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Computer Organization and Architecture | Pipelining | Set 3 (Types and Stalling)

Please see Set 1 for Execution, Stages and Performance (Throughput) and Set 2 for Dependencies and Data Hazard.   Types of pipeline

  Performance of pipeline with stalls

Speed Up (S) = Performancenon- pipeline / Performancepipeline
=> S = Average Execution Timenon-pipeline / Average Execution Timepipeline
=> S = CPInon-pipeline * Cycle Timenon-pipeline / CPIpipeline * Cycle Timepipeline
=> S = CPInon-pipeline * Clock frequency pipeline / CPIpipeline * Clock frequencynon-pipeline

Ideal CPI of the pipelined processor is ‘1’. But due to stalls, it becomes greater than ‘1’. =>

S = CPInon-pipeline * Cycle Timenon-pipeline  / (1 + Number of stalls per Instruction) * Cycle Timepipeline

As Cycle Timenon-pipeline =   Cycle Timepipeline,

Speed Up (S) = CPInon-pipeline / (1 + Number of stalls per instruction) 

Problems  in Instruction Pipelining


Sources :   This article has been contributed by Saurabh Sharma.   Pro

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