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R language is evolving and it implements parametric polymorphism, which means that methods in R refer to functions, not classes. Parametric polymorphism primarily lets you… Read More
This post deals with the ways to increase the dimension of an array in NumPy. NumPy provides us with two different built-in functions to increase… Read More
Given a Binary Tree and an array arr[] consisting of values of nodes to be deleted, the task is to print Inorder Traversal of the… Read More
On 6th August CommVault visits our campus. On GeeksforGeeks had a lot of interview archives and that helped me a lot to learn about the… Read More
Given an array arr[] of length N, the task is to find the longest subarray for each array element arr[i], which contains arr[i] as the… Read More
Given an array arr[] of length N containing array elements in the range [1, N], the task is to find the maximum number of pairs… Read More
First Round (Online-Written Platform: HackerEarth): Time duration for this round was 1 hour and there are 25 MCQs both Easy and Gate Level Based with… Read More
Given an array of N distinct positive integers. The task is to find the minimum cost to sort the given array. The cost of swapping… Read More
Given a range [low, high], both inclusive, and an integer K, the task is to select K numbers from the range(a number can be chosen… Read More
Prerequisite: graphics.h, How to include graphics.h?  In C/C++ there is graphics.h header file which is used to create the object like line, circle, etc. Given an… Read More
In this article, we will learn how to implement form validation using jQuery Poppa plugin. It is a very easy to use, reliable, cross-browser friendly,… Read More
The term Neural Networks refers to the system of neurons either organic or artificial in nature. In artificial intelligence reference, neural networks are a set… Read More
Online Assessment: 2 Questions – 120 Minutes Question 1 – Coloring nx3 board with 3 colors An automated painting system needs a program that can… Read More
Given a strictly decreasing array arr[] consisting of N integers, the task is to find the minimum number of operations required to make at least… Read More
Round 1: Online Assessment The AmazeWow assessment: 28 technical questions + 2 coding questions. Time: 1.5 hours 1.  Evaluation of Postfix Expression… Read More
The SVG <text> element is used to draw text. There are some attributes to customize the text. Syntax: <text x="x-coordinates" y="y-coordinates" dx="list of lengths" dy="list… Read More
IIT Bombay is organizing GATE 2021. In this year, The GATE authority 2021 has made major changes and has also revised the syllabus of various… Read More
Given a string S of length N which only contains lowercase alphabets. Find the length of the longest substring of S such that the characters… Read More
Given two integers N and K where N denotes the unit size of a bigger Equilateral Triangle, the task is to find the number of… Read More