
Last Updated : 28 Mar, 2016

GeeksforGeeks is well known resource for placement preparation for all software job aspirants. Be it an Interview Preparation or Competitive Programming, we have left no stone unturned to help geeks out there in every manner we could.

We have now taken an initiative to help startups, emerging Entrepreneurs and all newbies in software industry to recruit best lot of software developers through us. GeeksforGeeks will help to cut short your hiring process by organizing a Recruitment Contest for you. All you need to give are requirements for vacant positions of software developer in your organization and you are done. Currently the recruitment contests are available for C/C++/Java/Python 2.x  only.

And did we mention, all this is absolutely free for startups and small companies.

Interested Employers can fill up this form (ONLY Employers should fill this form) and they’ll be contacted by GeeksforGeeks team.


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