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Basic Input / Output in C++

C++ comes with libraries that provide us with many ways for performing input and output. In C++ input and output are performed in the form of a sequence of bytes or more commonly known as streams.

Header files available in C++ for Input/Output operations are: 

  1. iostream: iostream stands for standard input-output stream. This header file contains definitions of objects like cin, cout, cerr, etc.
  2. iomanip: iomanip stands for input-output manipulators. The methods declared in these files are used for manipulating streams. This file contains definitions of setw, setprecision, etc.
  3. fstream: This header file mainly describes the file stream. This header file is used to handle the data being read from a file as input or data being written into the file as output.
  4. bits/stdc++: This header file includes every standard library. In programming contests, using this file is a good idea, when you want to reduce the time wasted in doing chores; especially when your rank is time sensitive. To know more about this header file refer this article.

In C++ after the header files, we often use ‘using namespace std;‘. The reason behind it is that all of the standard library definitions are inside the namespace std. As the library functions are not defined at global scope, so in order to use them we use namespace std. So, that we don’t need to write STD:: at every line (eg. STD::cout etc.). To know more refer this article.

The two instances cout in C++ and cin in C++ of iostream class are used very often for printing outputs and taking inputs respectively. These two are the most basic methods of taking input and printing output in C++. To use cin and cout in C++ one must include the header file iostream in the program.

This article mainly discusses the objects defined in the header file iostream like the cin and cout.  

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    char sample[] = "GeeksforGeeks";
    cout << sample << " - A computer science portal for geeks";
    return 0;


GeeksforGeeks - A computer science portal for geeks

Time Complexity: O(1)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

In the above program, the insertion operator(<<) inserts the value of the string variable sample followed by the string “A computer science portal for geeks” in the standard output stream cout which is then displayed on the screen.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int age;
    cout << "Enter your age:";
    cin >> age;
    cout << "\nYour age is: " << age;
    return 0;

Input : 



Enter your age:
Your age is: 18

Time Complexity: O(1)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

The above program asks the user to input the age. The object cin is connected to the input device. The age entered by the user is extracted from cin using the extraction operator(>>) and the extracted data is then stored in the variable age present on the right side of the extraction operator.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    cerr << "An error occurred";
    return 0;


An error occurred

Time Complexity: O(1)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    clog << "An error occurred";
    return 0;


An error occurred

Time Complexity: O(1)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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