All Hard Articles
Vue is an open-source JavaScript front-end framework for building the UI for websites and apps. The main features are an incrementally adaptable architecture that focuses… Read More
While Working with Git in certain situations we want to undo changes in the working area or index area, sometimes remove commits locally or remotely… Read More
What is an Application? An Application is a group of two or more ASP files that use to work together to perform a particular task… Read More
Friction is a force that acts to slow down the movement of two objects that are in contact. Frictional energy is converted into sound and… Read More
There are a lot of scenarios in which we need to pass variable arguments to a function. In Kotlin, You can pass a variable number… Read More
The HTML <blink> tag is used to create a blinking text that flashes slowly. It has been obsolete all told fashionable browsers whereas some browsers… Read More
Dirty Checks in React generally refer to the changes and modifications in the DOM if a component state is modified or dirtied and needs re-rendering… Read More
The heat of reaction also known as Enthalpy of Reaction is the difference in the enthalpy value of a chemical reaction under constant pressure. It… Read More
Given two stacks stack1[] and stack2[] of size N and M respectively and an integer K, The task is to count the maximum number of… Read More
Interview Difficulty Level: Hard Round 1(Resume Shortlisting): Applied on 9 Oct 2021, got test link around 10 Nov 2021. Round 2(Online Assessment): There were four… Read More
I attended a hiring event on Codechef for Amazon in March or April ’21. I managed to solve nearly 50% of the questions. So, after… Read More
Given a binary tree, the task is to find the length of the longest path which forms an Arithmetic progression. The path can start and… Read More
Given an array arr[] of size N. The task is to maximize the minimum value of the array after performing given operations. In an operation,… Read More
Given a sentence S of size N where each word is a concatenation of a numeric part followed by a bunch of characters. The task… Read More
As we all know about loops, in Kotlin, loops are compiled down to optimized loops wherever possible. For example, if you iterate over a number… Read More
Given two strings A and B, print the minimum number of slices required in A to get another string B. In case, if it is… Read More
In this post, we will see how to publish the Docker images to Docker Hub. By publishing the images to the docker hub and making… Read More
Given a binary tree, print it vertically.  NOTE: If there are multiple nodes at the same point, then print them in sorted order. Examples: Input:… Read More
Round 1 (Technical Interview) – Three coding questions were asked along with some C++ output questions. – I was asked to scale the implemented… Read More
Given a string str of length N (divisible by 3) consisting of atmost three distinct characters, the task is to find the length of the… Read More