Flipkart Topics for Interview Preparation

    Easy Level

  1. Chocolate Distribution Problem
  2. Interesting Facts about Bitwise Operators in C
  3. Level Order Tree Traversal
  4. Sum of dependencies in a graph
  5. Find the middle of a given linked list in C and Java
  6. Add two numbers represented by linked lists | Set 1
  7. Breadth First Traversal or BFS for a Graph
  8. Count Inversions in an array | Set 1 (Using Merge Sort)
  9. Delete middle of linked list
  10. Design a stack that supports getMin() in O(1) time and O(1) extra space
  11. Dynamic Programming | Set 10 ( 0-1 Knapsack Problem)
  12. Evaluation of Expression Tree
  13. Print all possible words from phone digits
  14. Gold Mine Problem
  15. Greedy Algorithms | Set 1 (Activity Selection Problem)
  16. K-th Element of Two Sorted Arrays
  17. Level order traversal in spiral form
  18. Maximum width of a binary tree
  19. Merge two sorted linked lists
  20. Print a Binary Tree in Vertical Order | Set 1
  21. Print BST keys in the given range
  22. Print Left View of a Binary Tree
  23. Implement Queue using Stacks
  24. Reverse Level Order Traversal
  25. Search an element in a sorted and rotated array
  26. Serialize and Deserialize a Binary Tree
  27. Sliding Window Maximum (Maximum of all subarrays of size k)
  28. Stock Buy Sell to Maximize Profit
  29. The Celebrity Problem
  30. Union and Intersection of two Linked Lists
  31. Given an a

Medium Level

  1. Backtracking | Set 2 (Rat in a Maze)
  2. Bottom View of a Binary Tree
  3. How to print maximum number of 'A' using given four keys
  4. Connect nodes at same level
  5. Count number of binary strings without consecutive 1's
  6. Detect Cycle in a Directed Graph
  7. Detect cycle in an undirected graph
  8. Find the first non-repeating character from a stream of characters
  9. Flattening a Linked List
  10. Largest Sum Contiguous Subarray
  11. Multiply Large Numbers represented as Strings
  12. Snake and Ladder Problem
  13. Topological Sorting

Hard Level

  1. Backtracking | Set 7 (Sudoku)
  2. Implement LRU Cache

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