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Closest perfect square and its distance

Given a positive integer . The task is to find the perfect square number closest to N and steps required to reach this number from N.
Note: The closest perfect square to N can be either less than, equal to or greater than N and steps are referred to as the difference between N and the closest perfect square.

Input: N = 1500 
Output: Perfect square = 1521, Steps = 21 
For N = 1500 
Closest perfect square greater than N is 1521. 
So steps required is 21. 
Closest perfect square less than N is 1444. 
So steps required is 56. 
The minimum of these two is 1521 with steps 21.

Input: N = 2 
Output: Perfect Square = 1, Steps = 1 
For N = 2 
Closest perfect square greater than N is 4. 
So steps required is 2. 
Closest perfect square less than N is 1. 
So steps required is 1. 
The minimum of these two is 1. 


Approach 1: 

Below is the implementation of the above approach: 

// CPP program to find the closest perfect square
// taking minimum steps to reach from a number
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to check if a number is
// perfect square or not
bool isPerfect(int N)
    if ((sqrt(N) - floor(sqrt(N))) != 0)
        return false;
    return true;
// Function to find the closest perfect square
// taking minimum steps to reach from a number
void getClosestPerfectSquare(int N)
    if (isPerfect(N)) {
        cout << N << " "
             << "0" << endl;
    // Variables to store first perfect
    // square number
    // above and below N
    int aboveN = -1, belowN = -1;
    int n1;
    // Finding first perfect square
    // number greater than N
    n1 = N + 1;
    while (true) {
        if (isPerfect(n1)) {
            aboveN = n1;
    // Finding first perfect square
    // number less than N
    n1 = N - 1;
    while (true) {
        if (isPerfect(n1)) {
            belowN = n1;
    // Variables to store the differences
    int diff1 = aboveN - N;
    int diff2 = N - belowN;
    if (diff1 > diff2)
        cout << belowN << " " << diff2;
        cout << aboveN << " " << diff1;
// Driver code
int main()
    int N = 1500;
// This code is contributed by
// Surendra_Gangwar

// Java program to find the closest perfect square
// taking minimum steps to reach from a number
class GFG {
    // Function to check if a number is
    // perfect square or not
    static boolean isPerfect(int N)
        if ((Math.sqrt(N) - Math.floor(Math.sqrt(N))) != 0)
            return false;
        return true;
    // Function to find the closest perfect square
    // taking minimum steps to reach from a number
    static void getClosestPerfectSquare(int N)
        if (isPerfect(N)) {
            System.out.println(N + " "
                               + "0");
        // Variables to store first perfect
        // square number
        // above and below N
        int aboveN = -1, belowN = -1;
        int n1;
        // Finding first perfect square
        // number greater than N
        n1 = N + 1;
        while (true) {
            if (isPerfect(n1)) {
                aboveN = n1;
        // Finding first perfect square
        // number less than N
        n1 = N - 1;
        while (true) {
            if (isPerfect(n1)) {
                belowN = n1;
        // Variables to store the differences
        int diff1 = aboveN - N;
        int diff2 = N - belowN;
        if (diff1 > diff2)
            System.out.println(belowN + " " + diff2);
            System.out.println(aboveN + " " + diff1);
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[])
        int N = 1500;

# Python3 program to find the closest
# perfect square taking minimum steps
# to reach from a number
# Function to check if a number is
# perfect square or not
from math import sqrt, floor
def isPerfect(N):
    if (sqrt(N) - floor(sqrt(N)) != 0):
        return False
    return True
# Function to find the closest perfect square
# taking minimum steps to reach from a number
def getClosestPerfectSquare(N):
    if (isPerfect(N)):
        print(N, "0")
    # Variables to store first perfect
    # square number above and below N
    aboveN = -1
    belowN = -1
    n1 = 0
    # Finding first perfect square
    # number greater than N
    n1 = N + 1
    while (True):
        if (isPerfect(n1)):
            aboveN = n1
            n1 += 1
    # Finding first perfect square
    # number less than N
    n1 = N - 1
    while (True):
        if (isPerfect(n1)):
            belowN = n1
            n1 -= 1
    # Variables to store the differences
    diff1 = aboveN - N
    diff2 = N - belowN
    if (diff1 > diff2):
        print(belowN, diff2)
        print(aboveN, diff1)
# Driver code
N = 1500
# This code is contributed
# by sahishelangia

// C# program to find the closest perfect square
// taking minimum steps to reach from a number
using System;
class GFG {
    // Function to check if a number is
    // perfect square or not
    static bool isPerfect(int N)
        if ((Math.Sqrt(N) - Math.Floor(Math.Sqrt(N))) != 0)
            return false;
        return true;
    // Function to find the closest perfect square
    // taking minimum steps to reach from a number
    static void getClosestPerfectSquare(int N)
        if (isPerfect(N)) {
            Console.WriteLine(N + " "
                              + "0");
        // Variables to store first perfect
        // square number
        // above and below N
        int aboveN = -1, belowN = -1;
        int n1;
        // Finding first perfect square
        // number greater than N
        n1 = N + 1;
        while (true) {
            if (isPerfect(n1)) {
                aboveN = n1;
        // Finding first perfect square
        // number less than N
        n1 = N - 1;
        while (true) {
            if (isPerfect(n1)) {
                belowN = n1;
        // Variables to store the differences
        int diff1 = aboveN - N;
        int diff2 = N - belowN;
        if (diff1 > diff2)
            Console.WriteLine(belowN + " " + diff2);
            Console.WriteLine(aboveN + " " + diff1);
    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
        int N = 1500;
// This code is contributed by anuj_67..

// PHP program to find the closest perfect
// square taking minimum steps to reach
// from a number
// Function to check if a number is
// perfect square or not
function isPerfect($N)
    if ((sqrt($N) - floor(sqrt($N))) != 0)
        return false;
    return true;
// Function to find the closest perfect square
// taking minimum steps to reach from a number
function getClosestPerfectSquare($N)
    if (isPerfect($N))
        echo $N, " ", "0", "\n";
    // Variables to store first perfect
    // square number
    // above and below N
    $aboveN = -1;
    $belowN = -1;
    // Finding first perfect square
    // number greater than N
    $n1 = $N + 1;
    while (true)
        if (isPerfect($n1))
            $aboveN = $n1;
    // Finding first perfect square
    // number less than N
    $n1 = $N - 1;
    while (true)
        if (isPerfect($n1))
            $belowN = $n1;
    // Variables to store the differences
    $diff1 = $aboveN - $N;
    $diff2 = $N - $belowN;
    if ($diff1 > $diff2)
        echo $belowN, " " , $diff2;
        echo $aboveN, " ", $diff1;
// Driver code
$N = 1500;
// This code is contributed by ajit.

    // Javascript program to find
    // the closest perfect square
    // taking minimum steps to reach
    // from a number
    // Function to check if a number is
    // perfect square or not
    function isPerfect(N)
        if ((Math.sqrt(N) -
        Math.floor(Math.sqrt(N))) != 0)
            return false;
        return true;
    // Function to find the closest perfect square
    // taking minimum steps to reach from a number
    function getClosestPerfectSquare(N)
        if (isPerfect(N)) {
            document.write(N + " " + "0" + "</br>");
        // Variables to store first perfect
        // square number
        // above and below N
        let aboveN = -1, belowN = -1;
        let n1;
        // Finding first perfect square
        // number greater than N
        n1 = N + 1;
        while (true) {
            if (isPerfect(n1)) {
                aboveN = n1;
        // Finding first perfect square
        // number less than N
        n1 = N - 1;
        while (true) {
            if (isPerfect(n1)) {
                belowN = n1;
        // Variables to store the differences
        let diff1 = aboveN - N;
        let diff2 = N - belowN;
        if (diff1 > diff2)
            document.write(belowN + " " + diff2);
            document.write(aboveN + " " + diff1);
    let N = 1500;


1521 21

Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the given number since we are using brute force to find the above and below perfect squares.
Auxiliary Space: O(1), since no extra space has been taken.

Approach 2: 

The above method might take a lot of time for bigger numbers i.e. greater than 106. We would wish to have a faster way to do that.

Below is the implementation of the above approach: 

// CPP program to find the closest perfect square
// taking minimum steps to reach from a number
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to find the closest perfect square
// taking minimum steps to reach from a number
void getClosestPerfectSquare(int N)
  int x = sqrt(N);
  //Checking if N is a perfect square
    cout<<N<<" "<<0;
  // If N is not a perfect square,
  // squaring x and x+1 gives us the
  // just below and above perfect squares
    // Variables to store perfect
    // square number just
    // above and below N
    int aboveN = (x+1)*(x+1), belowN = x*x;
    // Variables to store the differences
    int diff1 = aboveN - N;
    int diff2 = N - belowN;
    if (diff1 > diff2)
        cout << belowN << " " << diff2;
        cout << aboveN << " " << diff1;
// Driver code
int main()
    int N = 1500;
// This code is contributed by
// Rohit Kumar

// Java program for the above approach
public class GFG {
// Function to find the closest perfect square
// taking minimum steps to reach from a number
static void getClosestPerfectSquare(int N)
    int x = (int)Math.sqrt(N);
    //Checking if N is a perfect square
    // If N is not a perfect square,
    // squaring x and x+1 gives us the
    // just below and above perfect squares
    // Variables to store perfect
    // square number just
    // above and below N
    int aboveN = (x+1)*(x+1), belowN = x*x;
    // Variables to store the differences
    int diff1 = aboveN - N;
    int diff2 = N - belowN;
    if (diff1 > diff2)
        System.out.println(belowN+" "+diff2);
        System.out.println(aboveN+" "+diff1);
    // Driver Code
    public static void main (String[] args)
        int N = 1500;
// This code is contributed by aditya942003patil

# Python3 program to find the closest
# perfect square taking minimum steps
# to reach from a number
from math import sqrt, floor
# Function to find the closest perfect square
# taking minimum steps to reach from a number
def getClosestPerfectSquare(N):
    x = floor(sqrt(N))
    # Checking if N is itself a perfect square
    if (sqrt(N) - floor(sqrt(N)) == 0):
    # Variables to store first perfect
    # square number above and below N
    aboveN = (x+1)*(x+1)
    belowN = x*x
    # Variables to store the differences
    diff1 = aboveN - N
    diff2 = N - belowN
    if (diff1 > diff2):
        print(belowN, diff2)
        print(aboveN, diff1)
# Driver code
N = 1500
# This code is contributed
# by Rohit Kumar

// C# program for the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class GFG
  // Function to find the closest perfect square
  // taking minimum steps to reach from a number
  static void getClosestPerfectSquare(int N)
    int x = (int)Math.Sqrt(N);
    //Checking if N is a perfect square
    // If N is not a perfect square,
    // squaring x and x+1 gives us the
    // just below and above perfect squares
    // Variables to store perfect
    // square number just
    // above and below N
    int aboveN = (x+1)*(x+1), belowN = x*x;
    // Variables to store the differences
    int diff1 = aboveN - N;
    int diff2 = N - belowN;
    if (diff1 > diff2)
      Console.WriteLine(belowN+" "+diff2);
      Console.WriteLine(aboveN+" "+diff1);
  // Driver Code
  public static void Main (string[] args)
    int N = 1500;
// This code is contributed by phasing17

// JavaScript program to find the closest
// perfect square taking minimum steps
// to reach from a number
// Function to find the closest perfect square
// taking minimum steps to reach from a number
function getClosestPerfectSquare(N)
    let x = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(N))
    // Checking if N is itself a perfect square
    if (Math.sqrt(N) - Math.floor(Math.sqrt(N)) == 0)
    // Variables to store first perfect
    // square number above and below N
    let aboveN = (x+1)*(x+1)
    let belowN = x*x
    // Variables to store the differences
    let diff1 = aboveN - N
    let diff2 = N - belowN
    if (diff1 > diff2)
        console.log(belowN, diff2)
        console.log(aboveN, diff1)
// Driver code
let N = 1500
// This code is contributed by phasing17


1521 21

Time Complexity: O(logN), as it is using inbuilt sqrt function
Auxiliary Space: O(1), since no extra space has been taken.

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