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Find the missing element in an array of integers represented in binary format

Last Updated : 08 Sep, 2022
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Given N strings which represents all integers from 0 to N in binary format except any one. The task is to find the missing number. Input consists of an array of strings where array elements are represented in binary format.


Input: arr[] = {“0000”, “0001”, “0010”, “0100”} 
Output: 3

Input: arr[] = {“0000”, “0001”, “0010”, “0011”, “0100”, “0110”, “0111”, “1000”} 
Output: 5 


  • An imbalance of 1’s and 0’s in the least significant bits of the numbers can be observed in the N integers given. Since one number is missing either a 0 or 1 from the LSB is missing. If the number which is missing has LSB = 0 then count(1) will be greater than equal to count(0). If LSB of missing number is 1 then count(1) is less than count(0).
  • From the step 1 one can easily determine the LSB of missing number.
  • Once determined, discard all the numbers having LSB different from that of the missing number, i.e., if the missing number has LSB = 0, then discard all the numbers with LSB = 1 and vice versa.
  • Continue the process from step 1 all over again and recur for the next LSB.
  • Continue with the above process till all the bits are traversed.

Below is the implementation of the above approach: 


// C++ program to find the missing integer
// in N numbers when N bits are given
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
class BitInteger {
    bool* bits;
    static const int INTEGER_SIZE = 32;
        bits = new bool[INTEGER_SIZE];
    // Constructor to convert an integer
    // variable into binary format
    BitInteger(int value)
        bits = new bool[INTEGER_SIZE];
        for (int j = 0; j < INTEGER_SIZE; j++) {
            // The if statement will shift the
            // original value j times.
            // So that appropriate (INTEGER_SIZE - 1 -j)th
            // bits will be either 0/1.
            //  (INTEGER_SIZE - 1 -j)th bit for all
            // j = 0 to INTEGER_SIZE-1 corresponds
            // to  LSB to MSB respectively.
            if (((value >> j) & 1) == 1)
                bits[INTEGER_SIZE - 1 - j] = true;
                bits[INTEGER_SIZE - 1 - j] = false;
    // Constructor to convert a
    // string into binary format.
    BitInteger(string str)
        int len = str.length();
        int x = INTEGER_SIZE - len;
        bits = new bool[INTEGER_SIZE];
        // If len = 4. Then x = 32 - 4 = 28.
        // Hence iterate from
        // bit 28 to bit 32 and just
        // replicate the input string.
        int i = 0;
        for (int j = x; j <= INTEGER_SIZE && i < len; j++, i++) {
            if (str[i] == '1')
                bits[j] = true;
                bits[j] = false;
    // this function fetches the kth bit
    int fetch(int k)
        if (bits[k])
            return 1;
        return 0;
    // this function will set a value
    // of bit indicated by k to given bitValue
    void set(int k, int bitValue)
        if (bitValue == 0)
            bits[k] = false;
            bits[k] = true;
    // convert binary representation to integer
    int toInt()
        int n = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < INTEGER_SIZE; i++) {
            n = n << 1;
            if (bits[i])
                n = n | 1;
        return n;
// Function to find the missing number
int findMissingFunc(list<BitInteger>& myList, int column)
    // This means that we have processed
    // the entire 32 bit binary number.
    if (column < 0)
        return 0;
    list<BitInteger> oddIndices;
    list<BitInteger> evenIndices;
    for (BitInteger t : myList) {
        // Initially column = LSB. So
        // if LSB of the given number is 0,
        // then the number is even and
        // hence we add it to evenIndices list.
        // else if LSB = 0 then add it to oddIndices list.
        if (t.fetch(column) == 0)
    // Step 1 and Step 2 of the algorithm.
    // Here we determine the LSB bit of missing number.
    if (oddIndices.size() >= evenIndices.size())
        // LSB of the missing number is 0.
        // Hence it is an even number.
        // Step 3 and 4 of the algorithm
        // (discarding all odd numbers)
        return (findMissingFunc(evenIndices, column - 1)) << 1 | 0;
        // LSB of the missing number is 1.
        // Hence it is an odd number.
        // Step 3 and 4 of the algorithm
        // (discarding all even numbers)
        return (findMissingFunc(oddIndices, column - 1)) << 1 | 1;
// Function to return the missing integer
int findMissing(list<BitInteger>& myList)
    // Initial call is with given array and LSB.
    return findMissingFunc(myList, BitInteger::INTEGER_SIZE - 1);
// Driver Code.
int main()
    // a corresponds to the input array which
    // is a list of binary numbers
    list<BitInteger> a = { BitInteger("0000"), BitInteger("0001"),
                           BitInteger("0010"), BitInteger("0100"),
                           BitInteger("0101") };
    int missing1 = findMissing(a);
    cout << missing1 << "\n";
    return 0;


// Java program to find the missing integer
// in N numbers when N bits are given
import java.util.*;
class BitInteger {
    boolean[] bits;
    public static int INTEGER_SIZE = 32;
    public BitInteger()
        bits = new boolean[INTEGER_SIZE];
    // Constructor to convert an integer
    // variable into binary format
    public BitInteger(int value)
        bits = new boolean[INTEGER_SIZE];
        for (int j = 0; j < INTEGER_SIZE; j++) {
            // The if statement will shift the
            // original value j times.
            // So that appropriate (INTEGER_SIZE - 1 -j)th
            // bits will be either 0/1.
            //  (INTEGER_SIZE - 1 -j)th bit for all
            // j = 0 to INTEGER_SIZE-1 corresponds
            // to  LSB to MSB respectively.
            if (((value >> j) & 1) == 1)
                bits[INTEGER_SIZE - 1 - j] = true;
                bits[INTEGER_SIZE - 1 - j] = false;
    // Constructor to convert a
    // string into binary format.
    public BitInteger(String str)
        int len = str.length();
        int x = INTEGER_SIZE - len;
        bits = new boolean[INTEGER_SIZE];
        // If len = 4. Then x = 32 - 4 = 28.
        // Hence iterate from
        // bit 28 to bit 32 and just
        // replicate the input string.
        int i = 0;
        for (int j = x; j <= INTEGER_SIZE && i < len;
             j++, i++) {
            if (str.charAt(i) == '1')
                bits[j] = true;
                bits[j] = false;
    // this function fetches the kth bit
    int fetch(int k)
        if (bits[k])
            return 1;
        return 0;
    // this function will set a value
    // of bit indicated by k to given bitValue
    void set(int k, int bitValue)
        if (bitValue == 0)
            bits[k] = false;
            bits[k] = true;
    // convert binary representation to integer
    int toInt()
        int n = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < INTEGER_SIZE; i++) {
            n = n << 1;
            if (bits[i])
                n = n | 1;
        return n;
class GFG {
    // Function to find the missing number
    static int findMissingFunc(ArrayList<BitInteger> myList,
                               int column)
        // This means that we have processed
        // the entire 32 bit binary number.
        if (column < 0)
            return 0;
        ArrayList<BitInteger> oddIndices
            = new ArrayList<BitInteger>();
        ArrayList<BitInteger> evenIndices
            = new ArrayList<BitInteger>();
        for (BitInteger t : myList) {
            // Initially column = LSB. So
            // if LSB of the given number is 0,
            // then the number is even and
            // hence we add it to evenIndices list.
            // else if LSB = 0 then add it to oddIndices
            // list.
            if (t.fetch(column) == 0)
        // Step 1 and Step 2 of the algorithm.
        // Here we determine the LSB bit of missing number.
        if (oddIndices.size() >= evenIndices.size())
            // LSB of the missing number is 0.
            // Hence it is an even number.
            // Step 3 and 4 of the algorithm
            // (discarding all odd numbers)
            return (findMissingFunc(evenIndices,
                                    column - 1))
                << 1
                | 0;
            // LSB of the missing number is 1.
            // Hence it is an odd number.
            // Step 3 and 4 of the algorithm
            // (discarding all even numbers)
            return (findMissingFunc(oddIndices, column - 1))
                << 1
                | 1;
    // Function to return the missing integer
    static int findMissing(ArrayList<BitInteger> myList)
        // Initial call is with given array and LSB.
        return findMissingFunc(myList,
                               BitInteger.INTEGER_SIZE - 1);
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // a corresponds to the input array which
        // is a list of binary numbers
        ArrayList<BitInteger> a
            = new ArrayList<BitInteger>();
        a.add(new BitInteger("0000"));
        a.add(new BitInteger("0001"));
        a.add(new BitInteger("0010"));
        a.add(new BitInteger("0100"));
        a.add(new BitInteger("0101"));
        int missing1 = findMissing(a);
// This code is contributed by phasing17


# Python3 program to find the missing integer
# in N numbers when N bits are given
class BitInteger :
    # Constructor to convert an integer
    # variable into binary format
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.INTEGER_SIZE = 32;
        self.bits = [False for _ in range(self.INTEGER_SIZE)];
        if isinstance(value, int):
            for j in range(self.INTEGER_SIZE):
                # The if statement will shift the
                # original value j times.
                # So that appropriate (INTEGER_SIZE - 1 -j)th
                # bits will be either 0/1.
                #  (INTEGER_SIZE - 1 -j)th bit for all
                # j = 0 to INTEGER_SIZE-1 corresponds
                # to  LSB to MSB respectively.
                if (((value >> j) & 1) == 1):
                    bits[self.INTEGER_SIZE - 1 - j] = True;
                    bits[self.INTEGER_SIZE - 1 - j] = False;
        elif isinstance(value, str):
            # Constructor to convert a
            # string into binary format.
            if 1:
                str1 = value;
                len1 = len(str1);
                x = self.INTEGER_SIZE - len1
                self.bits = [0 for _ in range(self.INTEGER_SIZE)];
                # If len = 4. Then x = 32 - 4 = 28.
                # Hence iterate from
                # bit 28 to bit 32 and just
                # replicate the input string.
                i = 0;
                j = x
                while  j <= self.INTEGER_SIZE and i < len1 :
                    if (str1[i] == '1'):
                        self.bits[j] = True;
                        self.bits[j] = False;
                    j += 1
                    i += 1
    # this function fetches the kth bit
    def fetch(self, k):
        if (self.bits[k]):
            return 1;
        return 0;
    # this function will set a value
    # of bit indicated by k to given bitValue
    def sets(self, k, bitValue) :
        if (bitValue == 0):
            self.bits[k] = False;
            self.bits[k] = True;
    # convert binary representation to integer
    def toInt(self):
        n = 0;
        for i in range(self.INTEGER_SIZE):
            n = n << 1;
            if (self.bits[i]):
                n = n | 1;
        return n;
# Function to find the missing number
def findMissingFunc(myList, column) :
    # This means that we have processed
    # the entire 32 bit binary number.
    if (column < 0):
        return 0;
    oddIndices = [];
    evenIndices = [];
    for t in myList:
        # Initially column = LSB. So
        # if LSB of the given number is 0,
        # then the number is even and
        # hence we add it to evenIndices list.
        # else if LSB = 0 then add it to oddIndices list.
        if (t.fetch(column) == 0):
    # Step 1 and Step 2 of the algorithm.
    # Here we determine the LSB bit of missing number.
    if (len(oddIndices) >= len(evenIndices)):
        # LSB of the missing number is 0.
        # Hence it is an even number.
        # Step 3 and 4 of the algorithm
        # (discarding all odd numbers)
        return (findMissingFunc(evenIndices, column - 1)) << 1 | 0;
        # LSB of the missing number is 1.
        # Hence it is an odd number.
        # Step 3 and 4 of the algorithm
        # (discarding all even numbers)
        return (findMissingFunc(oddIndices, column - 1)) << 1 | 1;
# Function to return the missing integer
def findMissing(myList) :
    # Initial call is with given array and LSB.
    return findMissingFunc(myList, 31);
# Driver Code.
# a corresponds to the input array which
# is a list of binary numbers
a = [BitInteger("0000"), BitInteger("0001"), BitInteger("0010"), BitInteger("0100"), BitInteger("0101")]
missing1 = findMissing(a);
# This code is contributed by phasing17


// C# program to find the missing integer
// in N numbers when N bits are given
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class BitInteger {
    bool[] bits;
    public static int INTEGER_SIZE = 32;
    public BitInteger() { bits = new bool[INTEGER_SIZE]; }
    // Constructor to convert an integer
    // variable into binary format
    public BitInteger(int value)
        bits = new bool[INTEGER_SIZE];
        for (int j = 0; j < INTEGER_SIZE; j++) {
            // The if statement will shift the
            // original value j times.
            // So that appropriate (INTEGER_SIZE - 1 -j)th
            // bits will be either 0/1.
            //  (INTEGER_SIZE - 1 -j)th bit for all
            // j = 0 to INTEGER_SIZE-1 corresponds
            // to  LSB to MSB respectively.
            if (((value >> j) & 1) == 1)
                bits[INTEGER_SIZE - 1 - j] = true;
                bits[INTEGER_SIZE - 1 - j] = false;
    // Constructor to convert a
    // string into binary format.
    public BitInteger(string str)
        int len = str.Length;
        int x = INTEGER_SIZE - len;
        bits = new bool[INTEGER_SIZE];
        // If len = 4. Then x = 32 - 4 = 28.
        // Hence iterate from
        // bit 28 to bit 32 and just
        // replicate the input string.
        int i = 0;
        for (int j = x; j <= INTEGER_SIZE && i < len;
             j++, i++) {
            if (str[i] == '1')
                bits[j] = true;
                bits[j] = false;
    // this function fetches the kth bit
    public int fetch(int k)
        if (bits[k])
            return 1;
        return 0;
    // this function will set a value
    // of bit indicated by k to given bitValue
    public void set(int k, int bitValue)
        if (bitValue == 0)
            bits[k] = false;
            bits[k] = true;
    // convert binary representation to integer
    public int toInt()
        int n = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < INTEGER_SIZE; i++) {
            n = n << 1;
            if (bits[i])
                n = n | 1;
        return n;
class GFG {
    // Function to find the missing number
    static int findMissingFunc(List<BitInteger> myList,
                               int column)
        // This means that we have processed
        // the entire 32 bit binary number.
        if (column < 0)
            return 0;
        List<BitInteger> oddIndices
            = new List<BitInteger>();
        List<BitInteger> evenIndices
            = new List<BitInteger>();
        foreach(BitInteger t in myList)
            // Initially column = LSB. So
            // if LSB of the given number is 0,
            // then the number is even and
            // hence we add it to evenIndices list.
            // else if LSB = 0 then add it to oddIndices
            // list.
            if (t.fetch(column) == 0)
        // Step 1 and Step 2 of the algorithm.
        // Here we determine the LSB bit of missing number.
        if (oddIndices.Count >= evenIndices.Count)
            // LSB of the missing number is 0.
            // Hence it is an even number.
            // Step 3 and 4 of the algorithm
            // (discarding all odd numbers)
            return (findMissingFunc(evenIndices,
                                    column - 1))
                << 1
                | 0;
            // LSB of the missing number is 1.
            // Hence it is an odd number.
            // Step 3 and 4 of the algorithm
            // (discarding all even numbers)
            return (findMissingFunc(oddIndices, column - 1))
                << 1
                | 1;
    // Function to return the missing integer
    static int findMissing(List<BitInteger> myList)
        // Initial call is with given array and LSB.
        return findMissingFunc(myList,
                               BitInteger.INTEGER_SIZE - 1);
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // a corresponds to the input array which
        // is a list of binary numbers
        List<BitInteger> a = new List<BitInteger>();
        a.Add(new BitInteger("0000"));
        a.Add(new BitInteger("0001"));
        a.Add(new BitInteger("0010"));
        a.Add(new BitInteger("0100"));
        a.Add(new BitInteger("0101"));
        int missing1 = findMissing(a);
// This code is contributed by phasing17


// JS program to find the missing integer
// in N numbers when N bits are given
class BitInteger {
    // Constructor to convert an integer
    // variable into binary format
    constructor(value) {
        this.INTEGER_SIZE = 32;
        this.bits = new Array(this.INTEGER_SIZE);
        if (typeof value == 'number') {
            for (var j = 0; j < this.INTEGER_SIZE; j++) {
                // The if statement will shift the
                // original value j times.
                // So that appropriate (INTEGER_SIZE - 1 -j)th
                // bits will be either 0/1.
                //  (INTEGER_SIZE - 1 -j)th bit for all
                // j = 0 to INTEGER_SIZE-1 corresponds
                // to  LSB to MSB respectively.
                if (((value >> j) & 1) == 1)
                    bits[this.INTEGER_SIZE - 1 - j] = true;
                    bits[this.INTEGER_SIZE - 1 - j] = false;
        } else if (typeof value == 'string') {
            // Constructor to convert a
            // string into binary format.
                let str = value;
                let len = str.length;
                let x = this.INTEGER_SIZE - len;
                this.bits = new Array(this.INTEGER_SIZE);
                // If len = 4. Then x = 32 - 4 = 28.
                // Hence iterate from
                // bit 28 to bit 32 and just
                // replicate the input string.
                let i = 0;
                for (let j = x; j <= this.INTEGER_SIZE && i < len; j++, i++) {
                    if (str.charAt(i) == '1')
                        this.bits[j] = true;
                        this.bits[j] = false;
    // this function fetches the kth bit
    fetch(k) {
        if (this.bits[k])
            return 1;
        return 0;
    // this function will set a value
    // of bit indicated by k to given bitValue
    set(k, bitValue) {
        if (bitValue == 0)
            this.bits[k] = false;
            this.bits[k] = true;
    // convert binary representation to integer
    toInt() {
        let n = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i < this.INTEGER_SIZE; i++) {
            n = n << 1;
            if (this.bits[i])
                n = n | 1;
        return n;
// Function to find the missing number
function findMissingFunc(myList, column) {
    // This means that we have processed
    // the entire 32 bit binary number.
    if (column < 0)
        return 0;
    let oddIndices = [];
    let evenIndices = [];
    for (var t of myList) {
        // Initially column = LSB. So
        // if LSB of the given number is 0,
        // then the number is even and
        // hence we add it to evenIndices list.
        // else if LSB = 0 then add it to oddIndices list.
        if (t.fetch(column) == 0)
    // Step 1 and Step 2 of the algorithm.
    // Here we determine the LSB bit of missing number.
    if (oddIndices.length >= evenIndices.length)
        // LSB of the missing number is 0.
        // Hence it is an even number.
        // Step 3 and 4 of the algorithm
        // (discarding all odd numbers)
        return (findMissingFunc(evenIndices, column - 1)) << 1 | 0;
        // LSB of the missing number is 1.
        // Hence it is an odd number.
        // Step 3 and 4 of the algorithm
        // (discarding all even numbers)
        return (findMissingFunc(oddIndices, column - 1)) << 1 | 1;
// Function to return the missing integer
function findMissing(myList) {
    // Initial call is with given array and LSB.
    return findMissingFunc(myList, 31);
// Driver Code.
// a corresponds to the input array which
// is a list of binary numbers
let a = [new BitInteger("0000"), new BitInteger("0001"),
    new BitInteger("0010"), new BitInteger("0100"),
    new BitInteger("0101")
let missing1 = findMissing(a);
// This code is contributed by phasing17



Time Complexity: O(N)

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