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Articulation Points (or Cut Vertices) in a Graph

A vertex v is an articulation point (also called cut vertex) if removing v increases the number of connected components.

Articulation points represent vulnerabilities in a connected network – single points whose failure would split the network into 2 or more components. They are useful for designing reliable networks.



Articulation Point

In the above graph vertex 3 and 4 are Articulation Points since the removal of vertex 3 (or 4) along with its associated edges makes the graph disconnected.


Naive approach to find Articulation Points (or Cut Vertices) in a Graph:

A simple approach is to one by one remove all vertices and see if removal of a vertex causes disconnected graph.

Following the below steps to Implement the idea:

Below is the implementation of above approach:

// C++ program to find articulation points in an undirected
// graph
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// A recursive function to traverse the graph without
// considering the ith vertex and its associated edges
void dfs(vector<int> adj[], int V, vector<int>& vis,
         int i, int curr)
    vis[curr] = 1;
    for (auto x : adj[curr]) {
        if (x != i) {
            if (!vis[x]) {
                dfs(adj, V, vis, i, x);

// Function to find Articulation Points in the graph
void AP(vector<int> adj[], int V)

    // Iterating over all the vertices and for each vertex i
    // remove the vertex and check whether the graph remains
    // connected.
    for (int i = 1; i <= V; i++) {

        // To keep track of number of components of graph
        int components = 0;

        // To keep track of visited vertices
        vector<int> vis(V + 1, 0);

        // Iterating over the graph after removing vertex i
        // and its associated edges
        for (int j = 1; j <= V; j++) {
            if (j != i) {

                // If the jth vertex is not visited it will
                // form a new component.
                if (!vis[j]) {

                    // Increasing the number of components.

                    // dfs call for the jth vertex
                    dfs(adj, V, vis, i, j);
        // If number of components is more than 1 after
        // removing the ith vertex then vertex i is an
        // articulation point.
        if (components > 1) {
            cout << i << "\n";

// Utility function to add an edge
void addEdge(vector<int> adj[], int u, int v)

// Driver Code
int main()
    // Create graphs given in above diagrams
    cout << "Articulation points in the graph \n";
    int V = 5;
    vector<int> adj1[V + 1];
    addEdge(adj1, 1, 2);
    addEdge(adj1, 2, 3);
    addEdge(adj1, 1, 3);
    addEdge(adj1, 3, 4);
    addEdge(adj1, 4, 5);
    AP(adj1, V);

    return 0;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class GFG {
    // A recursive function to traverse the graph without
    // considering the ith vertex and its associated edges
    static void dfs(List<Integer>[] adj, int V, List<Integer> vis,
                    int i, int curr) {
        vis.set(curr, 1);
        for (int x : adj[curr]) {
            if (x != i) {
                if (vis.get(x) == 0) {
                    dfs(adj, V, vis, i, x);

    // Function to find Articulation Points in the graph
    static void AP(List<Integer>[] adj, int V) {

        // Iterating over all the vertices and for each vertex i
        // remove the vertex and check whether the graph remains
        // connected.
        for (int i = 1; i <= V; i++) {

            // To keep track of number of components of graph
            int components = 0;

            // To keep track of visited vertices
            List<Integer> vis = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int j = 0; j <= V; j++) {

            // Iterating over the graph after removing vertex i
            // and its associated edges
            for (int j = 1; j <= V; j++) {
                if (j != i) {

                    // If the jth vertex is not visited it will
                    // form a new component.
                    if (vis.get(j) == 0) {

                        // Increasing the number of components.

                        // dfs call for the jth vertex
                        dfs(adj, V, vis, i, j);
            // If number of components is more than 1 after
            // removing the ith vertex then vertex i is an
            // articulation point.
            if (components > 1) {

    // Utility function to add an edge
    static void addEdge(List<Integer>[] adj, int u, int v) {

    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create graphs given in above diagrams
        System.out.println("Articulation points in the graph ");
        int V = 5;
        List<Integer>[] adj1 = new ArrayList[V + 1];
        for (int i = 0; i <= V; i++) {
            adj1[i] = new ArrayList<>();
        addEdge(adj1, 1, 2);
        addEdge(adj1, 2, 3);
        addEdge(adj1, 1, 3);
        addEdge(adj1, 3, 4);
        addEdge(adj1, 4, 5);
        AP(adj1, V);

// This code is contributed by shivamgupta310570
# A recursive function to traverse the graph without
# considering the ith vertex and its associated edges
def dfs(adj, V, vis, i, curr):
    vis[curr] = 1
    for x in adj[curr]:
        if x != i and not vis[x]:
            dfs(adj, V, vis, i, x)

# Function to find Articulation Points in the graph
def AP(adj, V):
    for i in range(1, V + 1):

        # To keep track of number of components of graph
        components = 0

        # To keep track of visited vertices
        vis = [0] * (V + 1)

        # Iterating over the graph after removing vertex i
        # and its associated edges
        for j in range(1, V + 1):
            if j != i:

                # If the jth vertex is not visited, it will
                # form a new component.
                if not vis[j]:

                    # Increasing the number of components.
                    components += 1

                    # dfs call for the jth vertex
                    dfs(adj, V, vis, i, j)

        # If number of components is more than 1 after
        # removing the ith vertex then vertex i is an
        # articulation point.
        if components > 1:

# Utility function to add an edge
def addEdge(adj, u, v):

# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create graphs given in above diagrams
    print("Articulation points in the graph")
    V = 5
    adj1 = [[] for _ in range(V + 1)]
    addEdge(adj1, 1, 2)
    addEdge(adj1, 2, 3)
    addEdge(adj1, 1, 3)
    addEdge(adj1, 3, 4)
    addEdge(adj1, 4, 5)
    AP(adj1, V)

 # This code is contributed by shivamgupta310570
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program {
    // A recursive function to traverse the graph without
    // considering the ith vertex and its associated edges
    static void Dfs(List<int>[] adj, int V, int[] vis,
                    int i, int curr)
        vis[curr] = 1;
        foreach(var x in adj[curr])
            if (x != i) {
                if (vis[x] == 0) {
                    Dfs(adj, V, vis, i, x);

    // Function to find Articulation Points in the graph
    static void AP(List<int>[] adj, int V)
        // Iterating over all the vertices and for each
        // vertex i remove the vertex and check whether the
        // graph remains connected.
        for (int i = 1; i <= V; i++) {
            // To keep track of number of components of
            // graph
            int components = 0;

            // To keep track of visited vertices
            int[] vis = new int[V + 1];

            // Iterating over the graph after removing
            // vertex i and its associated edges
            for (int j = 1; j <= V; j++) {
                if (j != i) {
                    // If the jth vertex is not visited it
                    // will form a new component.
                    if (vis[j] == 0) {
                        // Increasing the number of
                        // components.

                        // dfs call for the jth vertex
                        Dfs(adj, V, vis, i, j);

            // If the number of components is more than 1
            // after removing the ith vertex, then vertex i
            // is an articulation point.
            if (components > 1) {

    // Utility function to add an edge
    static void AddEdge(List<int>[] adj, int u, int v)

    // Driver Code
    static void Main()
        // Create graphs given in above diagrams
            "Articulation points in the graph:");
        int V = 5;
        List<int>[] adj1 = new List<int>[ V + 1 ];
        for (int i = 0; i <= V; i++) {
            adj1[i] = new List<int>();

        AddEdge(adj1, 1, 2);
        AddEdge(adj1, 2, 3);
        AddEdge(adj1, 1, 3);
        AddEdge(adj1, 3, 4);
        AddEdge(adj1, 4, 5);
        AP(adj1, V);
// A recursive function to traverse the graph without
// considering the ith vertex and its associated edges
function dfs(adj, V, vis, i, curr) {
    vis[curr] = 1;
    for (let x of adj[curr]) {
        if (x !== i) {
            if (!vis[x]) {
                dfs(adj, V, vis, i, x);

// Function to find Articulation Points in the graph
function findArticulationPoints(adj, V) {
    for (let i = 1; i <= V; i++) {
        let components = 0;
        const vis = new Array(V + 1).fill(0);

        for (let j = 1; j <= V; j++) {
            if (j !== i) {
                if (!vis[j]) {
                    dfs(adj, V, vis, i, j);

        if (components > 1) {

// Utility function to add an edge
function addEdge(adj, u, v) {

// Driver Code
console.log("Articulation points in the graph");
const V = 5;
const adj1 = new Array(V + 1).fill().map(() => []);
addEdge(adj1, 1, 2);
addEdge(adj1, 2, 3);
addEdge(adj1, 1, 3);
addEdge(adj1, 3, 4);
addEdge(adj1, 4, 5);
findArticulationPoints(adj1, V);

// This code is contributed by shivamgupta310570

Articulation points in the graph 

Time Complexity: O(V*(V+E)) for a graph represented using an adjacency list.
Auxiliary Space: O(V+E)

Finding Articulation Points (or Cut Vertices) in a Graph using Tarjan’s Algorithm

The idea is to use DFS (Depth First Search). In DFS, follow vertices in a tree form called the DFS tree. In the DFS tree, a vertex u is the parent of another vertex v, if v is discovered by u

In DFS tree, a vertex u is an articulation point if one of the following two conditions is true. 

  • u is the root of the DFS tree and it has at least two children. 
  • u is not the root of the DFS tree and it has a child v such that no vertex in the subtree rooted with v has a back edge to one of the ancestors in DFS tree of u.


Let's consider the following graph:


For the vertex 3 (which is not the root), vertex 4 is the child of vertex 3. No vertex in the subtree rooted at vertex 4 has a back edge to one of ancestors of vertex 3. Thus on removal of vertex 3 and its associated edges the graph will get disconnected or the number of components in the graph will increase as the subtree rooted at vertex 4 will form a separate component. Hence vertex 3 is an articulation point.

Now consider the following graph:

Again the vertex 4 is the child of vertex 3. For the subtree rooted at vertex 4, vertex 7 in this subtree has a back edge to one of the ancestors of vertex 3 (which is vertex 1). Thus this subtree will not get disconnected on the removal of vertex 3 because of this back edge. Since there is no child v of vertex 3, such that subtree rooted at vertex v does not have a back edge to one of the ancestors of vertex 3. Hence vertex 3 is not an articulation point in this case.

Follow the below steps to Implement the idea:

Below is the Implementation of the above approach:

// C++ program to find articulation points in an undirected graph
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// A recursive function that find articulation 
// points using DFS traversal
// adj[] --> Adjacency List representation of the graph
// u --> The vertex to be visited next
// visited[] --> keeps track of visited vertices
// disc[] --> Stores discovery times of visited vertices
// low[] -- >> earliest visited vertex (the vertex with minimum
// discovery time) that can be reached from subtree
// rooted with current vertex
// parent --> Stores the parent vertex in DFS tree
// isAP[] --> Stores articulation points
void APUtil(vector<int> adj[], int u, bool visited[],
            int disc[], int low[], int& time, int parent,
            bool isAP[])
    // Count of children in DFS Tree
    int children = 0;

    // Mark the current node as visited
    visited[u] = true;

    // Initialize discovery time and low value
    disc[u] = low[u] = ++time;

    // Go through all vertices adjacent to this
    for (auto v : adj[u]) {
        // If v is not visited yet, then make it a child of u
        // in DFS tree and recur for it
        if (!visited[v]) {
            APUtil(adj, v, visited, disc, low, time, u, isAP);

            // Check if the subtree rooted with v has
            // a connection to one of the ancestors of u
            low[u] = min(low[u], low[v]);

            // If u is not root and low value of one of
            // its child is more than discovery value of u.
            if (parent != -1 && low[v] >= disc[u])
                isAP[u] = true;

        // Update low value of u for parent function calls.
        else if (v != parent)
            low[u] = min(low[u], disc[v]);

    // If u is root of DFS tree and has two or more children.
    if (parent == -1 && children > 1)
        isAP[u] = true;

void AP(vector<int> adj[], int V)
    int disc[V] = { 0 };
    int low[V];
    bool visited[V] = { false };
    bool isAP[V] = { false };
    int time = 0, par = -1;

    // Adding this loop so that the
    // code works even if we are given
    // disconnected graph
    for (int u = 0; u < V; u++)
        if (!visited[u])
            APUtil(adj, u, visited, disc, low,
                   time, par, isAP);

    // Printing the APs
    for (int u = 0; u < V; u++)
        if (isAP[u] == true)
            cout << u << " ";

// Utility function to add an edge
void addEdge(vector<int> adj[], int u, int v)

int main()
    // Create graphs given in above diagrams
    cout << "Articulation points in first graph \n";
    int V = 5;
    vector<int> adj1[V];
    addEdge(adj1, 1, 0);
    addEdge(adj1, 0, 2);
    addEdge(adj1, 2, 1);
    addEdge(adj1, 0, 3);
    addEdge(adj1, 3, 4);
    AP(adj1, V);

    cout << "\nArticulation points in second graph \n";
    V = 4;
    vector<int> adj2[V];
    addEdge(adj2, 0, 1);
    addEdge(adj2, 1, 2);
    addEdge(adj2, 2, 3);
    AP(adj2, V);

    cout << "\nArticulation points in third graph \n";
    V = 7;
    vector<int> adj3[V];
    addEdge(adj3, 0, 1);
    addEdge(adj3, 1, 2);
    addEdge(adj3, 2, 0);
    addEdge(adj3, 1, 3);
    addEdge(adj3, 1, 4);
    addEdge(adj3, 1, 6);
    addEdge(adj3, 3, 5);
    addEdge(adj3, 4, 5);
    AP(adj3, V);

    return 0;
// A Java program to find articulation 
// points in an undirected graph
import java.util.*;

class Graph {

    static int time;

    static void addEdge(ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> > adj, int u, int v)

    static void APUtil(ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> > adj, int u,
                       boolean visited[], int disc[], int low[],
                       int parent, boolean isAP[])
        // Count of children in DFS Tree
        int children = 0;

        // Mark the current node as visited
        visited[u] = true;

        // Initialize discovery time and low value
        disc[u] = low[u] = ++time;

        // Go through all vertices adjacent to this
        for (Integer v : adj.get(u)) {
            // If v is not visited yet, then make it a child of u
            // in DFS tree and recur for it
            if (!visited[v]) {
                APUtil(adj, v, visited, disc, low, u, isAP);

                // Check if the subtree rooted with v has
                // a connection to one of the ancestors of u
                low[u] = Math.min(low[u], low[v]);

                // If u is not root and low value of one of
                // its child is more than discovery value of u.
                if (parent != -1 && low[v] >= disc[u])
                    isAP[u] = true;

            // Update low value of u for parent function calls.
            else if (v != parent)
                low[u] = Math.min(low[u], disc[v]);

        // If u is root of DFS tree and has two or more children.
        if (parent == -1 && children > 1)
            isAP[u] = true;

    static void AP(ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> > adj, int V)
        boolean[] visited = new boolean[V];
        int[] disc = new int[V];
        int[] low = new int[V];
        boolean[] isAP = new boolean[V];
        int time = 0, par = -1;

        // Adding this loop so that the
        // code works even if we are given
        // disconnected graph
        for (int u = 0; u < V; u++)
            if (visited[u] == false)
                APUtil(adj, u, visited, disc, low, par, isAP);

        for (int u = 0; u < V; u++)
            if (isAP[u] == true)
                System.out.print(u + " ");

    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Creating first example graph
        int V = 5;
        ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> > adj1 = 
                         new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> >(V);
        for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
            adj1.add(new ArrayList<Integer>());
        addEdge(adj1, 1, 0);
        addEdge(adj1, 0, 2);
        addEdge(adj1, 2, 1);
        addEdge(adj1, 0, 3);
        addEdge(adj1, 3, 4);
        System.out.println("Articulation points in first graph");
        AP(adj1, V);

        // Creating second example graph
        V = 4;
        ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> > adj2 = 
                         new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> >(V);
        for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
            adj2.add(new ArrayList<Integer>());

        addEdge(adj2, 0, 1);
        addEdge(adj2, 1, 2);
        addEdge(adj2, 2, 3);

        System.out.println("Articulation points in second graph");
        AP(adj2, V);

        // Creating third example graph
        V = 7;
        ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> > adj3 = 
                            new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> >(V);
        for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
            adj3.add(new ArrayList<Integer>());

        addEdge(adj3, 0, 1);
        addEdge(adj3, 1, 2);
        addEdge(adj3, 2, 0);
        addEdge(adj3, 1, 3);
        addEdge(adj3, 1, 4);
        addEdge(adj3, 1, 6);
        addEdge(adj3, 3, 5);
        addEdge(adj3, 4, 5);

        System.out.println("Articulation points in third graph");

        AP(adj3, V);
# Python program to find articulation points in an undirected graph
from collections import defaultdict
# This class represents an undirected graph 
# using adjacency list representation
class Graph:
    def __init__(self, vertices):
        self.V = vertices # No. of vertices
        self.graph = defaultdict(list) # default dictionary to store graph
        self.Time = 0
    # function to add an edge to graph
    def addEdge(self, u, v):
    '''A recursive function that find articulation points 
    using DFS traversal
    u --> The vertex to be visited next
    visited[] --> keeps track of visited vertices
    disc[] --> Stores discovery times of visited vertices
    parent[] --> Stores parent vertices in DFS tree
    ap[] --> Store articulation points'''
    def APUtil(self, u, visited, ap, parent, low, disc):

        # Count of children in current node 
        children = 0

        # Mark the current node as visited and print it
        visited[u]= True

        # Initialize discovery time and low value
        disc[u] = self.Time
        low[u] = self.Time
        self.Time += 1

        # Recur for all the vertices adjacent to this vertex
        for v in self.graph[u]:
            # If v is not visited yet, then make it a child of u
            # in DFS tree and recur for it
            if visited[v] == False :
                parent[v] = u
                children += 1
                self.APUtil(v, visited, ap, parent, low, disc)

                # Check if the subtree rooted with v has a connection to
                # one of the ancestors of u
                low[u] = min(low[u], low[v])

                # u is an articulation point in following cases
                # (1) u is root of DFS tree and has two or more children.
                if parent[u] == -1 and children > 1:
                    ap[u] = True

                #(2) If u is not root and low value of one of its child is more
                # than discovery value of u.
                if parent[u] != -1 and low[v] >= disc[u]:
                    ap[u] = True    
                # Update low value of u for parent function calls    
            elif v != parent[u]: 
                low[u] = min(low[u], disc[v])

    # The function to do DFS traversal. It uses recursive APUtil()
    def AP(self):
        # Mark all the vertices as not visited 
        # and Initialize parent and visited, 
        # and ap(articulation point) arrays
        visited = [False] * (self.V)
        disc = [float("Inf")] * (self.V)
        low = [float("Inf")] * (self.V)
        parent = [-1] * (self.V)
        ap = [False] * (self.V) # To store articulation points

        # Call the recursive helper function
        # to find articulation points
        # in DFS tree rooted with vertex 'i'
        for i in range(self.V):
            if visited[i] == False:
                self.APUtil(i, visited, ap, parent, low, disc)

        for index, value in enumerate (ap):
            if value == True: print (index,end=" ")

 # Create a graph given in the above diagram
g1 = Graph(5)
g1.addEdge(1, 0)
g1.addEdge(0, 2)
g1.addEdge(2, 1)
g1.addEdge(0, 3)
g1.addEdge(3, 4)
print ("\nArticulation points in first graph ")

g2 = Graph(4)
g2.addEdge(0, 1)
g2.addEdge(1, 2)
g2.addEdge(2, 3)
print ("\nArticulation points in second graph ")

g3 = Graph (7)
g3.addEdge(0, 1)
g3.addEdge(1, 2)
g3.addEdge(2, 0)
g3.addEdge(1, 3)
g3.addEdge(1, 4)
g3.addEdge(1, 6)
g3.addEdge(3, 5)
g3.addEdge(4, 5)
print ("\nArticulation points in third graph ")

# This code is contributed by Neelam Yadav
// A C# program to find articulation
// points in an undirected graph
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

// This class represents an undirected graph
// using adjacency list representation
public class Graph {
    private int V; // No. of vertices

    // Array of lists for Adjacency List Representation
    private List<int>[] adj;
    int time = 0;
    static readonly int NIL = -1;

    // Constructor
    Graph(int v)
        V = v;
        adj = new List<int>[v];
        for (int i = 0; i < v; ++i)
            adj[i] = new List<int>();

    // Function to add an edge into the graph
    void addEdge(int v, int w)
        adj[v].Add(w); // Add w to v's list.
        adj[w].Add(v); // Add v to w's list

    // A recursive function that find articulation points using DFS
    // u --> The vertex to be visited next
    // visited[] --> keeps track of visited vertices
    // disc[] --> Stores discovery times of visited vertices
    // parent[] --> Stores parent vertices in DFS tree
    // ap[] --> Store articulation points
    void APUtil(int u, bool[] visited, int[] disc,
                int[] low, int[] parent, bool[] ap)

        // Count of children in DFS Tree
        int children = 0;

        // Mark the current node as visited
        visited[u] = true;

        // Initialize discovery time and low value
        disc[u] = low[u] = ++time;

        // Go through all vertices adjacent to this
        foreach(int i in adj[u])
            int v = i; // v is current adjacent of u

            // If v is not visited yet, then make it a child of u
            // in DFS tree and recur for it
            if (!visited[v]) {
                parent[v] = u;
                APUtil(v, visited, disc, low, parent, ap);

                // Check if the subtree rooted with v has
                // a connection to one of the ancestors of u
                low[u] = Math.Min(low[u], low[v]);

                // u is an articulation point in following cases

                // (1) u is root of DFS tree and has two or more children.
                if (parent[u] == NIL && children > 1)
                    ap[u] = true;

                // (2) If u is not root and low value of one of its child
                // is more than discovery value of u.
                if (parent[u] != NIL && low[v] >= disc[u])
                    ap[u] = true;

            // Update low value of u for parent function calls.
            else if (v != parent[u])
                low[u] = Math.Min(low[u], disc[v]);

    // The function to do DFS traversal.
    // It uses recursive function APUtil()
    void AP()
        // Mark all the vertices as not visited
        bool[] visited = new bool[V];
        int[] disc = new int[V];
        int[] low = new int[V];
        int[] parent = new int[V];
        bool[] ap = new bool[V]; // To store articulation points

        // Initialize parent and visited, and
        // ap(articulation point) arrays
        for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) {
            parent[i] = NIL;
            visited[i] = false;
            ap[i] = false;

        // Call the recursive helper function to find articulation
        // points in DFS tree rooted with vertex 'i'
        for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
            if (visited[i] == false)
                APUtil(i, visited, disc, low, parent, ap);

        // Now ap[] contains articulation points, print them
        for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
            if (ap[i] == true)
                Console.Write(i + " ");

    // Driver method
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        // Create graphs given in above diagrams
        Console.WriteLine("Articulation points in first graph ");
        Graph g1 = new Graph(5);
        g1.addEdge(1, 0);
        g1.addEdge(0, 2);
        g1.addEdge(2, 1);
        g1.addEdge(0, 3);
        g1.addEdge(3, 4);

        Console.WriteLine("Articulation points in Second graph");
        Graph g2 = new Graph(4);
        g2.addEdge(0, 1);
        g2.addEdge(1, 2);
        g2.addEdge(2, 3);

        Console.WriteLine("Articulation points in Third graph ");
        Graph g3 = new Graph(7);
        g3.addEdge(0, 1);
        g3.addEdge(1, 2);
        g3.addEdge(2, 0);
        g3.addEdge(1, 3);
        g3.addEdge(1, 4);
        g3.addEdge(1, 6);
        g3.addEdge(3, 5);
        g3.addEdge(4, 5);

// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992
// A Javascript program to find articulation points in an undirected graph

// This class represents an undirected graph using adjacency list
// representation
class Graph
    // Constructor
        this.V = v;
        this.adj = new Array(v);
        this.NIL = -1;
        this.time = 0;
        for (let i=0; i<v; ++i)
            this.adj[i] = [];
    //Function to add an edge into the graph
    addEdge(v, w)
        this.adj[v].push(w);  // Add w to v's list.
        this.adj[w].push(v);    //Add v to w's list
    // A recursive function that find articulation points using DFS
    // u --> The vertex to be visited next
    // visited[] --> keeps track of visited vertices
    // disc[] --> Stores discovery times of visited vertices
    // parent[] --> Stores parent vertices in DFS tree
    // ap[] --> Store articulation points
    APUtil(u, visited, disc, low, parent, ap)
        // Count of children in DFS Tree
        let children = 0;
        // Mark the current node as visited
        visited[u] = true;
        // Initialize discovery time and low value
        disc[u] = low[u] = ++this.time;
        // Go through all vertices adjacent to this
        for(let i of this.adj[u])
            let v = i;  // v is current adjacent of u
            // If v is not visited yet, then make it a child of u
            // in DFS tree and recur for it
            if (!visited[v])
                parent[v] = u;
                this.APUtil(v, visited, disc, low, parent, ap);
                // Check if the subtree rooted with v has a connection to
                // one of the ancestors of u
                low[u]  = Math.min(low[u], low[v]);
                // u is an articulation point in following cases
                // (1) u is root of DFS tree and has two or more children.
                if (parent[u] == this.NIL && children > 1)
                    ap[u] = true;
                // (2) If u is not root and low value of one of its child
                // is more than discovery value of u.
                if (parent[u] != this.NIL && low[v] >= disc[u])
                    ap[u] = true;
            // Update low value of u for parent function calls.
            else if (v != parent[u])
                low[u]  = Math.min(low[u], disc[v]);
    // The function to do DFS traversal. It uses recursive function APUtil()
        // Mark all the vertices as not visited
        let visited = new Array(this.V);
        let disc = new Array(this.V);
        let low = new Array(this.V);
        let parent = new Array(this.V);
        let ap = new Array(this.V); // To store articulation points
        // Initialize parent and visited, and ap(articulation point)
        // arrays
        for (let i = 0; i < this.V; i++)
            parent[i] = this.NIL;
            visited[i] = false;
            ap[i] = false;
        // Call the recursive helper function to find articulation
        // points in DFS tree rooted with vertex 'i'
        for (let i = 0; i < this.V; i++)
            if (visited[i] == false)
                this.APUtil(i, visited, disc, low, parent, ap);
        // Now ap[] contains articulation points, print them
        for (let i = 0; i < this.V; i++)
            if (ap[i] == true)
                document.write(i+" ");

// Driver method
// Create graphs given in above diagrams
document.write("Articulation points in first graph  <br>");
let g1 = new Graph(5);
g1.addEdge(1, 0);
g1.addEdge(0, 2);
g1.addEdge(2, 1);
g1.addEdge(0, 3);
g1.addEdge(3, 4);

document.write("Articulation points in Second graph <br>");
let g2 = new Graph(4);
g2.addEdge(0, 1);
g2.addEdge(1, 2);
g2.addEdge(2, 3);

document.write("Articulation points in Third graph  <br>");
let g3 = new Graph(7);
g3.addEdge(0, 1);
g3.addEdge(1, 2);
g3.addEdge(2, 0);
g3.addEdge(1, 3);
g3.addEdge(1, 4);
g3.addEdge(1, 6);
g3.addEdge(3, 5);
g3.addEdge(4, 5);

// This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155

Articulation points in first graph 
0 3 
Articulation points in second graph 
1 2 
Articulation points in third graph 

Time Complexity: O(V+E), For DFS it takes O(V+E) time.
Auxiliary Space: O(V+E), For visited array, adjacency list array. 

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