Last Updated : 10 Dec, 2018

Jim and Carrey are living at a distance of 3000 km. There is a single direct link for communication with a bandwidth of 1 Gbps. Jim wants to send a message of 1 kilobyte to Carrey.
If X is propagation delay and Y is transmission delay. (Assume the propagation is fast as light i.e. 3 * 108 m/s). If units of X and Y are expressed in micro seconds then what is value of X Mod Y ?
(A) 6
(B) 4
(C) 2
(D) 0

Answer: (D)

Explanation: Since,

Propagation delay (X)
= Distance / propagation speed
= (3000 * 103 m) /  (3 * 108 m/s)
= 10000 microseconds 


Transmission delay (Y) 
= data size / bandwidth of link
= (103 * 8 bits) /  (109 bps)
= 8 * 10-6 seconds
= 8 microseconds 

Now, according to question,

= X Mod Y
= 10000 mod 8 
= 0 

So, option (D) is correct.

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