Last Updated : 31 Oct, 2018

If the bandwidth of a medium is 100 Mbps and round-trip time is 50 microseconds then calculate the sequence bits in Go Back N ARQ flow control policy is applied and frame size 100 bits has to be transfer.
(A) 5
(B) 6
(C) 7
(D) None of these

Answer: (B)

Explanation: Given,
Round trip time (RTT) = 50 microseconds = 50×10-6 sec
And, transmission time (Tx) = (data size) / (bandwidth) = 100 / (100 Mbps) = 100 / (100×106) = 1×10-6 sec

Therefore, sequence bits = log2{(RTT) / (Transmission time)} = {(50×10-6 sec) / (1×10-6 sec)}
Sequence bits = log2(50) = 5.64 ≈ 6 bits.
Take ceiling value for minimum.

So, option (B) is correct.

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