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C Quiz - 107

Question 1

Suppose a, b, c and d are int variables. For ternary operator in C ( ? : ), pick the best statement.
  • a>b ? : ; is valid statement i.e. 2nd and 3rd operands can be empty and they are implicitly replaced with non-zero value at run-time.
  • a>b ? c=10 : d=10; is valid statement. Based on the value of a and b, either c or d gets assigned the value of 10.
  • a>b ? (c=10,d=20) : (c=20,d=10); is valid statement. Based on the value of a and b, either c=10,d=20 gets executed or c=20,d=10 gets executed.
  • All of the above are valid statements for ternary operator.

Question 2

Which of the followings is correct for a function definition along with storage-class specifier in C language?
  • int fun(auto int arg)
  • int fun(static int arg)
  • int fun(register int arg)
  • int fun(extern int arg)
  • All of the above are correct.

Question 3

In a C program snippet, followings are used for definition of Integer variables? C
  signed s;
  unsigned u;
  long l;
  long long ll;
Pick the best statement for these.
  • All of the above variable definitions are incorrect because basic data type int is missing.
  • All of the above variable definitions are correct because int is implicitly assumed in all of these.
  • Only “long l;” and “long long ll;” are valid definitions of variables.
  • Only “unsigned u;” is valid definition of variable.

Question 4

Pick the correct statement for const and volatile.
  • const is the opposite of volatile and vice versa.
  • const and volatile can’t be used for struct and union.
  • const and volatile can’t be used for enum.
  • const and volatile can’t be used for typedef.
  • const and volatile are independent i.e. it’s possible that a variable is defined as both const and volatile.

Question 5

For the following declaration of a function in C, pick the best statement 

int [] fun(void (*fptr)(int *));
  • It will result in compile error.

  • No compile error. fun is a function which takes a function pointer fptr as argument and return an array of int.

  • No compile error. fun is a function which takes a function pointer fptr as argument and returns an array of int. Also, fptr is a function pointer which takes int pointer as argument and returns void.

  • No compile error. fun is a function which takes a function pointer fptr as argument and returns an array of int. The array of int depends on the body of fun i.e. what size array is returned. Also, fptr is a function pointer which takes int pointer as argument and returns void.

There are 5 questions to complete.

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