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Implement Phone Directory using Hashing


is a technique that uses fewer key comparisons and searches the element in O(n) time in the worst case and in O(1) time in the average case.

  1. The task is to implement all functions of phone directory:
  2. create_record
  3. display_record
  4. delete_record
  5. search_record
  6. update_record

Following data will be taken from the client:

ID, Name, Telephone number


We are creating a hash table, and inserting records. For deleting, searching, or updating an entity, the client ID is asked and on the basis of equality operator, details are displayed or processed. If the record is not found, then an appropriate message is displayed. Collision is the major problem in the hashing technique. In

open addressing

(closed hashing), all collisions are resolved in the prime area i.e., the area that contains all of the home addresses. When a collision occurs, the prime area addresses are searched for an open or unoccupied element using linear probing. Steps for inserting entities in a hash table:


. If the location is empty, directly insert the entity.


. If mapped location is occupied then keep probing until an empty slot is found. Once an empty slot is found, insert the entity.

  1. Create Record: This method takes details from the user like ID, Name and Telephone number and create new record in the hashtable.
  2. Display Record: This function is created to display all the record of the diary.
  3. Delete Record: This method takes the key of the record to be deleted. Then, it searches in hash table if record id matches with the key. Then, that record is deleted.
  4. Search Record: This method takes the key of the record to be searched. Then, it traverses the hash table, if record id matches with the key it displays the record detail.
  5. Update Record: This method takes the key of the record to be searched. Then, it traverses the hash table, if record id matches with the key then it displays the record detail.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Class to store contact
// details
class node {
    string name;
    long int tel;
    int id;
        tel = 0;
        id = 0;
    friend class hashing;
class hashing {
    // Maximum size of
    // directory is 100
    node data[100];
    string n;
    long int t;
    int i, index;
        i = 0;
        t = 0;
    // This method takes details
    // from the user like ID,
    // Name and Telephone number
    // and create new record in
    // the hashtable.
    void create_record(int size)
        // Enter ID
        i = 4;
        // Enter Name
        n = "XYZ Gupta";
        // Enter telephone number
        t = 23451234;
        cout << "\nEnter id :";
        cout << " \t\t\t"
             << i;
        cout << "\nEnter name :";
        cout << " \t\t\t " << n;
            << "\nEnter telephone";
        cout << " number :\t"
             << t;
        index = i % size;
        // Inserting record using linear
        // probing in case of collision
        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
            if (data[index].id == 0) {
                data[index].id = i;
                data[index].name = n;
                data[index].tel = t;
                    = (index + 1) % size;
    // This method takes the key of
    // the record to be searched.
    // Then, it traverses the hash
    // table, if record id matches
    // with the key it displays the
    // record detail.
    void search_record(int size)
        int index1, key, flag = 0;
        key = 4;
        cout << "\nEnter record";
        cout << " id to search : "
             << key;
        index1 = key % size;
        // Traversing the directory
        // linearly inorder to search
        // record detail
        for (int a = 0; a < size; a++) {
            if (data[index1].id == key) {
                flag = 1;
                cout << "\nRecord found:";
                cout << "\n\tID ";
                cout << "\tNAME ";
                cout << "\t\tTELEPHONE ";
                cout << "\n\t"
                     << data[index1].id
                     << " \t"
                     << data[index1].name
                     << " \t"
                     << data[index1].tel;
                    = (index1 + 1) % size;
        if (flag == 0)
            cout << "\nRecord";
        cout << " not found";
    // This method takes the key
    // of the record to be deleted.
    // Then, it searches in hash
    // table if record id matches
    // with the key. Then, that
    // record is deleted.
    void delete_record(int size)
        int index1, key, flag = 0;
        key = 4;
        cout << "\nEnter record";
        cout << " id to delete : "
             << key << "\n ";
        index1 = key % size;
        // Traversing the directory
        // linearly inorder to delete
        // the record detail
        for (int a = 0; a < size; a++) {
            if (data[index1].id
                == key) {
                flag = 1;
                data[index1].id = 0;
                data[index1].name = " ";
                data[index1].tel = 0;
                cout << "\nRecord";
                cout << " deleted";
                cout << " successfully";
                    = (index1 + 1) % size;
        if (flag == 0)
            cout << "\nRecord";
        cout << " not found";
    // This method takes the key
    // of the record to be searched.
    // Then, it traverses the hash table,
    // if record id matches with the
    // key then it displays the record
    // detail.
    void update_record(int size)
        int index1, key, flag = 0;
        key = 4;
        cout << "\nEnter record";
        cout << " id to update : "
             << key;
        index1 = key % size;
        // Traversing the directory
        // linearly inorder to search
        // record detail
        for (int a = 0; a < size; a++) {
            if (data[index1].id
                == key) {
                flag = 1;
                    = (index1 + 1) % size;
        // If the record is found
        // the details are updated
        if (flag == 1) {
            n = "XYZ Agarwal";
            t = 23413421;
            data[index1].name = n;
            data[index1].tel = t;
            cout << "\nEnter";
            cout << " name: \t\t\t"
                 << n;
            cout << "\nEnter";
            cout << " telephone number: \t"
                 << t;
            cout << "\nDetails updated: ";
            cout << "\n\tID \tNAME";
            cout << " \t\tTELEPHONE ";
            cout << "\n\t"
                 << data[index1].id
                 << " \t"
                 << data[index1].name
                 << " \t"
                 << data[index1].tel;
    // This function is created to
    // display all the record of
    // the diary.
    void display_record(int size)
        cout << "\n\tID \tNAME";
        cout << " \t\tTELEPHONE ";
        // Displaying the details of
        // all records of the directory.
        for (int a = 0; a < size; a++) {
            if (data[a].id != 0) {
                cout << "\n\t"
                     << data[a].id
                     << " \t"
                     << data[a].name
                     << " \t"
                     << data[a].tel;
// Driver code
int main()
    // size of directory
    int size;
    // creating object of hashing
    // class
    hashing s;
    size = 20;
    // Creating a record in
    // directory
    cout << "\n1.CREATE record ";
    // Display available
    // record details
    cout << "\n\n\n\n2.DISPLAY";
    cout << " record ";
    // Searching a record detail
    // in the directory
    cout << "\n\n\n\n3.SEARCH";
    cout << " record";
    // Updating the existing
    // details of a record
    cout << "\n\n\n\n4.UPDATE";
    cout << " record ";
    // Removing specified
    // existing record
    // from dictionary
    cout << "\n\n\n\n5.DELETE";
    cout << " record ";
    return 0;

import java.util.Arrays;
// Class to store contact details
class Node {
    String name;
    long tel;
    int id;
    Node() {
        tel = 0;
        id = 0;
public class Hashing {
    // Maximum size of directory is 100
    Node[] data = new Node[100];
    String n;
    long t;
    int i, index;
    Hashing() {
        i = 0;
        t = 0;
    // This method creates a new record in the hashtable.
    void createRecord(int size) {
        i = 4;
        n = "XYZ Gupta";
        t = 23451234;
        System.out.println("\nEnter id : " + i);
        System.out.println("Enter name : " + n);
        System.out.println("Enter telephone number : " + t);
        index = i % size;
        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
            if (data[index] == null) {
                data[index] = new Node();
                data[index].id = i;
                data[index].name = n;
                data[index].tel = t;
            } else {
                index = (index + 1) % size;
    // This method searches for a record using the ID.
    void searchRecord(int size) {
        int index1, key;
        key = 4;
        System.out.println("\nEnter record id to search : " + key);
        index1 = key % size;
        for (int a = 0; a < size; a++) {
            if (data[index1] != null && data[index1].id == key) {
                System.out.println("\nRecord found:");
                System.out.println("\tID \tNAME \tTELEPHONE");
                System.out.println("\t" + data[index1].id + " \t" +
                                   data[index1].name + " \t" + data[index1].tel);
            } else {
                index1 = (index1 + 1) % size;
        System.out.println("\nRecord not found");
    // This method deletes a record using the ID.
    void deleteRecord(int size) {
        int index1, key;
        key = 4;
        System.out.println("\nEnter record id to delete : " + key);
        index1 = key % size;
        for (int a = 0; a < size; a++) {
            if (data[index1] != null && data[index1].id == key) {
                data[index1] = null;
                System.out.println("\nRecord deleted successfully");
            } else {
                index1 = (index1 + 1) % size;
        System.out.println("\nRecord not found");
    // This method updates an existing record using the ID.
    void updateRecord(int size) {
        int index1, key;
        key = 4;
        System.out.println("\nEnter record id to update : " + key);
        index1 = key % size;
        for (int a = 0; a < size; a++) {
            if (data[index1] != null && data[index1].id == key) {
                data[index1].name = "XYZ Agarwal";
                data[index1].tel = 23413421;
                System.out.println("\nDetails updated:");
                System.out.println("\tID \tNAME \tTELEPHONE");
                System.out.println("\t" + data[index1].id + " \t" +
                                   data[index1].name + " \t" + data[index1].tel);
            } else {
                index1 = (index1 + 1) % size;
    // This method displays all records in the directory.
    void displayRecord(int size) {
        System.out.println("\nID \tNAME \tTELEPHONE");
        for (int a = 0; a < size; a++) {
            if (data[a] != null) {
                System.out.println("\t" + data[a].id + " \t" +
                                   data[a].name + " \t" + data[a].tel);
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int size = 20;
        Hashing s = new Hashing();
        System.out.println("\n1.CREATE record ");
        System.out.println("\n2.DISPLAY record ");
        System.out.println("\n3.SEARCH record ");
        System.out.println("\n4.UPDATE record ");
        System.out.println("\n5.DELETE record ");
// This code is contributed by shivamgupta0987654321

class Node:
    def __init__(self): = "" = 0 = 0
class Hashing:
    def __init__(self): = [Node() for _ in range(100)]
    def create_record(self, size):
        i = 4
        n = "XYZ Gupta"
        t = 23451234
        print(f"\nEnter id : {i}")
        print(f"\nEnter name : {n}")
        print(f"\nEnter telephone number : {t}")
        index = i % size
        while True:
            if[index].id == 0:
      [index].id = i
      [index].name = n
      [index].tel = t
                index = (index + 1) % size
    def search_record(self, size):
        key = 4
        print(f"\nEnter record id to search : {key}")
        index = key % size
        found = False
        for _ in range(size):
            if[index].id == key:
                found = True
                print(f"\nRecord found:")
                index = (index + 1) % size
        if not found:
            print("\nRecord not found")
    def delete_record(self, size):
        key = 4
        print(f"\nEnter record id to delete : {key}")
        index = key % size
        found = False
        for _ in range(size):
            if[index].id == key:
                found = True
      [index].id = 0
      [index].name = ""
      [index].tel = 0
                print("\nRecord deleted successfully")
                index = (index + 1) % size
        if not found:
            print("\nRecord not found")
    def update_record(self, size):
        key = 4
        print(f"\nEnter record id to update : {key}")
        index = key % size
        found = False
        for _ in range(size):
            if[index].id == key:
                found = True
      [index].name = "XYZ Agarwal"
      [index].tel = 23413421
                print(f"\nEnter name: {[index].name}")
                print(f"Enter telephone number: {[index].tel}")
                print("\nDetails updated:")
                index = (index + 1) % size
        if not found:
            print("\nRecord not found")
    def display_record(self, size):
        for node in
            if != 0:
if __name__ == "__main__":
    size = 20
    s = Hashing()
    print("\n1.CREATE record ")
    print("\n\n2.DISPLAY record ")
    print("\n\n3.SEARCH record")
    print("\n\n4.UPDATE record ")
    print("\n\n5.DELETE record ")
# This code is contributed by AKSHITAGUPRZJ3

using System;
// Class to store contact details
class Node
    public string Name;
    public long Telephone;
    public int Id;
    public Node()
        Telephone = 0;
        Id = 0;
// Class for hash operations
class Hashing
    // Maximum size of directory is 100
    Node[] data = new Node[100];
    string n;
    long t;
    int i, index;
    public Hashing()
        i = 0;
        t = 0;
    // Method to create a new record in the hashtable
    public void CreateRecord(int size)
        i = 4;
        n = "XYZ Gupta";
        t = 23451234;
        Console.WriteLine("\nEnter id : " + i);
        Console.WriteLine("Enter name : " + n);
        Console.WriteLine("Enter telephone number : " + t);
        index = i % size;
        // Inserting record using linear probing in case of collision
        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
            if (data[index] == null)
                data[index] = new Node { Id = i, Name = n, Telephone = t };
                index = (index + 1) % size;
    // Method to search for a record in the hashtable
    public void SearchRecord(int size)
        int index1, key, flag = 0;
        key = 4;
        Console.WriteLine("\nEnter record id to search : " + key);
        index1 = key % size;
        // Traversing the directory linearly to search record detail
        for (int a = 0; a < size; a++)
            if (data[index1]?.Id == key)
                flag = 1;
                Console.WriteLine("\nRecord found:");
                Console.WriteLine("\tID \tNAME \t\tTELEPHONE ");
                Console.WriteLine("\t" + data[index1].Id + " \t" + data[index1].Name + " \t" + data[index1].Telephone);
                index1 = (index1 + 1) % size;
        if (flag == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("\nRecord not found");
    // Method to delete a record from the hashtable
    public void DeleteRecord(int size)
        int index1, key, flag = 0;
        key = 4;
        Console.WriteLine("\nEnter record id to delete : " + key);
        index1 = key % size;
        // Traversing the directory linearly to delete the record detail
        for (int a = 0; a < size; a++)
            if (data[index1]?.Id == key)
                flag = 1;
                data[index1] = null;
                Console.WriteLine("\nRecord deleted successfully");
                index1 = (index1 + 1) % size;
        if (flag == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("\nRecord not found");
    // Method to update a record in the hashtable
    public void UpdateRecord(int size)
        int index1, key, flag = 0;
        key = 4;
        Console.WriteLine("\nEnter record id to update : " + key);
        index1 = key % size;
        // Traversing the directory linearly to search record detail
        for (int a = 0; a < size; a++)
            if (data[index1]?.Id == key)
                flag = 1;
                index1 = (index1 + 1) % size;
        // If the record is found, the details are updated
        if (flag == 1)
            n = "XYZ Agarwal";
            t = 23413421;
            data[index1].Name = n;
            data[index1].Telephone = t;
            Console.WriteLine("\nEnter name: \t\t\t" + n);
            Console.WriteLine("Enter telephone number: \t" + t);
            Console.WriteLine("Details updated: ");
            Console.WriteLine("\n\tID \tNAME \t\tTELEPHONE ");
            Console.WriteLine("\t" + data[index1].Id + " \t" + data[index1].Name + " \t" + data[index1].Telephone);
    // Method to display all records in the hashtable
    public void DisplayRecord(int size)
        Console.WriteLine("\n\tID \tNAME \t\tTELEPHONE ");
        // Displaying the details of all records in the directory
        for (int a = 0; a < size; a++)
            if (data[a] != null)
                Console.WriteLine("\t" + data[a].Id + " \t" + data[a].Name + " \t" + data[a].Telephone);
// Driver code
class Program
    static void Main()
        // Size of directory
        int size;
        // Creating object of Hashing class
        Hashing s = new Hashing();
        size = 20;
        // Creating a record in directory
        Console.WriteLine("\n1.CREATE record ");
        // Display available record details
        Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n\n2.DISPLAY record ");
        // Searching a record detail in the directory
        Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n\n3.SEARCH record");
        // Updating the existing details of a record
        Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n\n4.UPDATE record ");
        // Removing specified existing record from dictionary
        Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n\n5.DELETE record ");

// Class to store contact details
class Node {
    constructor() { = ''; = 0; = 0;
class Hashing {
    constructor() { = new Array(100);
        this.n = '';
        this.t = 0;
        this.i = 0;
        this.index = 0;
    // This method creates a new record in the hashtable.
    createRecord(size) {
        this.i = 4;
        this.n = 'XYZ Gupta';
        this.t = 23451234;
        console.log('\nEnter id : ' + this.i);
        console.log('Enter name : ' + this.n);
        console.log('Enter telephone number : ' + this.t);
        this.index = this.i % size;
        for (let j = 0; j < size; j++) {
            if ([this.index] === undefined) {
      [this.index] = new Node();
      [this.index].id = this.i;
      [this.index].name = this.n;
      [this.index].tel = this.t;
            } else {
                this.index = (this.index + 1) % size;
    // This method searches for a record using the ID.
    searchRecord(size) {
        let index1, key;
        key = 4;
        console.log('\nEnter record id to search : ' + key);
        index1 = key % size;
        for (let a = 0; a < size; a++) {
            if ([index1] !== undefined &&[index1].id === key) {
                console.log('\nRecord found:');
                console.log('\tID \tNAME \tTELEPHONE');
                console.log('\t' +[index1].id + ' \t' +
                  [index1].name + ' \t' +[index1].tel);
            } else {
                index1 = (index1 + 1) % size;
        console.log('\nRecord not found');
    // This method deletes a record using the ID.
    deleteRecord(size) {
        let index1, key;
        key = 4;
        console.log('\nEnter record id to delete : ' + key);
        index1 = key % size;
        for (let a = 0; a < size; a++) {
            if ([index1] !== undefined &&[index1].id === key) {
      [index1] = undefined;
                console.log('\nRecord deleted successfully');
            } else {
                index1 = (index1 + 1) % size;
        console.log('\nRecord not found');
    // This method updates an existing record using the ID.
    updateRecord(size) {
        let index1, key;
        key = 4;
        console.log('\nEnter record id to update : ' + key);
        index1 = key % size;
        for (let a = 0; a < size; a++) {
            if ([index1] !== undefined &&[index1].id === key) {
      [index1].name = 'XYZ Agarwal';
      [index1].tel = 23413421;
                console.log('\nDetails updated:');
                console.log('\tID \tNAME \tTELEPHONE');
                console.log('\t' +[index1].id + ' \t' +
                  [index1].name + ' \t' +[index1].tel);
            } else {
                index1 = (index1 + 1) % size;
    // This method displays all records in the directory.
    displayRecord(size) {
        console.log('\nID \tNAME \tTELEPHONE');
        for (let a = 0; a < size; a++) {
            if ([a] !== undefined) {
                console.log('\t' +[a].id + ' \t' +
                  [a].name + ' \t' +[a].tel);
// Driver code
function main() {
    const size = 20;
    const s = new Hashing();
    console.log('\n1.CREATE record ');
    console.log('\n2.DISPLAY record ');
    console.log('\n3.SEARCH record ');
    console.log('\n4.UPDATE record ');
    console.log('\n5.DELETE record ');


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