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Calculate Volume and Surface area Of Sphere

Last Updated : 17 Feb, 2023
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Given radius of sphere, calculate the volume and surface area of sphere.
Just like a circle, which geometrically is a two-dimensional object, a sphere is defined mathematically as the set of points that are all at the same distance r from a given point, but in three-dimensional space. This distance r is the radius of the sphere, and the given point is the center of the sphere. 
For a given surface area, the sphere is the one solid that has the greatest volume. This why it appears in nature so much, such as water drops, bubbles and planets etc.
Volume Of Sphere: 
The number of cubic units that will exactly fill a sphere or the storage capacity of sphere. We can calculate the volume of sphere by using formula: 

Volume Of Sphere

Surface Area Of Sphere: 
The surface area of a sphere object is a measure of the total area that the surface of the sphere occupies. We can calculate the volume of sphere by using formula: 

Surface area Of Sphere

Examples : 

Input  : Radius Of Sphere = 5
Output : Volume    Of    Sphere :  523.5987755982989
         Surface Area Of Sphere :  314.1592653589793
         Volume =( 4/3 ) * 3.14159 * 5 * 5 * 5 = 523.598
         Surface Area = 4 * 3.14159 * 5 * 5 =314.159

Input  : Radius Of Sphere = 12
Output : Volume    Of    Sphere :  7238.229473870883
         Surface Area Of Sphere :  1809.5573684677208




// CPP program to calculate Volume and 
// Surface area of Sphere
using namespace std;
// Initializing Value Of PI
float pi = 3.14159;
// Function To Calculate Volume Of Sphere
float volume(float r)
    float vol;
    vol = (float(4) / float(3)) * pi * r * r * r;
    return vol;
// Function To Calculate Surface Area of Sphere
float surface_area(float r)
    float sur_ar;
    sur_ar = 4 * pi * r * r;
    return sur_ar;
// Driver Function
int main()
    float radius = 12;
    float vol, sur_area;
    // Function Call
    vol = volume(radius);
    sur_area = surface_area(radius);
    // Printing Value Of Volume And Surface Area
    cout << "Volume Of Sphere :" << vol << endl;
    cout << "Surface Area Of Sphere :" << sur_area << endl;
    return 0;


// Java program to calculate Volume and
// Surface area of Sphere
class GFG {
// Initializing Value Of PI
static float pi = 3.14159f;
// Function To Calculate Volume Of Sphere
static float volume(float r)
    float vol;
    vol = ((float)4 / (float)3) * (pi * r * r * r);
    return vol;
// Function To Calculate Surface Area of Sphere
static float surface_area(float r) {
    float sur_ar;
    sur_ar = 4 * pi * r * r;
    return sur_ar;
// Driver Function
public static void main(String[] args) 
    float radius = 12;
    float vol, sur_area;
    // Function Call
    vol = volume(radius);
    sur_area = surface_area(radius);
    // Printing Value Of Volume And Surface Area
    System.out.println("Volume Of Sphere :" + vol);
    System.out.println("Surface Area Of Sphere :" + sur_area);
// This code is contributed by Anant Agarwal.


''' Python3 program to calculate Volume and 
Surface area of Sphere'''
# Importing Math library for value Of PI
import math
pi = math.pi
# Function to calculate Volume of Sphere
def volume(r):
    vol = (4 / 3) * pi * r * r * r
    return vol
# Function To Calculate Surface Area of Sphere
def surfacearea(r):
    sur_ar = 4 * pi * r * r
    return sur_ar
# Driver Code
radius = float(12)
print( "Volume Of Sphere : ", volume(radius) )
print( "Surface Area Of Sphere : ", surfacearea(radius) )


// C# program to calculate Volume and
// Surface area of Sphere
using System;
class GFG {
    // Initializing Value Of PI
    static float pi = 3.14159f;
    // Function To Calculate Volume
    // Of Sphere
    static float volume(float r)
        float vol;
        vol = ((float)4 / (float)3) * 
                           (pi * r * r * r);
        return vol;
    // Function To Calculate Surface Area 
    // of Sphere
    static float surface_area(float r) {
        float sur_ar;
        sur_ar = 4 * pi * r * r;
        return sur_ar;
    // Driver Function
    public static void Main() 
        float radius = 12;
        float vol, sur_area;
        // Function Call
        vol = volume(radius);
        sur_area = surface_area(radius);
        // Printing Value Of Volume And 
        // Surface Area
        Console.WriteLine("Volume Of Sphere :"
                                        + vol);
        Console.WriteLine("Surface Area Of " 
                      + "Sphere :" + sur_area);
// This code is contributed by vt_m.


// PHP program to calculate Volume 
// and Surface area of Sphere
// Function To Calculate 
// Volume Of Sphere
function volume( $r)
    $pi = 3.14159;
    $vol = (4 / 3) * $pi * $r * $r * $r;
    return $vol;
// Function To Calculate 
// Surface Area of Sphere
function surface_area( $r)
    $pi = 3.14159;
    $sur_ar = 4 * $pi * $r * $r;
    return $sur_ar;
// Driver Code
$radius = 12;
$vol; $sur_area;
// Function Call
$vol = volume($radius);
$sur_area = surface_area($radius);
// Printing Value Of 
// Volume And Surface Area
echo ("Volume Of Sphere : " );
echo( " \nSurface Area Of Sphere :");
echo( $sur_area);
// This code is contributed by vt_m.


// javascript program to calculate Volume and 
// Surface area of Sphere
// Initializing Value Of PI
const pi = 3.14159;
// Function To Calculate Volume Of Sphere
function volume( r)
    let vol;
    vol = ((4) / (3)) * pi * r * r * r;
    return vol;
// Function To Calculate Surface Area of Sphere
function surface_area( r)
    let sur_ar;
    sur_ar = 4 * pi * r * r;
    return sur_ar;
// Driver Function
    let radius = 12;
    let vol, sur_area;
    // Function Call
    vol = volume(radius).toFixed(2);
    sur_area = surface_area(radius).toFixed(2);
    // Printing Value Of Volume And Surface Area
    document.write( "Volume Of Sphere :" + vol +"<br/>");
    document.write( "Surface Area Of Sphere :" + sur_area + "<br/>");
    // This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji 

Output : 

Volume Of Sphere :7238.22
Surface Area Of Sphere :1809.56

Time complexity : O(1) 
Auxiliary Space : O(1) 

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