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Area and Perimeter of Rectangle in PL/SQL

Prerequisite PL/SQL introduction In PL/SQL code groups of commands are arranged within a block. A block group related declarations or statements. In declare part, we declare variables and between begin and end part, we perform the operations. Given the value of the length, breadth, and the task is to calculate the area and perimeter of the Rectangle. Examples:
Input: l = 2, b = 2
Output: Area = 4, Perimeter = 8

Input: l = 4, b = 8
Output: Area = 32, Perimeter=24
Mathematical Formula: Area of rectangle: Perimeter of rectangle: Below is the required implementation:
-- Declaration statement 
  -- Declaration of length and assigning values 
  l NUMBER(4, 2) := 3; 
  --Declaration of breadth and assigning values 
  b NUMBER(4, 2) := 7; 
  --Declaration of a variable for Area of rectangle 
  a NUMBER(4, 2); 
  --Declaration of a variable for perimeter 
  p NUMBER(4, 2); 
  -- calculate area and perimeter
  a := l * b; 
  p := 2 * (l + b); 
  --Display result 
  dbms_output.Put_line('Area of the rectangle is  ' 
  || a); 
  dbms_output.Put_line('Perimeter of the rectangle is ' 
  || p); 
--ENd program

Area of the rectangle is 21
Perimeter of the rectangle is 20
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