Last Updated : 30 Oct, 2018

Match the following List-I: Name of the scheduler with List-II: their respective job.

List-I List-II
(a) Long term scheduler (i) Creating and bringing the new process into the system
(b) Medium term Scheduler (ii) Decide scheduling of process into CPU from ready state
(c) Short term scheduler (iii) Handle the swapping of process

(A) (a) – (i), (b) – (ii), (c) – (iii)
(B) (a) – (ii), (b) – (iii), (c) – (i)
(C) (a) – (iii), (b) – (ii), (c) – (i)
(D) (a) – (i), (b) – (iii), (c) – (ii)

Answer: (D)

Explanation: Main task of Schedulers is to select the jobs to be submitted into the system and to decide which process to run. There are three types of Scheduler:

  1. Long-term scheduler is responsible for creating and bringing the new process into the system.
  2. Medium-term Scheduler Handles the swapping of the process.
  3. Short-term scheduler Decide to schedule the process into CPU from ready state.

So, option (D) is correct.

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