Last Updated : 19 Nov, 2018

In DMA transfer scheme, the transfer scheme other than burst mode is
(A) cycle technique
(B) stealing technique
(C) cycle stealing technique
(D) cycle bypass technique

Answer: (C)

Explanation: DMA uses several transfer modes to transfer the data from input-output devices to main memory and vice-versa.
Burst Mode
In Burst mode, DMA is given the complete access to the Bus until the data transfer is performed. During this entire period, no other device including the CPU can access the data bus. This mode facilitates the high speed transfer of data from memory to a device.

Cycle stealing technique
In cycle stealing mode, DMA periodically steals machine cycle from the processor without disturbing it. This is done by a system with separate instruction and data memory banks that allow external devices to access memory of the data bank while the CPU fetches instructions from the instruction bank and not letting the CPU utilization disturbed.

Option (C) is correct.

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