Last Updated : 15 Nov, 2018

In a △PQR, PQ = PR and QP produced to S such that PQ = PS. Find angle ∠QRS.
(A) 90°
(B) 75°
(C) 65°
(D) 60°

Answer: (A)

Explanation: \"\"

∠Q = ∠R = Θ

∠RPS = ∠Q + ∠R = 2Θ (Exterior angles always equals to sum of opposite interior angles)

△PSR is an isosceles triangle.

∠PRS + ∠PSR + ∠P = 180°


2∠PRS = 180° – 2Θ

∠PRS = 90° – Θ

∠QRS = Θ + 90° – Θ

∠QRS = 90°

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