Last Updated : 27 Nov, 2018

Consider the following assumptions:

I. A⊕C = x
II. B⊕C = y
III. A⊕B⊕C = z 

It is given that A ⊕ B = C and ⊕ is exclusive-or operator, then determine the value of x⊕y⊕z ?
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) 0

Answer: (C)

Explanation: Since A⊕B = C and ⊕ is exclusive-or operator. So,

A⊕C = A⊕A⊕B = 0⊕B = B = x,
B⊕C = B⊕A⊕B = A⊕B⊕B = A⊕0 = A = y
A⊕B⊕C = C⊕C = 0 = z 


x⊕y⊕z = B⊕A⊕0 = C⊕0 = C 

So, option (C) is correct.

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