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Draw a moving car using computer graphics programming in C

In computer graphics, use graphics.h which provide direct functions to draw different coordinate shapes (like circle, rectangle etc). By using these functions we can draw different objects like car, hut, trees, etc. In this program, we will draw a moving car using line and circles.

Functions used in program: 

Example 1: This example create a moving car without using cleardevice() method. 

// C program to draw a moving car. This
// program run in gcc compiler having
// graphics.h library installed
#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// Function to draw moving car
void draw_moving_car(void) {
    int i, j = 0, gd = DETECT, gm;
    // Passed three arguments to initgraph
    // function to initialize graphics mode
    initgraph(&gd, &gm, "");
    for (i = 0; i <= 420; i = i + 10) {
        // Set color of car as red
        // These lines for bonnet and
        // body of car
        line(0 + i, 300, 210 + i, 300);
        line(50 + i, 300, 75 + i, 270);
        line(75 + i, 270, 150 + i, 270);
        line(150 + i, 270, 165 + i, 300);
        line(0 + i, 300, 0 + i, 330);
        line(210 + i, 300, 210 + i, 330);
        // For left wheel of car
        circle(65 + i, 330, 15);
        circle(65 + i, 330, 2);
        // For right wheel of car
        circle(145 + i, 330, 15);
        circle(145 + i, 330, 2);
        // Line left of left wheel
        line(0 + i, 330, 50 + i, 330);
        // Line middle of both wheel
        line(80 + i, 330, 130 + i, 330);
        // Line right of right wheel
        line(210 + i, 330, 160 + i, 330);
        // To erase previous drawn car, draw
        // the whole car at same position
        // but color using black
        // Lines for bonnet and body of car
        line(0 + i, 300, 210 + i, 300);
        line(50 + i, 300, 75 + i, 270);
        line(75 + i, 270, 150 + i, 270);
        line(150 + i, 270, 165 + i, 300);
        line(0 + i, 300, 0 + i, 330);
        line(210 + i, 300, 210 + i, 330);
        // For left wheel of car
        circle(65 + i, 330, 15);
        circle(65 + i, 330, 2);
        // For right wheel of car
        circle(145 + i, 330, 15);
        circle(145 + i, 330, 2);
        // Line left of left wheel
        line(0 + i, 330, 50 + i, 330);
        // Line middle of both wheel
        line(80 + i, 330, 130 + i, 330);
        // Line right of right wheel
        line(210 + i, 330, 160 + i, 330);
// Driver code
int main()
    return 0;


Example 2: This example uses cleardevice() method to clear the screen. 

// C program to draw a moving car. This
// program run in gcc compiler having
// graphics.h library installed
#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// Function to draw moving car
void draw_moving_car(void) {
    int i, j = 0, gd = DETECT, gm;
    // Passed three arguments to initgraph
    // function to initialize graphics mode
    initgraph(&gd, &gm, "");
    for (i = 0; i <= 420; i = i + 10) {
        // Set color of car as red
        // These lines for bonnet and
        // body of car
        line(0 + i, 300, 210 + i, 300);
        line(50 + i, 300, 75 + i, 270);
        line(75 + i, 270, 150 + i, 270);
        line(150 + i, 270, 165 + i, 300);
        line(0 + i, 300, 0 + i, 330);
        line(210 + i, 300, 210 + i, 330);
        // For left wheel of car
        circle(65 + i, 330, 15);
        circle(65 + i, 330, 2);
        // For right wheel of car
        circle(145 + i, 330, 15);
        circle(145 + i, 330, 2);
        // Line left of left wheel
        line(0 + i, 330, 50 + i, 330);
        // Line middle of both wheel
        line(80 + i, 330, 130 + i, 330);
        // Line right of right wheel
        line(210 + i, 330, 160 + i, 330);
        // To erase previous drawn car
        // use cleardevice() function
// Driver code
int main()
    return 0;



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