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Check whether a number can be represented as difference of two consecutive cubes

Given a number N, the task is to check if the number N can be represented as the difference of two consecutive cubes or not. If Yes then print those numbers else print No.


Input: N = 19 
2 3
33 – 23 = 19

Input: N = 10 
Output: No 

Approach: The key observation in the problem is that a number can be represented as difference of two consecutive cubes if and only if:

=> N = (K+1)3 – K3 
=> N = 3*K2 + 3*K + 1 
=> 12*N = 36*K2 + 36*K + 12 
=> 12*N = (6*K + 3)2 + 3 
=> 12*N – 3 = (6*K + 3)2 
which means (12*N – 3) must be a perfect square to break N into difference of two consecutive cubes.

Therefore, if the above condition holds true then we will print the numbers using a for a loop by check that for which value of i if (i+1)3 – i3 = N and print the number i and i + 1.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to print the two consecutive
// numbers whose difference is N
void print(int N)
    // Iterate in the range [0, 10^5]
    for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
        if (pow(i + 1, 3)
                - pow(i, 3)
            == N) {
            cout << i << ' ' << i + 1;
// Function to check if N is a
// perfect cube
bool isPerfectSquare(long double x)
    // Find floating point value of
    // square root of x.
    long double sr = sqrt(x);
    // If square root is an integer
    return ((sr - floor(sr)) == 0);
// Function to check whether a number
// can be represented as difference
// of two consecutive cubes
bool diffCube(int N)
    // Check if 12 * N - 3 is a
    // perfect square or not
    return isPerfectSquare(12 * N - 3);
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given Number N
    int N = 19;
    if (diffCube(N)) {
        cout << "Yes\n";
    else {
        cout << "No\n";
    return 0;

// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
// Function to print the two consecutive
// numbers whose difference is N
static void print(int N)
    // Iterate in the range [0, 10^5]
    for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
        if (Math.pow(i + 1, 3) - Math.pow(i, 3) == N)
            int j = i + 1;
            System.out.println(i + " " + j);
// Function to check if N is a
// perfect cube
static boolean isPerfectSquare(double x)
    // Find floating point value of
    // square root of x.
    double sr = Math.sqrt(x);
    // If square root is an integer
    return ((sr - Math.floor(sr)) == 0);
// Function to check whether a number
// can be represented as difference
// of two consecutive cubes
static boolean diffCube(int N)
    // Check if 12 * N - 3 is a
    // perfect square or not
    return isPerfectSquare(12 * N - 3);
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    // Given Number N
    int N = 19;
    if (diffCube(N))
// This code is contributed by rock_cool

# Python3 program for the above approach
import math
# Function to print the two consecutive
# numbers whose difference is N
def printt(N):
    # Iterate in the range [0, 10^5]
    for i in range(100000):
        if (pow(i + 1, 3) - pow(i, 3) == N):
            print(i, '', i + 1)
# Function to check if N is a
# perfect cube
def isPerfectSquare(x):
    # Find floating povalue of
    # square root of x.
    sr = math.sqrt(x)
    # If square root is an integer
    return ((sr - math.floor(sr)) == 0)
# Function to check whether a number
# can be represented as difference
# of two consecutive cubes
def diffCube(N):
    # Check if 12 * N - 3 is a
    # perfect square or not
    return isPerfectSquare(12 * N - 3)
# Driver Code
# Given number N
N = 19
if (diffCube(N)):
# This code is contributed by sanjoy_62

// C# program for the above approach
using System;
class GFG{
// Function to print the two consecutive
// numbers whose difference is N
static void print(int N)
    // Iterate in the range [0, 10^5]
    for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
        if (Math.Pow(i + 1, 3) - Math.Pow(i, 3) == N)
            int j = i + 1;
            Console.WriteLine(i + " " + j);
// Function to check if N is a
// perfect cube
static bool isPerfectSquare(double x)
    // Find floating point value of
    // square root of x.
    double sr = Math.Sqrt(x);
    // If square root is an integer
    return ((sr - Math.Floor(sr)) == 0);
// Function to check whether a number
// can be represented as difference
// of two consecutive cubes
static bool diffCube(int N)
    // Check if 12 * N - 3 is a
    // perfect square or not
    return isPerfectSquare(12 * N - 3);
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    // Given Number N
    int N = 19;
    if (diffCube(N))
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji

// Javascript program for the above approach
// Function to print the two consecutive
// numbers whose difference is N
function print(N)
    // Iterate in the range [0, 10^5]
    for(let i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
        if (parseInt(Math.pow(i + 1, 3), 10) -
            parseInt(Math.pow(i, 3), 10) == N)
            document.write(i + " " + (i + 1));
// Function to check if N is a
// perfect cube
function isPerfectSquare(x)
    // Find floating point value of
    // square root of x.
    let sr = Math.sqrt(x);
    // If square root is an integer
    return ((sr - Math.floor(sr)) == 0);
// Function to check whether a number
// can be represented as difference
// of two consecutive cubes
function diffCube(N)
    // Check if 12 * N - 3 is a
    // perfect square or not
    return isPerfectSquare(12 * N - 3);
// Driver code
// Given Number N
let N = 19;
if (diffCube(N) != 0)
    document.write("Yes" + "</br>");
// This code is contributed by divyeshrabadiya07

2 3

Time Complexity: O(N), where N is in the range 105 
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

Approach 2: Binary Search:

The given program is used to determine whether a given number N can be expressed as the difference of two consecutive cubes.

Here is the code of above approach:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to check whether a number
// can be represented as difference
// of two consecutive cubes
bool diffCube(int N)
    // Iterate over the possible values of i
    for (int i = 0; i <= 100000; i++) {
        int lo = i + 1, hi = 100000, mid;
        // Binary search for j
        while (lo <= hi) {
            mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
            // Check if the difference is N
            if (pow(mid, 3) - pow(i, 3) == N) {
                cout << i << " " << mid << endl;
                return true;
            // If the difference is less than N,
            // move the left pointer
            if (pow(mid, 3) - pow(i, 3) < N)
                lo = mid + 1;
            // If the difference is greater than N,
            // move the right pointer
                hi = mid - 1;
    // If no such pair is found, return false
    return false;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given Number N
    int N = 19;
    if (diffCube(N))
        cout << "Yes\n";
        cout << "No\n";
    return 0;

import java.util.*;
public class Main {
  // Function to check whether a number
// can be represented as difference
// of two consecutive cubes
static boolean diffCube(int N) {
    // Iterate over the possible values of i
    for (int i = 0; i <= 100000; i++) {
        int lo = i + 1, hi = 100000, mid;
        // Binary search for j
        while (lo <= hi) {
            mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
            // Check if the difference is N
            if (Math.pow(mid, 3) - Math.pow(i, 3) == N) {
                System.out.println(i + " " + mid);
                return true;
            // If the difference is less than N,
            // move the left pointer
            if (Math.pow(mid, 3) - Math.pow(i, 3) < N)
                lo = mid + 1;
            // If the difference is greater than N,
            // move the right pointer
                hi = mid - 1;
    // If no such pair is found, return false
    return false;
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Given Number N
    int N = 19;
    if (diffCube(N))

import math
# Function to check whether a number
# can be represented as difference
# of two consecutive cubes
def diff_cube(N):
    # Iterate over the possible values of i
    for i in range(0, 100001):
        lo, hi = i + 1, 100000
        # Binary search for j
        while lo <= hi:
            mid = lo + (hi - lo) // 2
            # Check if the difference is N
            if (mid**3 - i**3) == N:
                print(i, mid)
                return True
            # If the difference is less than N,
            # move the left pointer
            if (mid**3 - i**3) < N:
                lo = mid + 1
            # If the difference is greater than N,
            # move the right pointer
                hi = mid - 1
    # If no such pair is found, return false
    return False
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Given Number N
    N = 19
    if diff_cube(N):

using System;
public class MainClass
    // Function to check whether a number
    // can be represented as the difference
    // of two consecutive cubes
    public static bool DiffCube(int N)
        // Iterate over the possible values of i
        for (int i = 0; i <= 100000; i++)
            int lo = i + 1, hi = 100000, mid;
            // Binary search for j
            while (lo <= hi)
                mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
                // Check if the difference is N
                if (Math.Pow(mid, 3) - Math.Pow(i, 3) == N)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{i} {mid}");
                    return true;
                // If the difference is less than N,
                // move the left pointer
                if (Math.Pow(mid, 3) - Math.Pow(i, 3) < N)
                    lo = mid + 1;
                // If the difference is greater than N,
                // move the right pointer
                    hi = mid - 1;
        // If no such pair is found, return false
        return false;
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Given Number N
        int N = 19;
        if (DiffCube(N))

// Function to check whether a number
// can be represented as difference
// of two consecutive cubes
function diffCube(N) {
    // Iterate over the possible values of i
    for (let i = 0; i <= 100000; i++) {
        let lo = i + 1, hi = 100000, mid;
        // Binary search for j
        while (lo <= hi) {
            mid = lo + Math.floor((hi - lo) / 2);
            // Check if the difference is N
            if (Math.pow(mid, 3) - Math.pow(i, 3) === N) {
                console.log(i + " " + mid);
                return true;
            // If the difference is less than N,
            // move the left pointer
            if (Math.pow(mid, 3) - Math.pow(i, 3) < N)
                lo = mid + 1;
            // If the difference is greater than N,
            // move the right pointer
                hi = mid - 1;
    // If no such pair is found, return false
    return false;
// Driver Code
let N = 19;
if (diffCube(N))

2 3

Time Complexity: O(N log^2(N)), where N is the given input number
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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