Last Updated : 26 Dec, 2018

Consider the same code as given in below question. The function print() receives root of a Binary Search Tree (BST) and a positive integer k as arguments.

// A BST node
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *left, *right;

int count = 0;

void print(struct node *root, int k)
    if (X)
        if (count == k)
          printf(\"%d \", root->data);
       print(root->left, k);

If function print() prints the kth largest element in BST, then what should be X and Y?
(A) X = root != NULL && count >= k and Y = root->right, k
(B) X = root != NULL && count <= k and Y = root->right
(C) X = root != NULL && count >= k and Y = root->right
(D) X = root != NULL && count <= k and Y = root->right, k

Answer: (D)

Explanation: To prints the kth largest element in BST:

// A BST node
struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *left, *right;

int count = 0;

void print(struct node *root, int k)
    if (root != NULL && count <= k)
        print(root->right, k);
        if (count == k)
          printf(\"%d \", root->data);
       print(root->left, k);

So, X = root != NULL && count <= k and Y = root->right, k are correct.

Option (D) is true.

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