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The header file graphics.h contains circle() function which draws a circle with center at (x, y) and given radius. Syntax : circle(x, y, radius); where,… Read More
Given the value of n i.e, the number of lobes. Print the double-helix structure of Deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA).  Input: n = 8 Output: AT T--A A----T… Read More
Prerequisite – Introduction of Sequential Circuits  Asynchronous sequential circuits, also known as self-timed or ripple-clock circuits, are digital circuits that do not use a clock… Read More
We are given an array of n distinct numbers, the task is to sort all even-placed numbers in increasing and odd-place numbers in decreasing order.… Read More
Given a string s, change the string s according to the rules provided below:  Delete all the vowels from the string. Insert # in front… Read More
Write a program to print all Sophie Germain numbers for less than n. A prime number p is called a Sophie prime number if 2p+1… Read More
Maps are associative containers that store elements in a mapped fashion. Each element has a key value and a mapped value. No two mapped values… Read More
Sierpinski triangle is a fractal and attractive fixed set with the overall shape of an equilateral triangle. It subdivides recursively into smaller triangles.   Examples : … Read More
Given two integer numbers, whenever the bits of the first number is set i.e. 1, toggle the bits of the second number leaving the rest… Read More
There are n students in a class, each in possession of a different funny story. As the students were getting bored in the class, they… Read More
Inserting JavaScript into a webpage is much like inserting any other HTML content. The tags used to add JavaScript in HTML are <script> and </script>.… Read More
 Correlated subqueries are used for row-by-row processing. Each subquery is executed once for every row of the outer query.A correlated subquery is evaluated once for… Read More
Given the value of n(n < 10), i.e, number of lines, print the Fibonacci triangle. Examples:  Input : n = 5 Output : 1 1… Read More
Prerequisite – How ARP works? To transfer a packet from source to destination, both the MAC address and IP address of the destination should be known.… Read More
Given first term (a), common difference (d) and a integer n of the Arithmetic Progression series, the task is to print the series. Examples :   Input… Read More
Given an array and a number k, find the largest sum of contiguous array in the modified array which is formed by repeating the given… Read More
copysign(x, y) function returns the value with a magnitude of x and the sign of y.  Examples: Input : copysign(6, -2) Output : -6 Input… Read More
A role is created to ease the setup and maintenance of the security model. It is a named group of related privileges that can be… Read More
Given two number l and r. Count the total numbers between l and r which when subtracted from their respective reverse, the difference is a… Read More
In this article, we will cover how we split a list into evenly sized chunks in Python. Below are the methods that we will cover: … Read More