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Given an array arr[] of N positive integers, the task is to find the length of the longest subsequence such that Bitwise XOR of all… Read More
Given binary string str containing only 0 and 1, the task is to find the number of sub-strings containing only 1s and 0s respectively, i.e… Read More
Given an array arr[] of integers of size N, the task is to find the closest pair in the given array such that one element… Read More
Given string str which stores the time in the 24 hours format as “HH: MM”. The task is to find the minimum minutes that need… Read More
Given a string S that consists of letters such that their ASCII values follow an Arithmetic Progression. The task is to find the letter and… Read More
Data Types Data-type in simple terms gives us information about the type of data. Example, integer, character, etc. Data-types in C language are declarations for the variables.… Read More
Both Array of Structures and Array within a Structure in C programming is a combination of arrays and structures but both are used to serve… Read More
Functional Interfaces in Java and Lambda Function are prerequisites required in order to grasp grip over method references in Java. As we all know that… Read More
A Kalman Filter is an optimal estimation algorithm. It can help us predict/estimate the position of an object when we are in a state of… Read More
When we see a ‘%’ the first thing that comes to our mind is the “percent” but in computer language, it means modulo operation(%) which… Read More
Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for crafting beautiful, natively compiled iOS and Android apps from a single code base. To build any application we start… Read More
Gini Index The Gini Index is the additional approach to dividing a decision tree.Purity and impurity in a junction are the primary focus of the… Read More
The Shapiro-Wilk’s test or Shapiro test is a normality test in frequentist statistics. The null hypothesis of Shapiro’s test is that the population is distributed… Read More
ER Diagram is known as Entity-Relationship Diagram, it is used to analyze to structure of the Database. It shows relationships between entities and their attributes.… Read More
1. Firewall : Firewall is software program that prevents unauthorized access to or from a private network. All data packets in it are entering or… Read More
We know that there is handshaking between device driver and device controller but here question is that how operating system connects application request or we… Read More
Functions of Video Controller in Raster Scan System are explained following below. Deflection Voltage : In the output circuitry, it is video controller  who generates… Read More
An Operating System is a system software that acts as an interface between computer hardware and programs requesting I/O. It manages computer hardware, software resources… Read More
Given an integer N, the task is to count the numbers up to N having an absolute difference of at most K between any two… Read More
Given an array arr[] of size N and D index, the task is to rotate the array by the D index. We have two flexibilities… Read More