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How to implement text Auto-complete feature using Ternary Search Tree

Given a set of strings S and a string patt the task is to autocomplete the string patt to strings from S that have patt as a prefix, using a Ternary Search Tree. If no string matches the given prefix, print “None”.

Input: S = {“wallstreet”, “geeksforgeeks”, “wallmart”, “walmart”, “waldomort”, “word”], 
patt = “wall” 
Only two strings {“wallstreet”, “wallmart”} from S matches with the given pattern “wall”.
Input: S = {“word”, “wallstreet”, “wall”, “wallmart”, “walmart”, “waldo”, “won”}, patt = “geeks” 
Output: None 
Since none of word of set matches with pattern so empty list will be printed. 

Trie Approach: Please refer this article to learn about the implementation using Trie data structure.
Ternary Search Tree Approach Follow the steps below to solve the problem: 

Below is the implementation of the above approach: 

// C++ Program to generate
// autocompleted texts from
// a given prefix using a
// Ternary Search Tree
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Define the Node of the
// tree
struct Node {
    // Store the character
    // of a string
    char data;
    // Store the end of
    // word
    int end;
    // Left Subtree
    struct Node* left;
    // Equal Subtree
    struct Node* eq;
    // Right Subtree
    struct Node* right;
// Function to create a Node
Node* createNode(char newData)
    struct Node* newNode = new Node();
    newNode->data = newData;
    newNode->end = 0;
    newNode->left = NULL;
    newNode->eq = NULL;
    newNode->right = NULL;
    return newNode;
// Function to insert a word
// in the tree
void insert(Node** root,
            string word,
            int pos = 0)
    // Base case
    if (!(*root))
        *root = createNode(word[pos]);
    // If the current character is
    // less than root's data, then
    // it is inserted in the
    // left subtree
    if ((*root)->data > word[pos])
        insert(&((*root)->left), word,
    // If current character is
    // more than root's data, then
    // it is inserted in the right
    // subtree
    else if ((*root)->data < word[pos])
        insert(&((*root)->right), word,
    // If current character is same
    // as that of the root's data
    else {
        // If it is the end of word
        if (pos + 1 == word.size())
            // Mark it as the
            // end of word
            (*root)->end = 1;
        // If it is not the end of
        // the string, then the
        // current character is
        // inserted in the equal subtree
            insert(&((*root)->eq), word, pos + 1);
// Function to traverse the ternary search tree
void traverse(Node* root,
            vector<string>& ret,
            char* buff,
            int depth = 0)
    // Base case
    if (!root)
    // The left subtree is
    // traversed first
    traverse(root->left, ret,
            buff, depth);
    // Store the current character
    buff[depth] = root->data;
    // If the end of the string
    // is detected, store it in
    // the final ans
    if (root->end) {
        buff[depth + 1] = '\0';
    // Traverse the equal subtree
    traverse(root->eq, ret,
            buff, depth + 1);
    // Traverse the right subtree
    traverse(root->right, ret,
            buff, depth);
// Utility function to find
// all the words
vector<string> util(Node* root,
                    string pattern)
    // Stores the words
    // to suggest
    char buffer[1001];
    vector<string> ret;
    traverse(root, ret, buffer);
    if (root->end == 1)
    return ret;
// Function to autocomplete
// based on the given prefix
// and return the suggestions
vector<string> autocomplete(Node* root,
                            string pattern)
    vector<string> words;
    int pos = 0;
    // If pattern is empty
    // return an empty list
    if (pattern.empty())
        return words;
    // Iterating over the characters
    // of the pattern and find it's
    // corresponding node in the tree
    while (root && pos < pattern.length()) {
        // If current character is smaller
        if (root->data > pattern[pos])
            // Search the left subtree
            root = root->left;
        // current character is greater
        else if (root->data < pattern[pos])
            // Search right subtree
            root = root->right;
        // If current character is equal
        else if (root->data == pattern[pos]) {
            // Search equal subtree
            // since character is found, move to the next character in the pattern
            root = root->eq;
        // If not found
            return words;
    // Search for all the words
    // from the current node
    words = util(root, pattern);
    return words;
// Function to print
// suggested words
void print(vector<string> sugg,
        string pat)
    for (int i = 0; i < sugg.size();
        cout << pat << sugg[i].c_str()
            << "\n";
// Driver Code
int main()
    vector<string> S
        = { "wallstreet", "geeksforgeeks",
            "wallmart", "walmart",
            "waldormort", "word" };
    Node* tree = NULL;
    // Insert the words in the
    // Ternary Search Tree
    for (string str : S)
        insert(&tree, str);
    string pat = "wall";
    vector<string> sugg
        = autocomplete(tree, pat);
    if (sugg.size() == 0)
        cout << "None";
        print(sugg, pat);
    return 0;

# Python Program to generate
# autocompleted texts from
# a given prefix using a
# Ternary Search Tree
# Define the Node of the
# tree
class Node:
    # Store the character
    # of a string
    def __init__(self, newData): = newData
        # Store the end of
        # word
        self.end = 0
        # Left Subtree
        self.left = None
        # Equal Subtree
        self.eq = None
        # Right Subtree
        self.right = None
# Function to create a Node
# Function to create a Node
def createNode(newData):
    newNode = Node(newData)
    newNode.end = 0
    newNode.left = None
    newNode.eq = None
    newNode.right = None
    return newNode
# Function to insert a word
# in the tree
def insert(root, word, pos = 0):
    # Base case
    if not root:
        root = createNode(word[pos])
    # If the current character is
    # less than root's data, then
    # it is inserted in the
    # left subtree
    if > word[pos]:
        root.left = insert(root.left, word, pos)
    # If current character is
    # more than root's data, then
    # it is inserted in the right
    # subtree
    elif < word[pos]:
        root.right = insert(root.right, word, pos)
    # If current character is same
    # as that of the root's data
        # If it is the end of word
        if pos + 1 == len(word):
            # Mark it as the
            # end of word
            root.end = 1
        # If it is not the end of
        # the string, then the
        # current character is
        # inserted in the equal subtree
            root.eq = insert(root.eq, word, pos + 1)
    return root
# Function to traverse the ternary search tree
def traverse(root, ret, buff, depth = 0):
    # Base case
    if not root:
    # The left subtree is
    # traversed first
    traverse(root.left, ret, buff, depth)
    # Store the current character
    buff[depth] =
    # If the end of the string
    # is detected, store it in
    # the final ans
    if root.end:
        buff[depth + 1] = '\0'
        ret.append("".join(buff[:depth + 1]))
    # Traverse the equal subtree
    traverse(root.eq, ret, buff, depth + 1)
    # Traverse the right subtree
    traverse(root.right, ret, buff, depth)
# Utility function to find
# all the words
def util(root, pattern):
    # Stores the words
    # to suggest
    buffer = [None] * 1001
    ret = []
    traverse(root, ret, buffer)
    if root.end == 1:
    return ret
# Function to autocomplete
# based on the given prefix
# and return the suggestions
def autocomplete(root, pattern):
    words = []
    pos = 0
    # If pattern is empty
    # return an empty list
    if not pattern:
        return words
    # Iterating over the characters
    # of the pattern and find it's
    # corresponding node in the tree
    while root and pos < len(pattern):
        # If current character is smaller
        if > pattern[pos]:
            # Search the left subtree
            root = root.left
        # current character is greater
        elif < pattern[pos]:
            # Search right subtree
            root = root.right
        # If current character is equal
        elif == pattern[pos]:
            # Search equal subtree
            # since character is found, move to the next character in the pattern
            root = root.eq
            pos += 1
        # If not found
            return words
    # Search for all the words
    # from the current node
    words = util(root, pattern)
    return words
# Function to print
# suggested words
def print_suggestions(sugg, pat):
    for sug in sugg:
        print(pat + sug)
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    S = ['wallstreet', 'geeksforgeeks', 'wallmart', 'walmart', 'waldormort', 'word']
    tree = None
    # Insert the words in the
    # Ternary Search Tree
    for str in S:
        tree = insert(tree, str)
    pat = 'wall'
    sugg = autocomplete(tree, pat)
    if not sugg:
        print_suggestions(sugg, pat)
# This code is contributed by Utkarsh Kumar

// C# Program to generate
// autocompleted texts from
// a given prefix using a
// Ternary Search Tree
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace TernarySearchTree {
public class TernarySearchTree {
    // Define the Node of the
    // tree
    private class Node {
        public char Value
        // Store the end of
        // word
        public bool IsEndOfWord
        // Left Subtree
        public Node Left
        // Equal Subtree
        public Node Middle
        // Right Subtree
        public Node Right
    private Node _root;
    public void Insert(string word)
        _root = Insert(_root, word, 0);
    // Function to insert a word
    // in the tree
    private Node Insert(Node node, string word, int index)
        // Base case
        if (node == null) {
            node = new Node{ Value = word[index] };
        // If the current character is
        // less than root's data, then
        // it is inserted in the
        // left subtree
        if (word[index] < node.Value) {
            node.Left = Insert(node.Left, word, index);
        // If current character is
        // more than root's data, then
        // it is inserted in the right
        // subtree
        else if (word[index] > node.Value) {
            node.Right = Insert(node.Right, word, index);
        else {
            if (index < word.Length - 1) {
                    = Insert(node.Middle, word, index + 1);
            else {
                node.IsEndOfWord = true;
        return node;
    public List<string> AutoComplete(string prefix)
        var results = new List<string>();
        var node = FindNode(prefix);
        // Base case
        if (node != null) {
            if (node.IsEndOfWord) {
            Traverse(node.Middle, prefix, results);
        return results;
    private Node FindNode(string prefix)
        var node = _root;
        var index = 0;
        while (node != null && index < prefix.Length) {
            if (prefix[index] < node.Value) {
                node = node.Left;
            else if (prefix[index] > node.Value) {
                node = node.Right;
            else {
                if (index < prefix.Length) {
                    node = node.Middle;
        return node;
    // Traversing
    private void Traverse(Node node, string prefix,
                          List<string> results)
        if (node != null) {
            Traverse(node.Left, prefix, results);
            var newPrefix = prefix + node.Value;
            if (node.IsEndOfWord) {
            Traverse(node.Middle, newPrefix, results);
            Traverse(node.Right, prefix, results);
// Driver Code
class Program {
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Insert the words in the
        // Ternary Search Tree
        var t = new TernarySearchTree();
        var results = t.AutoComplete("wall");
        foreach(var r in results) { Console.WriteLine(r); }
// Code is contributed by Narasinga Nikhil

// JavaScript Program for the above approach
// Define the Node of the tree
class Node
  // Store the character of a string
  { = newData;
    // Store the end of word
    this.end = 0;
    // Left Subtree
    this.left = null;
    // Equal Subtree
    this.eq = null;
    // Right Subtree
    this.right = null;
// Function to create a Node
function createNode(newData) {
  const newNode = new Node(newData);
  newNode.end = 0;
  newNode.left = null;
  newNode.eq = null;
  newNode.right = null;
  return newNode;
// Function to insert a word in the tree
function insert(root, word, pos = 0)
  // Base case
  if (!root) {
    root = createNode(word[pos]);
  // If the current character is less than root's data,
  // then it is inserted in the left subtree
  if ( > word[pos]) {
    root.left = insert(root.left, word, pos);
  // If current character is more than root's data,
  // then it is inserted in the right subtree
  else if ( < word[pos]) {
    root.right = insert(root.right, word, pos);
  // If current character is same as that of the root's data
    // If it is the end of word
    if (pos + 1 === word.length)
      // Mark it as the end of word
      root.end = 1;
    // If it is not the end of the string, then the
    // current character is inserted in the equal subtree
    else {
      root.eq = insert(root.eq, word, pos + 1);
  return root;
// Function to traverse the ternary search tree
function traverse(root, ret, buff, depth = 0) {
  // Base case
  if (!root) {
  // The left subtree is traversed first
  traverse(root.left, ret, buff, depth);
  // Store the current character
  buff[depth] =;
  // If the end of the string is detected, store it in the final ans
  if (root.end) {
    buff[depth + 1] = '\0';
    ret.push(buff.slice(0, depth + 1).join(""));
  // Traverse the equal subtree
  traverse(root.eq, ret, buff, depth + 1);
  // Traverse the right subtree
  traverse(root.right, ret, buff, depth);
// Utility function to find all the words
function util(root, pattern)
  // Stores the words to suggest
  const buffer = Array.from({ length: 1001 }, () => null);
  const ret = [];
  traverse(root, ret, buffer);
  if (root.end === 1) {
  return ret;
// Function to autocomplete
// based on the given prefix
// and return the suggestions
function autocomplete(root, pattern) {
  let words = [];
  let pos = 0;
  // If pattern is empty
  // return an empty list
  if (!pattern) {
    return words;
  // Iterating over the characters
  // of the pattern and find it's
  // corresponding node in the tree
  while (root && pos < pattern.length)
    // If current character is smaller
    if ( > pattern[pos])
      // Search the left subtree
      root = root.left;
    // current character is greater
    else if ( < pattern[pos])
      // Search right subtree
      root = root.right;
    // If current character is equal
    else if ( === pattern[pos])
      // Search equal subtree
      // since character is found, move to
      // the next character in the pattern
      root = root.eq;
      pos += 1;
    // If not found
    else {
      return words;
  // Search for all the words
  // from the current node
  words = util(root, pattern);
  return words;
// Function to print
// suggested words
function printSuggestions(sugg, pat) {
    for (let sug of sugg) {
        console.log(pat + sug);
// Driver Code
let S = ['wallstreet', 'geeksforgeeks', 'wallmart', 'walmart', 'waldormort', 'word'];
let tree = null;
// Insert the words in the
// Ternary Search Tree
for (let str of S) {
    tree = insert(tree, str);
let pat = 'wall';
let sugg = autocomplete(tree, pat);
if (!sugg) {
} else {
    printSuggestions(sugg, pat);
// This code is contributed by codebraxnzt

// java Program to generate
// autocompleted texts from
// a given prefix using a
// Ternary Search Tree
// The TSTNode class defines the nodes of the tree.
class TSTNode {
    char data;
    boolean isEndOfWord;
    TSTNode left, middle, right;
    public TSTNode(char data)
    { = data;
        this.isEndOfWord = false;
        this.left = null;
        this.middle = null;
        this.right = null;
// The TernarySearchTree class defines the tree itself
class TernarySearchTree {
    TSTNode root;
    public TernarySearchTree() { this.root = null; }
    public void insert(String word)
        root = insert(root, word.toCharArray(), 0);
    // The insert() method inserts a given string into the
    // tree recursively.
    private TSTNode insert(TSTNode node, char[] word,
                           int index)
        if (node == null) {
            node = new TSTNode(word[index]);
        if (word[index] < {
            node.left = insert(node.left, word, index);
        else if (word[index] > {
            node.right = insert(node.right, word, index);
        else {
            if (index + 1 < word.length) {
                    = insert(node.middle, word, index + 1);
            else {
                node.isEndOfWord = true;
        return node;
    public void autoComplete(String prefix)
        TSTNode node = searchPrefix(prefix);
        if (node == null) {
                "No words found with given prefix");
        if (node.isEndOfWord) {
        traverse(node.middle, new StringBuilder(prefix));
    // The searchPrefix() method searches for a given prefix
    // in the tree.
    private TSTNode searchPrefix(String prefix)
        TSTNode node = root;
        int i = 0;
        while (node != null && i < prefix.length()) {
            if (prefix.charAt(i) < {
                node = node.left;
            else if (prefix.charAt(i) > {
                node = node.right;
            else {
                if (i == prefix.length()) {
                    return node;
                node = node.middle;
        return node;
    private void traverse(TSTNode node,
                          StringBuilder prefix)
        if (node == null) {
        traverse(node.left, prefix);
        if (node.isEndOfWord) {
        traverse(node.middle, prefix.append(;
        prefix.deleteCharAt(prefix.length() - 1);
        traverse(node.right, prefix);
// Driver code
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String[] words
            = { "wallstreet", "geeksforgeeks", "wallmart",
                "walmart",    "waldomort",     "word" };
        String prefix = "wall";
        TernarySearchTree tst = new TernarySearchTree();
        for (String word : words) {
        System.out.println("Words with prefix " + prefix
                           + " are:");


Time Complexity: O(L* log N) where L is length of longest word. 
The space is proportional to the length of the string to be stored.
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

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