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Expression contains redundant bracket or not

Last Updated : 28 Jun, 2023
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Given a string of balanced expressions, find if it contains a redundant parenthesis or not. A set of parenthesis is redundant if the same sub-expression is surrounded by unnecessary or multiple brackets. Print ‘Yes‘ if redundant, else ‘No‘.

Note: Expression may contain ‘+‘, ‘*‘, ‘‘ and ‘/‘ operators. Given expression is valid and there are no white spaces present.


Input: str = “((a+b))”
Output: YES
Explanation: ((a+b)) can reduced to (a+b), this Redundant

Input: str = “(a+(b)/c)”
Output: YES
Explanation: (a+(b)/c) can reduced to (a+b/c) because b is surrounded by () which is redundant.

Checking Redundant Bracket using Stack

The idea is to use the stack, For any sub-expression of expression, if we are able to pick any sub-expression of expression surrounded by (), then we are again left with ( ) as part of the string, we have redundant braces. 

Follow the steps mentioned below to implement the approach:

  • We iterate through the given expression and for each character in the expression
    • if the character is an open parenthesis ‘(‘ or any of the operators or operands, we push it to the stack.
    • If the character is close parenthesis ‘)’, then pop characters from the stack till matching open parenthesis ‘(‘ is found.
  • Now for redundancy two conditions will arise while popping.
    • If immediate pop hits an open parenthesis ‘(‘, then we have found a duplicate parenthesis. For example, (((a+b))+c) has duplicate brackets around a+b. When we reach the second “)” after a+b, we have “((” in the stack. Since the top of the stack is an opening bracket, we conclude that there are duplicate brackets. 
    • If immediate pop doesn’t hit any operand(‘*’, ‘+’, ‘/’, ‘-‘) then it indicates the presence of unwanted brackets surrounded by expression. For instance, (a)+b contains unwanted () around a thus it is redundant.  

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


/* C++ Program to check whether valid
 expression is redundant or not*/
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to check redundant brackets in a
// balanced expression
bool checkRedundancy(string& str)
    // create a stack of characters
    stack<char> st;
    // Iterate through the given expression
    for (auto& ch : str) {
        // if current character is close parenthesis ')'
        if (ch == ')') {
            char top =;
            // If immediate pop have open parenthesis '('
            // duplicate brackets found
            bool flag = true;
            while (!st.empty() and top != '(') {
                // Check for operators in expression
                if (top == '+' || top == '-' ||
                    top == '*' || top == '/')
                    flag = false;
                // Fetch top element of stack
                top =;
            // If operators not found
            if (flag == true)
                return true;
            st.push(ch); // push open parenthesis '(',
                  // operators and operands to stack
    return false;
// Function to check redundant brackets
void findRedundant(string& str)
    bool ans = checkRedundancy(str);
    if (ans == true)
        cout << "Yes\n";
        cout << "No\n";
// Driver code
int main()
    string str = "((a+b))";
    return 0;


/* Java Program to check whether valid
expression is redundant or not*/
import java.util.Stack;
public class GFG {
// Function to check redundant brackets in a
// balanced expression
    static boolean checkRedundancy(String s) {
        // create a stack of characters
        Stack<Character> st = new Stack<>();
        char[] str = s.toCharArray();
        // Iterate through the given expression
        for (char ch : str) {
            // if current character is close parenthesis ')'
            if (ch == ')') {
                char top = st.peek();
                // If immediate pop have open parenthesis '('
                // duplicate brackets found
                boolean flag = true;
                while (top != '(') {
                    // Check for operators in expression
                    if (top == '+' || top == '-'
                            || top == '*' || top == '/') {
                        flag = false;
                    // Fetch top element of stack
                    top = st.peek();
                // If operators not found
                if (flag == true) {
                    return true;
            } else {
                st.push(ch); // push open parenthesis '(',
            }                // operators and operands to stack
        return false;
// Function to check redundant brackets
    static void findRedundant(String str) {
        boolean ans = checkRedundancy(str);
        if (ans == true) {
        } else {
// Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String str = "((a+b))";


# Python3 Program to check whether valid
# expression is redundant or not
# Function to check redundant brackets
# in a balanced expression
def checkRedundancy(Str):
    # create a stack of characters
    st = []
    # Iterate through the given expression
    for ch in Str:
        # if current character is close
        # parenthesis ')'
        if (ch == ')'):
            top = st[-1]
            # If immediate pop have open parenthesis
            # '(' duplicate brackets found
            flag = True
            while (top != '('):
                # Check for operators in expression
                if (top == '+' or top == '-' or
                    top == '*' or top == '/'):
                    flag = False
                # Fetch top element of stack
                top = st[-1]
            # If operators not found
            if (flag == True):
                return True
            st.append(ch) # append open parenthesis '(',
                          # operators and operands to stack
    return False
# Function to check redundant brackets
def findRedundant(Str):
    ans = checkRedundancy(Str)
    if (ans == True):
# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    Str = "((a+b))"
# This code is contributed by PranchalK


/* C# Program to check whether valid
expression is redundant or not*/
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
    // Function to check redundant brackets in a
    // balanced expression
    static bool checkRedundancy(String s)
        // create a stack of characters
        Stack<char> st = new Stack<char>();
        char[] str = s.ToCharArray();
        // Iterate through the given expression
        foreach (char ch in str)
            // if current character is close parenthesis ')'
            if (ch == ')')
                char top = st.Peek();
                // If immediate pop have open parenthesis '('
                // duplicate brackets found
                bool flag = true;
                while (top != '(')
                    // Check for operators in expression
                    if (top == '+' || top == '-'
                            || top == '*' || top == '/')
                        flag = false;
                    // Fetch top element of stack
                    top = st.Peek();
                // If operators not found
                if (flag == true)
                    return true;
                st.Push(ch); // push open parenthesis '(',
            }         // operators and operands to stack
        return false;
    // Function to check redundant brackets
    static void findRedundant(String str)
        bool ans = checkRedundancy(str);
        if (ans == true)
    // Driver code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        String str = "((a+b))";
/* This code contributed by PrinciRaj1992 */


/* JavaScript Program to check whether valid
 expression is redundant or not*/
// Function to check redundant brackets in a
// balanced expression
function checkRedundancy(str)
    // create a stack of characters
    var st = [];
    var ans = false;
    // Iterate through the given expression
    str.split('').forEach(ch => {
        // if current character is close parenthesis ')'
        if (ch == ')') {
            var top = st[st.length-1];
            // If immediate pop have open parenthesis '('
            // duplicate brackets found
            var flag = true;
            while (st.length!=0 && top != '(') {
                // Check for operators in expression
                if (top == '+' || top == '-' ||
                    top == '*' || top == '/')
                    flag = false;
                // Fetch top element of stack
                top = st[st.length-1];
            // If operators not found
            if (flag == true)
                ans = true;
            st.push(ch); // push open parenthesis '(',
                  // operators and operands to stack
    return ans;
// Function to check redundant brackets
function findRedundant(str)
    var ans = checkRedundancy(str);
    if (ans == true)
        document.write( "Yes<br>");
        document.write( "No<br>");
// Driver code
var str = "((a+b))";



Time Complexity: O(N)
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

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