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After applying for Philips, first they shortlisted students based on the resume. Out of around 200 people, only 50 made through. Round  1:  Online Test(60… Read More
Prerequisites: Kotlin Coroutines on Android Suspend Function In Kotlin Coroutines Scope in Kotlin’s coroutines can be defined as the restrictions within which the Kotlin coroutines… Read More
HackWithInfy is an open contest of Infosys. It contains three rounds. Round 1 Round 1, contains three problem-solving coding questions hosted by HackerEarth. Three Questions… Read More
 In Django, select_related and prefetch_related are designed to stop the deluge of database queries that are caused by accessing related objects. In this article, we… Read More
Tired of having to use online docx to PDF converters with crappy interfaces and conversion limits? Then, look no further than your friendly neighborhood language… Read More
Prerequisite : Turing Machine Task : Our task is to design a Turing machine to reverse a string consisting of a’s and b’s. Examples :… Read More
Django by default doesn’t provide any Django form styling method due to which it takes a lot of effort and precious time to beautifully style… Read More
Django-Taggit is a Django application which is used to add tags to blogs, articles etc. It makes very easy for us to make adding the… Read More
Address Binding is the mapping of a physical address to a logical address known as a virtual address, it allocates a physical memory region to… Read More
Introduction:  Paging is a memory management technique used in operating systems to divide a process’s virtual memory into fixed-sized pages. The performance of paging depends… Read More
Given a string S, the task is to find the length of the longest substring between any pair of occurrences of same character. Examples: Input:… Read More
Today, E-mails play a vital role in every organization either small or big. E-mails are formal and organized means of communication in an organization. Thus… Read More
1. Software Engineer : A software engineer is an IT person who designs, develops, maintains, tests, and evaluates computer software/software products using the principles of software… Read More
Ring Topology may be a network configuration where device connections create a circular data path. In this each device is connected to with its exactly… Read More
Given an array arr[] consisting of N positive integers, the task is to find the maximum sum of subsequences from the given array such that… Read More
Given a pointer to the head node of a Linked List, the task is to create a copy of the linked list using recursion. Examples::… Read More
Components are bits of code that are freelance and reusable. They serve a similar purpose as JavaScript functions. However, work isolation and returns HTML via… Read More
Given a Binary Tree, the task is to count the number of nodes in the given Binary Tree such that the path from the root… Read More
In Competitive Programming, it’s quite often to write code that works on the given sample test cases but on submitting its end up with a… Read More
sizeof() is commonly used operator in the C or C++ . It is a compile-time unary operator that can be used to compute the size… Read More