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Given an integer N, the task is to count the values of K ( where 1 ? K? N ), such that 1< GCD(K, N)… Read More
In this article, we will learn about Matrix and Tensor.  Matrix : It is a tabular format in which numbers can be represented, like below – … Read More
Overview :In process synchronization, there exists a Sleeping Barber problem, as discussed here. But in the above solution, there is no guarantee that the customers… Read More
Counter :Counters are used to count the clock pulses. The clock pulses occur at regular intervals. They are used to measure the  time and frequency.… Read More
Float : It is a floating binary point type variable. Which means it represents a number in it’s binary form. Float is a single precision 32… Read More
Accolite Digital- SDE1 for Batch of 2022. But I am from 2021, I applied thinking they might allow and luckily they did. Round 0(Aptitude):  Accolite… Read More
Given two strings A and B of size N and M respectively, the task is to count characters of the string A, which when removed… Read More
Given two binary strings A and B of length N, the task is to convert the string A to B by either flipping any character… Read More
In MongoDB, Population is the process of replacing the specified path in the document of one collection with the actual document from the other collection.… Read More
Here, we are going to make an application for the “GeeksForGeeks” website. By making this application we will be able to learn how we can… Read More
Prerequisite – Virtual Memory in Operating System As suggested by the concept of virtual memory, it is not necessary that the entire process should be… Read More
Given an array arr[] of size N and an array Q[], the task is to calculate the sum of Bitwise XOR of all elements of… Read More
React… We all know the popularity of this framework among developers or programmers. React sit on the top of all the popular JavaScript library. It… Read More
Given a sorted array arr[] of size N and an integer K, the task is to find Kth smallest element present in the array. The… Read More
Given a sorted array arr[] of size N and an integer key, the task is to find the index at which key is present in… Read More
Kivy is a platform-independent GUI tool in Python. It can run on Android, IOS, Linux and Windows, etc. This is the only GUI library from… Read More
String Interpolation is a process in which the placeholder characters are replaced with the variables (or strings in this case) which allow to dynamically or… Read More
There are some standard libraries we can use for timezones, here we’ll use pytz. This library has a timezone class for handling arbitrary fixed offsets… Read More
Java is the most powerful programming language, by which we can perform many tasks and Java is an industry preferable language. So it is filled… Read More
Given an integer N, the task is to count the number of N-digit numbers such that each digit, except the first and second digits, is… Read More