Last Updated : 01 Nov, 2018

Which of the following option(s) is/are False?
(A) There is no relationship between TCP connection establishment and Timeout of Round trip time (RTT).
(B) Appropriate RTT estimation algorithm is used to set the timeout value of a TCP connection.
(C) Timeout value is set to more that twice the propagation delay from the sender to the receiver.
(D) None of above

Answer: (D)

Explanation: Option (A) is correct, because TCP connection established in 3 phase between SYN send and SYN received (SYN,SYN+ACK,ACK).

Option (B) is correct, because we have algorithms for dynamic time out timer calculation.

Option (C) is correct, because Time Out occurs after RTT completes and after final ACK comes. So, Time Out time must be more than RTT.

Option (D) is correct choice.

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