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Difference between the shortest and second shortest path in an Unweighted Bidirectional Graph

Last Updated : 11 Oct, 2023
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Given an unweighted bidirectional graph containing N nodes and M edges represented by an array arr[][2]. The task is to find the difference in length of the shortest and second shortest paths from node 1 to N. If the second shortest path does not exist, print 0.

Note: The graph is connected, does not contain multiple edges and self loops. (2<=N<=20)


Input: N = 4, M = 4, arr[M][2]={{1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}, {1, 4}}
Output: 2
Explanation: The shortest path is 1->4 and the second shortest path is 1->2->3->4. Hence, the difference is 2.

Input: N = 6, M = 8, arr[M][2]={{1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 6}, {2, 3}, {2, 4}, {3, 4}, {3, 5}, {4, 6}}

Difference between the shortest and second shortest path in an Unweighted Bidirectional Graph using DFS:

The idea is to Depth First Search to find all possible paths and store them in vector and sort the vector and find the difference between the shortest and the second shortest path.

Below is the implementation of the above approach.


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// DFS function to find all possible paths.
void dfs(vector<vector<int> >& graph, int s, int e,
         vector<int> v, int count, vector<int>& dp)
    if (s == e) {
        // Push the number of nodes required for
        // one of the possible paths
    for (auto i : graph[s]) {
        if (v[i] != 1) {
            // Mark the node as visited and
            // call the function to search for
            // possible paths and unmark the node.
            v[i] = 1;
            dfs(graph, i, e, v, count + 1, dp);
            v[i] = 0;
// Function to find the difference between the
// shortest and second shortest path
void findDifference(int n, int m, int arr[][2])
    // Construct the graph
    vector<vector<int> > graph(n, vector<int>());
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        int a, b;
        a = arr[i][0];
        b = arr[i][1];
        graph[a - 1].push_back(b - 1);
        graph[b - 1].push_back(a - 1);
    // Vector to mark the nodes as visited or not.
    vector<int> v(n, 0);
    // Vector to store the count of all possible paths.
    vector<int> dp;
    // Mark the starting node as visited.
    v[0] = 1;
    // Function to find all possible paths.
    dfs(graph, 0, n - 1, v, 0, dp);
    // Sort the vector
    sort(dp.begin(), dp.end());
    // Print the difference
    if (dp.size() != 1)
        cout << dp[1] - dp[0];
        cout << 0;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int n, m;
    n = 6;
    m = 8;
    int arr[m][2]
        = { { 1, 2 }, { 1, 3 },
            { 2, 6 }, { 2, 3 },
            { 2, 4 }, { 3, 4 },
            { 3, 5 }, { 4, 6 } };
    findDifference(n, m, arr);
    return 0;


// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;
public class Main
    // DFS function to find all possible paths.
    static void dfs(Vector<Vector<Integer>> graph, int s,
                    int e, int[] v, int count, Vector<Integer> dp) {
      if (s == e)
        // Push the number of nodes required for
        // one of the possible paths
      for(int i : graph.get(s)) {
        if (v[i] != 1)
          // Mark the node as visited and
          // call the function to search for
          // possible paths and unmark the node.
          v[i] = 1;
          dfs(graph, i, e, v, count + 1, dp);
          v[i] = 0;
    // Function to find the difference between the
    // shortest and second shortest path
    static void findDifference(int n, int m, int[][] arr)
      // Construct the graph
      Vector<Vector<Integer>> graph = new Vector<Vector<Integer>>();
      for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        graph.add(new Vector<Integer>());
      for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        int a, b;
        a = arr[i][0];
        b = arr[i][1];
        graph.get(a - 1).add(b - 1);
        graph.get(b - 1).add(a - 1);
      // Vector to mark the nodes as visited or not.
      int[] v = new int[n];
      Arrays.fill(v, 0);
      // Vector to store the count of all possible paths.
      Vector<Integer> dp = new Vector<Integer>();
      // Mark the starting node as visited.
      v[0] = 1;
      // Function to find all possible paths.
      dfs(graph, 0, n - 1, v, 0, dp);
      // Sort the vector
      // Print the difference
      if (dp.size() != 1) System.out.print(dp.get(1) - dp.get(0));
      else System.out.print(0);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int n, m;
        n = 6;
        m = 8;
        int[][] arr
            = { { 1, 2 }, { 1, 3 },
                { 2, 6 }, { 2, 3 },
                { 2, 4 }, { 3, 4 },
                { 3, 5 }, { 4, 6 } };
        findDifference(n, m, arr);
// This code is contributed by mukesh07.


# Python3 program for the above approach
# DFS function to find all possible paths.
def dfs(graph, s, e, v, count, dp):
  if (s == e):
    # Push the number of nodes required for
    # one of the possible paths
  for i in graph[s]:
    if (v[i] != 1):
      # Mark the node as visited and
      # call the function to search for
      # possible paths and unmark the node.
      v[i] = 1
      dfs(graph, i, e, v, count + 1, dp)
      v[i] = 0
# Function to find the difference between the
# shortest and second shortest path
def findDifference(n, m, arr):
  # Construct the graph
  graph = []
  for i in range(n):
  for i in range(m):
    a = arr[i][0]
    b = arr[i][1]
    graph[a - 1].append(b - 1)
    graph[b - 1].append(a - 1)
  # Vector to mark the nodes as visited or not.
  v = [0]*(n)
  # Vector to store the count of all possible paths.
  dp = []
  # Mark the starting node as visited.
  v[0] = 1
  # Function to find all possible paths.
  dfs(graph, 0, n - 1, v, 0, dp)
  # Sort the vector
  # Print the difference
  if (len(dp) != 1):
    print(dp[1] - dp[0], end = "")
    print(0, end = "")
# Driver Code
n = 6
m = 8
arr = [
  [1, 2],
  [1, 3],
  [2, 6],
  [2, 3],
  [2, 4],
  [3, 4],
  [3, 5],
  [4, 6],
findDifference(n, m, arr)
# This code is contributed by divyesh072019.


// C# program for the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG {
    // DFS function to find all possible paths.
    static void dfs(List<List<int>> graph, int s, int e, List<int> v, int count, List<int> dp) {
      if (s == e)
        // Push the number of nodes required for
        // one of the possible paths
      foreach(int i in graph[s]) {
        if (v[i] != 1)
          // Mark the node as visited and
          // call the function to search for
          // possible paths and unmark the node.
          v[i] = 1;
          dfs(graph, i, e, v, count + 1, dp);
          v[i] = 0;
    // Function to find the difference between the
    // shortest and second shortest path
    static void findDifference(int n, int m, int[,] arr)
      // Construct the graph
      List<List<int>> graph = new List<List<int>>();
      for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
          graph.Add(new List<int>());
      for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        int a, b;
        a = arr[i,0];
        b = arr[i,1];
        graph[a - 1].Add(b - 1);
        graph[b - 1].Add(a - 1);
      // Vector to mark the nodes as visited or not.
      List<int> v = new List<int>();
      for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      // Vector to store the count of all possible paths.
      List<int> dp = new List<int>();
      // Mark the starting node as visited.
      v[0] = 1;
      // Function to find all possible paths.
      dfs(graph, 0, n - 1, v, 0, dp);
      // Sort the vector
      // Print the difference
      if (dp.Count != 1) Console.Write(dp[1] - dp[0]);
      else Console.Write(0);
  static void Main() {
    int n, m;
    n = 6;
    m = 8;
    int[,] arr
        = { { 1, 2 }, { 1, 3 },
            { 2, 6 }, { 2, 3 },
            { 2, 4 }, { 3, 4 },
            { 3, 5 }, { 4, 6 } };
    findDifference(n, m, arr);
// This code is contributed by decode2207.


// Javascript program for the above approach
// DFS function to find all possible paths.
function dfs(graph, s, e, v, count, dp) {
  if (s == e)
    // Push the number of nodes required for
    // one of the possible paths
  for (let i of graph[s]) {
    if (v[i] != 1)
      // Mark the node as visited and
      // call the function to search for
      // possible paths and unmark the node.
      v[i] = 1;
      dfs(graph, i, e, v, count + 1, dp);
      v[i] = 0;
// Function to find the difference between the
// shortest and second shortest path
function findDifference(n, m, arr)
  // Construct the graph
  let graph = new Array(n).fill(0).map(() => []);
  for (let i = 0; i < m; i++) {
    let a, b;
    a = arr[i][0];
    b = arr[i][1];
    graph[a - 1].push(b - 1);
    graph[b - 1].push(a - 1);
  // Vector to mark the nodes as visited or not.
  let v = new Array(n).fill(0);
  // Vector to store the count of all possible paths.
  let dp = [];
  // Mark the starting node as visited.
  v[0] = 1;
  // Function to find all possible paths.
  dfs(graph, 0, n - 1, v, 0, dp);
  // Sort the vector
  dp.sort((a, b) => a - b);
  // Print the difference
  if (dp.length != 1) document.write(dp[1] - dp[0]);
  else document.write(0);
// Driver Code
let n, m;
n = 6;
m = 8;
let arr = [
  [1, 2],
  [1, 3],
  [2, 6],
  [2, 3],
  [2, 4],
  [3, 4],
  [3, 5],
  [4, 6],
findDifference(n, m, arr);
// This code is contributed by gfgking.



Time Complexity: O(2^N)
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

Difference between the shortest and second shortest path in an Unweighted Bidirectional Graph using BFS:

Using the fact that the second shortest path can not contain all the edges same as that in the shortest path. Remove each edge of the shortest path one at a time and keep finding the shortest path, then one of them has to be the required second shortest path. Use Breadth First Search to find the solution optimally. Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

Below is the implementation of the above approach.


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to get all the edges in
// the shortest path
void get_edges(int s, vector<int>& edges, vector<int> p)
    if (s == -1)
    get_edges(p[s], edges, p);
// Calculate the shortest distance
// after removing an edge between
// v1 and v2
void dist_helper(vector<vector<int> > graph, vector<int>& d,
                 int v1, int v2, int n)
    // Vector to mark the nodes visited
    vector<int> v(n, 0);
    // For BFS
    queue<pair<int, int> > q;
    q.push(make_pair(0, 0));
    v[0] = 1;
    // Iterate over the range
    while (!q.empty()) {
        auto a = q.front();
        for (int i : graph[a.first]) {
            if ((i == v1 && a.first == v2)
                || (i == v2 && a.first == v1))
            if (v[i] == 0) {
                d[i] = 1 + a.second;
                v[i] = 1;
                q.push(make_pair(i, d[i]));
// Calculates the shortest distances and
// maintain a parent array
void dist(vector<vector<int> > graph, vector<int>& d,
          vector<int>& p, int n)
    // Vector to mark the nodes visited
    vector<int> v(n, 0);
    // For BFS
    queue<pair<int, int> > q;
    q.push(make_pair(0, 0));
    v[0] = 1;
    // Iterate over the range
    while (!q.empty()) {
        auto a = q.front();
        for (int i : graph[a.first]) {
            if (v[i] == 0) {
                p[i] = a.first;
                d[i] = 1 + a.second;
                v[i] = 1;
                q.push(make_pair(i, d[i]));
// Function to find the difference between the
// shortest and second shortest path
void findDifference(int n, int m, int arr[][2])
    // Initializing and constructing the graph
    vector<vector<int> > graph(n, vector<int>());
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        int a, b;
        a = arr[i][0];
        b = arr[i][1];
        graph[a - 1].push_back(b - 1);
        graph[b - 1].push_back(a - 1);
    // Initializing the arrays
    vector<int> p(n, -1);
    vector<int> d(n, 1e9);
    // Calculate the shortest path
    dist(graph, d, p, n);
    // Vector to store the lengths
    // of possible paths
    vector<int> distances;
    distances.push_back(d[n - 1]);
    vector<int> edges;
    // Get all the edges along the shortest path
    get_edges(n - 1, edges, p);
    // Iterate over the range
    for (int i = 0; i + 1 < edges.size(); i++) {
        // Calculate shortest distance after
        // removing the edge
        dist_helper(graph, d, edges[i], edges[i + 1], n);
        distances.push_back(d[n - 1]);
    // Sort the paths in ascending order
    sort(distances.begin(), distances.end());
    if (distances.size() == 1)
        cout << 0 << endl;
        cout << distances[1] - distances[0] << endl;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int n, m;
    n = 6;
    m = 8;
    int arr[m][2]
        = { { 1, 2 }, { 1, 3 },
            { 2, 6 }, { 2, 3 },
            { 2, 4 }, { 3, 4 },
            { 3, 5 }, { 4, 6 } };
    findDifference(n, m, arr);
    return 0;


//Java code for the above approach
import java.util.*;
class Main {
    // Function to get all the edges in
    // the shortest path
    static void getEdges(int s, List<Integer> edges,
                         int[] p)
        if (s == -1) {
        getEdges(p[s], edges, p);
    // Calculate the shortest distance
    // after removing an edge between
    // v1 and v2
    static void distHelper(List<List<Integer> > graph,
                           int[] d, int v1, int v2, int n)
        boolean[] visited = new boolean[n];
        Queue<int[]> q = new LinkedList<>();
        q.offer(new int[] { 0, 0 });
        visited[0] = true;
        while (!q.isEmpty()) {
            int[] a = q.poll();
            for (int i : graph.get(a[0])) {
                if ((i == v1 && a[0] == v2)
                    || (i == v2 && a[0] == v1)) {
                if (!visited[i]) {
                    d[i] = 1 + a[1];
                    visited[i] = true;
                    q.offer(new int[] { i, d[i] });
    // Calculates the shortest distances and
    // maintain a parent array
    static void dist(List<List<Integer> > graph, int[] d,
                     int[] p, int n)
    { // Vector to mark the nodes visited
        boolean[] visited = new boolean[n];
        // For BFS
        Queue<int[]> q = new LinkedList<>();
        q.offer(new int[] { 0, 0 });
        visited[0] = true;
        while (!q.isEmpty()) {
            int[] a = q.poll();
            for (int i : graph.get(a[0])) {
                if (!visited[i]) {
                    p[i] = a[0];
                    d[i] = 1 + a[1];
                    visited[i] = true;
                    q.offer(new int[] { i, d[i] });
    // Function to find the difference between the
    // shortest and second shortest path
    static void findDifference(int n, int m, int[][] arr)
        // Initializing and constructing the graph
        List<List<Integer> > graph = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            graph.add(new ArrayList<>());
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            int a = arr[i][0] - 1;
            int b = arr[i][1] - 1;
        // Initializing the arrays
        int[] p = new int[n];
        Arrays.fill(p, -1);
        int[] d = new int[n];
        Arrays.fill(d, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        // Calculate the shortest path
        dist(graph, d, p, n);
        // Vector to store the lengths
        // of possible paths
        List<Integer> distances = new ArrayList<>();
        distances.add(d[n - 1]);
        List<Integer> edges = new ArrayList<>();
        // Get all the edges along the shortest path
        getEdges(n - 1, edges, p);
        // Iterate over the range
        for (int i = 0; i + 1 < edges.size(); i++) {
            // Calculate shortest distance after
            // removing the edge
            distHelper(graph, d, edges.get(i),
                       edges.get(i + 1), n);
            distances.add(d[n - 1]);
        // Sort the paths in ascending order
        if (distances.size() == 1) {
        else {
                               - distances.get(0));
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int n = 6, m = 8;
        int arr[][]
            = { { 1, 2 }, { 1, 3 }, { 2, 6 }, { 2, 3 },
                { 2, 4 }, { 3, 4 }, { 3, 5 }, { 4, 6 } };
        findDifference(n, m, arr);


# Python3 program for the above approach
edges, d, p = [], [], []
# Function to get all the edges in
# the shortest path
def get_edges(s):
    global edges, d, p
    if s == -1:
# Calculate the shortest distance
# after removing an edge between
# v1 and v2
def dist_helper(graph, v1, v2, n):
    global edges, d, p
    # Vector to mark the nodes visited
    v = [0]*(n)
    # For BFS
    q = []
    q.append([0, 0])
    v[0] = 1
    # Iterate over the range
    while len(q) > 0:
        a = q[0]
        for i in graph[a[0]]:
            if (i == v1 and a[0] == v2) or (i == v2 and a[0] == v1):
            if v[i] == 0:
                d[i] = 1 + a[1]
                v[i] = 1
                q.append([i, d[i]])
# Calculates the shortest distances and
# maintain a parent array
def dist(graph, n):
    global edges, d, p
    # Vector to mark the nodes visited
    v = [0]*(n)
    # For BFS
    q = []
    q.append([0, 0])
    v[0] = 1
    # Iterate over the range
    while len(q) > 0:
        a = q[0]
        for i in graph[a[0]]:
            if v[i] == 0:
                p[i] = a[0]
                d[i] = 1 + a[1]
                v[i] = 1
                q.append([i, d[i]])
# Function to find the difference between the
# shortest and second shortest path
def findDifference(n, m, arr):
    global edges, d, p
    # Initializing and constructing the graph
    graph = []
    for i in range(n):
    for i in range(m):
        a = arr[i][0]
        b = arr[i][1]
        graph[a - 1].append(b - 1)
        graph[b - 1].append(a - 1)
    # Initializing the arrays
    p = [-1]*(n)
    d = [1e9]*(n)
    # Calculate the shortest path
    dist(graph, n)
    # Vector to store the lengths
    # of possible paths
    distances = []
    distances.append(d[n - 1])
    edges = []
    # Get all the edges along the shortest path
    get_edges(n - 1)
    # Iterate over the range
    i = 0
    while i + 1 < len(edges):
        # Calculate shortest distance after
        # removing the edge
        dist_helper(graph, edges[i], edges[i + 1], n)
        distances.append(d[n - 1])
    # Sort the paths in ascending order
    if len(distances) == 1:
        print(distances[1] - distances[0])
n = 6;
m = 8;
arr = [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 2, 6 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 3, 5 ], [ 4, 6 ] ]
findDifference(n, m, arr)
# This code is contributed by suresh07.


// C# program for the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG {
   static List<int> edges = new List<int>();
   static List<int> d = new List<int>();
   static List<int> p = new List<int>();
    // Function to get all the edges in
    // the shortest path
    static void get_edges(int s)
        if (s == -1)
    // Calculate the shortest distance
    // after removing an edge between
    // v1 and v2
    static void dist_helper(List<List<int>> graph, int v1, int v2, int n)
        // Vector to mark the nodes visited
        List<int> v = new List<int>();
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        // For BFS
        List<Tuple<int,int>> q = new List<Tuple<int,int>>();
        q.Add(new Tuple<int,int>(0, 0));
        v[0] = 1;
        // Iterate over the range
        while (q.Count > 0) {
            Tuple<int,int> a = q[0];
            for (int i = 0; i < graph[a.Item1].Count; i++) {
                if ((graph[a.Item1][i] == v1 && a.Item1 == v2)
                    || (graph[a.Item1][i] == v2 && a.Item1 == v1))
                if (v[graph[a.Item1][i]] == 0) {
                    d[graph[a.Item1][i]] = 1 + a.Item2;
                    v[graph[a.Item1][i]] = 1;
                    q.Add(new Tuple<int,int>(graph[a.Item1][i], d[graph[a.Item1][i]]));
    // Calculates the shortest distances and
    // maintain a parent array
    static void dist(List<List<int>> graph, int n)
        // Vector to mark the nodes visited
        List<int> v = new List<int>();
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        // For BFS
        List<Tuple<int,int>> q = new List<Tuple<int,int>>();
        q.Add(new Tuple<int,int>(0, 0));
        v[0] = 1;
        // Iterate over the range
        while (q.Count > 0) {
            Tuple<int,int> a = q[0];
            for (int i = 0; i < graph[a.Item1].Count; i++) {
                if (v[graph[a.Item1][i]] == 0) {
                    p[graph[a.Item1][i]] = a.Item1;
                    d[graph[a.Item1][i]] = 1 + a.Item2;
                    v[graph[a.Item1][i]] = 1;
                    q.Add(new Tuple<int,int>(graph[a.Item1][i], d[graph[a.Item1][i]]));
    // Function to find the difference between the
    // shortest and second shortest path
    static void findDifference(int n, int m, int[,] arr)
        // Initializing and constructing the graph
        List<List<int>> graph = new List<List<int>>();
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            graph.Add(new List<int>());
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            int a, b;
            a = arr[i,0];
            b = arr[i,1];
            graph[a - 1].Add(b - 1);
            graph[b - 1].Add(a - 1);
        // Initializing the arrays
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        // Calculate the shortest path
        dist(graph, n);
        // Vector to store the lengths
        // of possible paths
        List<int> distances = new List<int>();
        distances.Add(d[n - 1]);
        // Get all the edges along the shortest path
        get_edges(n - 1);
        // Iterate over the range
        for (int i = 0; i + 1 < edges.Count; i++) {
            // Calculate shortest distance after
            // removing the edge
            dist_helper(graph, edges[i], edges[i + 1], n);
            distances.Add(d[n - 1]);
        // Sort the paths in ascending order
        if (distances.Count == 1)
            Console.WriteLine((distances[1] - distances[0]));
  // Driver code
  static void Main() {
    int n, m;
    n = 6;
    m = 8;
    int[,] arr
        = { { 1, 2 }, { 1, 3 },
            { 2, 6 }, { 2, 3 },
            { 2, 4 }, { 3, 4 },
            { 3, 5 }, { 4, 6 } };
    findDifference(n, m, arr);
// This code is contributed by divyeshrabadiya07.


    // Javascript program for the above approach
    let edges = [], d = [], p = [];   
    // Function to get all the edges in
    // the shortest path
    function get_edges(s)
        if (s == -1)
    // Calculate the shortest distance
    // after removing an edge between
    // v1 and v2
    function dist_helper(graph, v1, v2, n)
        // Vector to mark the nodes visited
        let v = [];
        for(let i = 0; i < n; i++)
        // For BFS
        let q = [];
        q.push([0, 0]);
        v[0] = 1;
        // Iterate over the range
        while (q.length > 0) {
            let a = q[0];
            for (let i = 0; i < graph[a[0]].length; i++) {
                if ((graph[a[0]][i] == v1 && a[0] == v2)
                    || (graph[a[0]][i] == v2 && a[0] == v1))
                if (v[graph[a[0]][i]] == 0) {
                    d[graph[a[0]][i]] = 1 + a[1];
                    v[graph[a[0]][i]] = 1;
                    q.push([graph[a[0]][i], d[graph[a[0]][i]]]);
    // Calculates the shortest distances and
    // maintain a parent array
    function dist(graph, n)
        // Vector to mark the nodes visited
        let v = [];
        for(let i = 0; i < n; i++)
        // For BFS
        let q = [];
        q.push([0, 0]);
        v[0] = 1;
        // Iterate over the range
        while (q.length > 0) {
            let a = q[0];
            for (let i = 0; i < graph[a[0]].length; i++) {
                if (v[graph[a[0]][i]] == 0) {
                    p[graph[a[0]][i]] = a[0];
                    d[graph[a[0]][i]] = 1 + a[1];
                    v[graph[a[0]][i]] = 1;
                    q.push([graph[a[0]][i], d[graph[a[0]][i]]]);
    // Function to find the difference between the
    // shortest and second shortest path
    function findDifference(n, m, arr)
        // Initializing and constructing the graph
        let graph = [];
        for(let i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (let i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            let a, b;
            a = arr[i][0];
            b = arr[i][1];
            graph[a - 1].push(b - 1);
            graph[b - 1].push(a - 1);
        // Initializing the arrays
        for(let i = 0; i < n; i++)
        // Calculate the shortest path
        dist(graph, n);
        // Vector to store the lengths
        // of possible paths
        let distances = [];
        distances.push(d[n - 1]);
        // Get all the edges along the shortest path
        get_edges(n - 1);
        // Iterate over the range
        for (let i = 0; i + 1 < edges.length; i++) {
            // Calculate shortest distance after
            // removing the edge
            dist_helper(graph, edges[i], edges[i + 1], n);
            distances.push(d[n - 1]);
        // Sort the paths in ascending order
        distances.sort(function(a, b){return a - b});
        if (distances.length == 1)
            document.write(0 + "</br>");
            document.write((distances[1] - distances[0]) + "</br>");
    let n, m;
    n = 6;
    m = 8;
    let arr
        = [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 3 ],
            [ 2, 6 ], [ 2, 3 ],
            [ 2, 4 ], [ 3, 4 ],
            [ 3, 5 ], [ 4, 6 ] ];
    findDifference(n, m, arr);
// This code is contributed by rameshtravel07.



Time Complexity: O(N*M)
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

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