleration curve for 
                             the indeterminate animation. -->
                        <!-- color of send drawable -->
                        <!-- color of heart drawable -->
                        android:valueType="colorType" />
        <target android:name="group">
            <aapt:attr name="android:animation">
                    <!-- here we define the animating 
                         properties on target objects -->
                        <!-- Sets the acceleration curve for 
                             the indeterminate animation. -->
                        android:valueType="floatType" />
                        <!-- Sets the acceleration curve for 
                             the indeterminate animation. -->
                        android:valueType="floatType" />
                        <!-- Sets the acceleration curve for 
                             the indeterminate animation. -->
                        android:valueType="floatType" />


  • Step 3: Now create avd_send.xml file in drawable folder and add the following code. Add this into the avdSecond of MorphView in activity_main.xml file. This will act as the secondary image of View. Download the vector file from this Link.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <aapt:attr name="android:drawable">
                <!-- The width of the canvas 
                     the drawing is on. -->     
                <!-- The height of the canvas
                     the drawing is on. -->     
                <group android:name="group">
                        <!-- The specification of the 
                             operations that define the path. -->
                        android:pathData="M 12 21.35 L 10.55 20.03 C 5.4
                                          15.36 2 12.28 2 8.5 C 2 5.42
                                          4.42 3 7.5 3 C 9.24 3 10.91
                                          3.81 12 5.09 C 13.09 3.81
                                          14.76 3 16.5 3 C 19.58 3 22
                                          5.42 22 8.5 C 22 12.28 18.6
                                          15.36 13.45 20.04 L 12
                                          21.35 Z"
                        <!-- color of heart drawable -->
        <target android:name="path">
            <aapt:attr name="android:animation">
                        <!-- Amount of time (in milliseconds) 
                             to display this frame. -->           
                        <!-- Value the animation starts from -->
                        android:valueFrom="M 2 8.5 C 2 11.131 3.647 13.423
                                6.385 16.147 C 7.581 17.338 8.984
                                18.61 10.55 20.03 L 12 21.35 L 12
                                21.35 L 13.45 20.04 C 15.129 18.514
                                16.622 17.159 17.872 15.893 C 20.455
                                13.277 22 11.048 22 8.5 C 22 5.42 19.58
                                3 16.5 3 C 15.63 3 14.777 3.203 14.006
                                3.565 C 13.235 3.928 12.545 4.45 12 5.09
                                C 11.584 4.601 11.083 4.181 10.525 3.848
                                C 9.624 3.309 8.575
                                3 7.5 3 C 4.42 3 2 5.42 2 8.5"
                        <!-- Value the animation animates to -->
                        android:valueTo="M 3.5 1.5 C 4.5 3.833 5.5 6.167
                                6.5 8.5 C 7.03 9.736 7.559 10.972
                                8.089 12.207 L 9.5 15.5 L 12.5 22.5
                                L 15.397 15.74 C 15.931 14.494 16.466
                                13.247 17 12 C 17.502 10.83 18.003
                                9.659 18.505 8.489 C 19.503 6.159
                                20.502 3.83 21.5 1.5 C 19.167 1.5 16.833
                                1.5 14.5 1.5 C 13.833 6.5 13.167 11.5 12.5
                                16.5 C 11.833 11.5 11.167 6.5 10.5 1.5 C
                                8.167 1.5 5.833 1.5 3.5 1.5 C 3.5 1.5 3.5
                                1.5 3.5 1.5"
        <target android:name="group">
            <aapt:attr name="android:animation">
                    <!-- here we define the animating 
                         properties on target objects -->      
                        <!-- Sets the acceleration curve for 
                             the indeterminate animation. -->
                        <!-- Sets the acceleration curve for 
                             the indeterminate animation. -->
                        <!-- Sets the acceleration curve for 
                             the indeterminate animation. -->


  • Step 4: Add the following code in activity_main.xml file. In this file add the MorphView to the layout and also add the avd_fav.xml file in avdFirst and avd_send.xml file in avdSecond in MorphView.


            app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
            app:layout_constraintStart_toStartOf="parent" />


  • Step 5: Add the following code in MainActivity.kt file. In this file add setOnClickListener() to the button so that whenever user tap on change button it will change the AnimatedVectorDrawable.


    package org.geeksforgeeks.morphView          
    import android.os.Bundle
    import android.view.View
    class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
        override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
           // whenever user clicks on change button this function
           // will get invoked automatically.
           button.setOnClickListener(View.OnClickListener {
               // It will change the avdFirst into 
               // avdSecond file and vice versa.


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