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Gap Buffer | Deletion Operation

We have discussed

Gap buffer

and insert operations. In this post,

delete operation

is discussed. When we want to delete a character these three cases may arise.

Implementing Gap Buffer with Deletion

// C++ program of implementation
// of gap buffer with Deletion
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
char buffer[50];
int gap_size = 10;
int gap_left = 0;
int gap_right = gap_size - gap_left - 1;
int size = 10;
// Function that is used to grow the gap
// at index position and return the array
void grow(int k, int position)
    char a[size];
    // Copy characters of buffer to a[]
    // after position
    for (int i = position; i < size; i++) {
        a[i - position] = buffer[i];
    // Insert a gap of k from index position
    // gap is being represented by '-'
    for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
        buffer[i + position] = '_';
    // Reinsert the remaining array
    for (int i = 0; i < position + k; i++) {
        buffer[position + k + i] = a[i];
    size += k;
    gap_right += k;
// Function that is used to move the gap
// left in the array
void left(int position)
    // Move the gap left character by character
    // and the buffers
    while (position < gap_left) {
        buffer[gap_right + 1] = buffer[gap_left];
        buffer[gap_left] = '_';
// Function that is used to move the gap
// right in the array
void right(int position)
    // Move the gap right character by character
    // and the buffers
    while (position > gap_left) {
        buffer[gap_left - 1] = buffer[gap_right];
        buffer[gap_right] = '_';
// Function to control the movement of gap
// by checking its position to the point of
// insertion
void move_cursor(int position)
    if (position < gap_left) {
    else {
// Function to insert the string to the buffer
// at point position
void insert(string input, int position)
    int len = input.length();
    int i = 0;
    // If the point is not the gap check
    // and move the cursor to that point
    if (position != gap_left) {
    // Insert characters one by one
    while (i < len) {
        // If the gap is empty grow the size
        if (gap_right == gap_left) {
            int k = 10;
            grow(k, position);
        // Insert the character in the gap and
        // move the gap
        buffer[gap_left] = input[i];
// Function to delete the character buffer
// at point position
void deleetion(int position)
    // If the point is not the gap check
    // and move the cursor to that point
    if (position + 1 != gap_left) {
        move_cursor(position + 1);
    // Reduce the gap_left
    gap_left -= 1;
    buffer[gap_left] = '_';
// Driver code
int main()
    // Initializing the gap buffer with size 10
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        buffer[i] = '_';
    cout << "Initializing the gap buffer "
        << "with size 10" << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        cout << buffer[i] << " ";
    cout << endl;
    // Inserting a string to buffer
    string input = "GEEKSGEEKS";
    int position = 0;
    insert(input, position);
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Inserting a string to buffer"
        << ": GEEKSGEEKS" << endl;
    cout << "Output: ";
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        cout << buffer[i] << " ";
    input = "FOR";
    position = 5;
    // Inserting a string to buffer
    insert(input, position);
    cout << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Inserting a string to buffer"
        << ": FOR" << endl;
    cout << "Output: ";
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        cout << buffer[i] << " ";
    position = 5;
    // Deletion a character from buffer
    cout << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Deleting character at position 5"
        << endl;
    cout << "Output: ";
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        cout << buffer[i] << " ";
    position = 6;
    // Deletion a character from buffer
    cout << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Deleting character at position 6"
        << endl;
    cout << "Output: ";
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        cout << buffer[i] << " ";
    position = 5;
    // Deletion a character from buffer
    cout << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Deleting character at position 5"
        << endl;
    cout << "Output: ";
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        cout << buffer[i] << " ";
    input = "HELLO";
    position = 0;
    // Inserting a string to buffer
    insert(input, position);
    cout << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Inserting a string to buffer"
        << ": HELLO" << endl;
    cout << "Output: ";
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        cout << buffer[i] << " ";
    return 0;

public class GapBuffer {
    // Define the buffer and gap variables
    private char[] buffer;
    private int gapSize = 10;
    private int gapLeft = 0;
    private int gapRight = gapSize - 1;
    private int size = 10;
    // Constructor to initialize the gap buffer
    public GapBuffer() {
        buffer = new char[50];
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            buffer[i] = '_';
    // Function to increase the size of the gap
    public void grow(int k, int position) {
        char[] a = new char[size];
        System.arraycopy(buffer, position, a, 0, size - position);
        for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
            buffer[i + position] = '_';
        System.arraycopy(a, 0, buffer, position + k, size - position);
        size += k;
        gapRight += k;
    // Function to move the gap to the left
    public void left(int position) {
        while (position < gapLeft) {
            buffer[gapRight + 1] = buffer[gapLeft];
            buffer[gapLeft] = '_';
    // Function to move the gap to the right
    public void right(int position) {
        while (position > gapLeft) {
            buffer[gapLeft - 1] = buffer[gapRight];
            buffer[gapRight] = '_';
    // Function to move the cursor to the desired position
    public void moveCursor(int position) {
        if (position < gapLeft) {
        } else {
    // Function to insert a string at a given position
    public void insert(String input, int position) {
        int len = input.length();
        int i = 0;
        if (position != gapLeft) {
        while (i < len) {
            if (gapRight == gapLeft) {
                int k = 10;
                grow(k, position);
            buffer[gapLeft] = input.charAt(i);
    // Function to delete a character at a given position
    public void deletion(int position) {
        if (position + 1 != gapLeft) {
            moveCursor(position + 1);
        gapLeft -= 1;
        buffer[gapLeft] = '_';
    // Function to print the current state of the buffer
    public void printBuffer() {
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            System.out.print(buffer[i] + " ");
    // Main function to demonstrate the gap buffer operations
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        GapBuffer gapBuffer = new GapBuffer();
        System.out.println("Initializing the gap buffer with size 10");
        System.out.println("\nInserting a string to buffer: GEEKSGEEKS");
        gapBuffer.insert("GEEKSGEEKS", 0);
        System.out.println("\nInserting a string to buffer: FOR");
        gapBuffer.insert("FOR", 5);
        System.out.println("\nDeleting character at position 5");
        System.out.println("\nDeleting character at position 6");
        System.out.println("\nDeleting character at position 5");
        System.out.println("\nInserting a string to buffer: HELLO");
        gapBuffer.insert("HELLO", 0);

class GapBuffer:
    def __init__(self):
        # Initializing the gap buffer
        self.buffer = ['_']*50
        self.gapSize = 10
        self.gapLeft = 0
        self.gapRight = self.gapSize - 1
        self.size = 10
    def grow(self, k, position):
        # Increasing the size of the gap
        a = self.buffer[position:self.size]
        self.buffer[position:position+k] = ['_']*k
        self.buffer[position+k:position+k+self.size-position] = a
        self.size += k
        self.gapRight += k
    def left(self, position):
        # Moving the gap to the left
        while position < self.gapLeft:
            self.gapLeft -= 1
            self.gapRight -= 1
            self.buffer[self.gapRight + 1] = self.buffer[self.gapLeft]
            self.buffer[self.gapLeft] = '_'
    def right(self, position):
        # Moving the gap to the right
        while position > self.gapLeft:
            self.gapLeft += 1
            self.gapRight += 1
            self.buffer[self.gapLeft - 1] = self.buffer[self.gapRight]
            self.buffer[self.gapRight] = '_'
    def moveCursor(self, position):
        # Moving the cursor to the desired position
        if position < self.gapLeft:
    def insert(self, input, position):
        # Inserting a string at a given position
        len_input = len(input)
        i = 0
        if position != self.gapLeft:
        while i < len_input:
            if self.gapRight == self.gapLeft:
                k = 10
                self.grow(k, position)
            self.buffer[self.gapLeft] = input[i]
            self.gapLeft += 1
            i += 1
            position += 1
    def deletion(self, position):
        # Deleting a character at a given position
        if position + 1 != self.gapLeft:
            self.moveCursor(position + 1)
        self.gapLeft -= 1
        self.buffer[self.gapLeft] = '_'
    def printBuffer(self):
        # Printing the current state of the buffer
        print(' '.join(self.buffer[:self.size]))
if __name__ == "__main__":
    gapBuffer = GapBuffer()
    print("Initializing the gap buffer with size 10")
    print("\nInserting a string to buffer: GEEKSGEEKS")
    gapBuffer.insert("GEEKSGEEKS", 0)
    print("\nInserting a string to buffer: FOR")
    gapBuffer.insert("FOR", 5)
    print("\nDeleting character at position 5")
    print("\nDeleting character at position 6")
    print("\nDeleting character at position 5")
    print("\nInserting a string to buffer: HELLO")
    gapBuffer.insert("HELLO", 0)

using System;
using System.Linq;
public class GapBuffer
    private char[] buffer;
    private int gapSize;
    private int gapLeft;
    private int gapRight;
    private int size;
    public GapBuffer()
        // Initializing the gap buffer
        this.buffer = Enumerable.Repeat('_', 50).ToArray();
        this.gapSize = 10;
        this.gapLeft = 0;
        this.gapRight = this.gapSize - 1;
        this.size = 10;
    private void Grow(int k, int position)
        // Increasing the size of the gap
        var a = this.buffer.Skip(position).Take(this.size - position).ToArray();
        Array.Copy(a, 0, this.buffer, position + k, this.size - position);
        Array.Fill(this.buffer, '_', position, k);
        this.size += k;
        this.gapRight += k;
    private void Left(int position)
        // Moving the gap to the left
        while (position < this.gapLeft)
            this.buffer[this.gapRight + 1] = this.buffer[this.gapLeft];
            this.buffer[this.gapLeft] = '_';
    private void Right(int position)
        // Moving the gap to the right
        while (position > this.gapLeft)
            this.buffer[this.gapLeft - 1] = this.buffer[this.gapRight];
            this.buffer[this.gapRight] = '_';
    public void MoveCursor(int position)
        // Moving the cursor to the desired position
        if (position < this.gapLeft)
    public void Insert(string input, int position)
        // Inserting a string at a given position
        int len_input = input.Length;
        int i = 0;
        if (position != this.gapLeft)
        while (i < len_input)
            if (this.gapRight == this.gapLeft)
                int k = 10;
                this.Grow(k, position);
            this.buffer[this.gapLeft] = input[i];
    public void Deletion(int position)
        // Deleting a character at a given position
        if (position + 1 != this.gapLeft)
            this.MoveCursor(position + 1);
        this.buffer[this.gapLeft] = '_';
    public void PrintBuffer()
        // Printing the current state of the buffer
        Console.WriteLine(new string(this.buffer.Take(this.size).ToArray()));
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var gapBuffer = new GapBuffer();
        Console.WriteLine("Initializing the gap buffer with size 10");
        Console.WriteLine("\nInserting a string to buffer: GEEKSGEEKS");
        gapBuffer.Insert("GEEKSGEEKS", 0);
        Console.WriteLine("\nInserting a string to buffer: FOR");
        gapBuffer.Insert("FOR", 5);
        Console.WriteLine("\nDeleting character at position 5");
        Console.WriteLine("\nDeleting character at position 6");
        Console.WriteLine("\nDeleting character at position 5");
        Console.WriteLine("\nInserting a string to buffer: HELLO");
        gapBuffer.Insert("HELLO", 0);

class GapBuffer {
    constructor() {
        // Initializing the gap buffer
        this.buffer = Array(50).fill('_');
        this.gapSize = 10;
        this.gapLeft = 0;
        this.gapRight = this.gapSize - 1;
        this.size = 10;
    grow(k, position) {
        // Increasing the size of the gap
        let a = this.buffer.slice(position, this.size);
        this.buffer.splice(position, this.size - position, ...Array(k).fill('_'));
        this.buffer.splice(position + k, a.length, ...a);
        this.size += k;
        this.gapRight += k;
    left(position) {
        // Moving the gap to the left
        while (position < this.gapLeft) {
            this.buffer[this.gapRight + 1] = this.buffer[this.gapLeft];
            this.buffer[this.gapLeft] = '_';
    right(position) {
        // Moving the gap to the right
        while (position > this.gapLeft) {
            this.buffer[this.gapLeft - 1] = this.buffer[this.gapRight];
            this.buffer[this.gapRight] = '_';
    moveCursor(position) {
        // Moving the cursor to the desired position
        if (position < this.gapLeft) {
        } else {
    insert(input, position) {
        // Inserting a string at a given position
        let len_input = input.length;
        let i = 0;
        if (position != this.gapLeft) {
        while (i < len_input) {
            if (this.gapRight == this.gapLeft) {
                let k = 10;
                this.grow(k, position);
            this.buffer[this.gapLeft] = input[i];
    deletion(position) {
        // Deleting a character at a given position
        if (position + 1 != this.gapLeft) {
            this.moveCursor(position + 1);
        this.buffer[this.gapLeft] = '_';
    printBuffer() {
        // Printing the current state of the buffer
        console.log(this.buffer.slice(0, this.size).join(' '));
// Main function to demonstrate the gap buffer operations
let gapBuffer = new GapBuffer();
console.log("Initializing the gap buffer with size 10");
console.log("\nInserting a string to buffer: GEEKSGEEKS");
gapBuffer.insert("GEEKSGEEKS", 0);
console.log("\nInserting a string to buffer: FOR");
gapBuffer.insert("FOR", 5);
console.log("\nDeleting character at position 5");
console.log("\nDeleting character at position 6");
console.log("\nDeleting character at position 5");
console.log("\nInserting a string to buffer: HELLO");
gapBuffer.insert("HELLO", 0);

Initializing the gap buffer with size 10
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

Inserting a string to buffer: GEEKSGEEKS
Output: G E E K S G E E K S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

Inserting a string to buffer: FOR
Output: G E ...

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