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Prerequisite – Write Through and Write Back in Cache  During a read operation, when the CPU determines a word in the cache, the main memory… Read More
Scanln function can be used to take the input from the user in the Golang. Below is the example of taking input from the user:… Read More
There are situations in real life when we need to do some specific task and based on some specific conditions, we decide what we should… Read More
Prerequisite – Network Devices 1. Switch : A switch is basically a hardware or a device which is responsible for channeling the data that is… Read More
A Pareto chart is a combination of a bar chart and a line chart used for visualization. In R Pareto charts, the right vertical axis… Read More
In a normal computer that follows von Neumann architecture, instructions, and data both are stored in the same memory. So same buses are used to… Read More
Given binary string str, the task is to maximize the count of 0s in the left substring and 1s in the right substring by splitting… Read More
Given a sentence in the form of string str, the task is to reverse each word of the given sentence in C++. Examples:   Input: str =… Read More
R Programming Language is used for statistics and data analytics purposes. Importing and exporting of data is often used in all these applications of R… Read More
Given a Binary Tree, the task is to print all root-to-leaf paths of this tree whose xor value is non-zero. Examples:  Input: 10 / \… Read More
Given two array of strings, arr1[] and arr2[], the task is to count the number of strings in arr2[] whose frequency of the smallest characters… Read More
Introduction : In Java, a data structure is a way of organizing and storing data in memory. There are two types of data structures: static… Read More
1. Inner Join : It is a type of join operation in SQL. Inner join is an operation that returns combined tuples between two or more… Read More
Given N stairs, the task is to find the minimum number of jumps of perfect power of 2 requires to reach the Nth stair. Examples: … Read More
Given N set of time intervals, the task is to find the intervals which don’t overlap with the given set of intervals.Examples:   Input: interval arr[]… Read More
Pre-requisite: File Handling in CGiven a file containing some text, and two strings wordToBeFind and wordToBeReplacedWith, the task is to find all occurrences of the… Read More
typeid is an operator in C++.  It is used where the dynamic type or runtime type information of an object is needed. It is included… Read More
Prerequisite: Cycle SortGiven an array arr[] of elements from 1 to N, the task is to sort the given array in O(N) time.Examples:   Input: arr[]… Read More
When we build projects in C/C++, we have dependencies among files. For example, there might be a file a.c that calls a function from b.c.… Read More
1. Shortest remaining job first (SRJF) : Shortest remaining job first also called the shortest remaining time first is the preemptive version of the shortest job… Read More