Last Updated : 20 Nov, 2018

Which of the following set of components is sufficient to implement any arbitrary Boolean function?

a) XOR gates, NOT gates

b) 2 to 1 multiplexers

c) AND gates, XOR gates, 1

d) Three-input gates that output (A.B)+C for the inputs A, B and C.
(A) a and d
(B) b and c
(C) c
(D) All a, b, c and d

Answer: (B)

Explanation: See: implimentation of logic gates using 2×1 Multiplexers. So 2×1 Multiplexers are sufficient to implement any Boolean function.

Similarly, we can also use {∧,⊕,⊤} (i.e., AND, XOR, and 1) to implement any Boolean functions.

So, option (B) is correct.

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