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HTML Neumorphism Login Form

Last Updated : 08 Jun, 2023
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Neumorphism combines developments of flat design and skeuomorphism. Neumorphism, or soft UI, is a visual style that combines background colors, shapes, gradients, highlights, and shadows to ensure graphic intense buttons and switches. All that allows achieving a soft, extruded plastic look, and almost 3D styling.

For a better understanding visit:

Here is the preview image we are going to make:

Neumorphism Login Form Preview

Follow the code to create a Neumorphism Signin form using CSS:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
    <title>GFG Neumorphism Signin</title>
    <meta name="description" content="" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,
                                   initial-scale=1" />
        * {
            box-sizing: border-box;
        body {
            margin: 0;
            /*Display width and height*/
            height: 100vh;
            width: 100vw;
            overflow: hidden;
            font-family: "Lato", sans-serif;
            font-weight: 700;
            /* To make all the elements center */
            display: flex;
            align-items: center;
            justify-content: center;
            /*Font color and background Color*/
            color: #555;
            background: #ecf0f3;
        .gfg-div {
            /* Login Card Width and height */
            width: 430px;
            height: 500px;
            /* padding */
            padding: 20px 35px 15px 35px;
            border-radius: 35px;
            background: #ecf0f3;
            /* Box-shadow for 3d visualization*/
            box-shadow: -6px -6px 6px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8),
                6px 6px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
        .gfg-logo {
            background: url("gfg-logo.png");
            background-size: cover;
            width: 100px;
            height: 100px;
            border-radius: 50%;
            margin: 0 auto;
            /* Box-shadow for logo */
            box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #5f5f5f, 0px 0px 0px 5px #ecf0f3,
                8px 8px 15px #a7aaaf, -8px -8px 15px #ffffff;
        .gfg-title {
            text-align: center;
            font-size: 28px;
            padding-top: 24px;
            letter-spacing: 0.5px;
            color: #5ed887;
        .gfg-sub-title {
            text-align: center;
            font-size: 15px;
            padding-top: 7px;
            letter-spacing: 3px;
            color: #5eaa77;
        .gfg-input-fields {
            width: 100%;
            padding: 20px 5px 10px 5px;
        .gfg-input-fields input {
            /* To hide default browser options of input field */
            border: none;
            outline: none;
            /* Custom design for the input field */
            background: none;
            font-size: 18px;
            color: #555;
            padding: 15px 10px 15px 5px;
        .gfg-password {
            margin-bottom: 20px;
            border-radius: 20px;
            /* Box-shadow for 3d */
            box-shadow: inset 5px 5px 5px #cbced1,
                inset -5px -5px 5px #ffffff;
        .gfg-input-fields svg {
            height: 22px;
            margin: 0 10px -3px 25px;
        .gfg-button {
            /* To hide default browser options of input field */
            outline: none;
            border: none;
            /* Custom design for the Button */
            cursor: pointer;
            width: 100%;
            height: 60px;
            border-radius: 25px;
            font-size: 20px;
            font-weight: 700;
            font-family: "Lato", sans-serif;
            color: #fff;
            text-align: center;
            background: #67d18a;
            box-shadow: 7px 7px 8px #cbced1, -7px -7px 8px #ffffff;
            transition: 0.5s;
        .gfg-button:hover {
            background: #5fb87d;
        .gfg-button:active {
            background: #4a9764;
        .gfg-link {
            padding-top: 20px;
            text-align: center;
        .gfg-link a {
            text-decoration: none;
            color: #aaa;
            font-size: 15px;
            transition: 0.5s;
        .gfg-link a:hover {
            text-decoration: none;
            color: #67d18a;
            font-size: 15px;
    <div class="gfg-div">
        <div class="gfg-logo"></div>
        <div class="gfg-title">Geeksforgeeks</div>
        <div class="gfg-sub-title">Neumorphism Login Form</div>
        <div class="gfg-input-fields">
            <div class="gfg-email">
                <svg fill="#999" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024">
                    <path class="path1"
                          d="M896 307.2h-819.2c-42.347 0-76.8 34.453-76.8 76.8v460.8c0
                             42.349 34.453 76.8 76.8 76.8h819.2c42.349 0 76.8-34.451
                             358.4c1.514 0 2.99 0.158 4.434 0.411l-385.632 257.090c-14.862
                             9.907-41.938 9.907-56.802 0l-385.634-257.090c1.443-0.253
                             2.92-0.411 4.434-0.411h819.2zM896 870.4h-819.2c-14.115
                             0-25.6-11.485-25.6-25.6v-438.566l378.4 252.267c15.925
                             10.618 36.363 15.925 56.8 15.925s40.877-5.307
                             56.802-15.925l378.398-252.267v438.566c0 14.115-11.485
                             25.6-25.6 25.6z">
                <input type="email" placeholder="email" />
            <div class="gfg-password">
                <svg fill="#999" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024">
                    <path class="path1"
                          d="M742.4 409.6h-25.6v-76.8c0-127.043-103.
                             357-230.4-230.4-230.4s-230.4 103.357-230.4
                             230.4v76.8h-25.6c-42.347 0-76.8 34.453-76.8
                             76.8v409.6c0 42.347 34.453 76.8 76.8 76.8h512c42.347
                             0 76.8-34.453 76.8-76.8v-409.6c0-42.347-34.453-76.
                             8-76.8-76.8zM307.2 332.8c0-98.811 80.389-179.2
                             179.2-179.2s179.2 80.389 179.2 179.2v76.8h-358.4v-76.8zM768
                             896c0 14.115-11.485 25.6-25.6 25.6h-512c-14.115 0-25.6-11.
                             485-25.6-25.6v-409.6c0-14.115 11.485-25.6 25.6-25.6h512c14.
                             115 0 25.6 11.485 25.6 25.6v409.6z">
                <input type="password"
                       placeholder="password" />
        <button class="gfg-button">Geeksforgeeks Signin</button>
        <div class="gfg-link">
            <a href="#"> Forgot password?</a> or <a href="#">Signup</a>


HTML Neumorphism Login Form

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